Name Description Size 1708
VRDisplay.cpp static 27759
VRDisplay.h In order to avoid leaking information related to the duration of the user's VR session, we re-base timestamps. mTimeStampOffset is added to the actual timestamp returned by the underlying VR platform API when returned through WebVR API's. 12411
VRDisplayEvent.cpp 2496
VRDisplayEvent.h 1953
VREventObserver.cpp This class is used by nsGlobalWindowInner to implement window.onvrdisplayactivate, window.onvrdisplaydeactivate, window.onvrdisplayconnected, window.onvrdisplaydisconnected, and window.onvrdisplaypresentchange. 5249
VREventObserver.h 1772
VRServiceTest.cpp 25307
VRServiceTest.h 8187
XRBoundedReferenceSpace.cpp 2997
XRBoundedReferenceSpace.h 1375
XRFrame.cpp 7236
XRFrame.h 1885
XRInputSource.cpp 14951
XRInputSource.h 2357
XRInputSourceArray.cpp 5533
XRInputSourceArray.h 1665
XRInputSpace.cpp 1321
XRInputSpace.h 915
XRNativeOrigin.h 889
XRNativeOriginFixed.cpp 602
XRNativeOriginFixed.h 895
XRNativeOriginLocal.cpp 1271
XRNativeOriginLocal.h 1034
XRNativeOriginLocalFloor.cpp 1652
XRNativeOriginLocalFloor.h 1129
XRNativeOriginTracker.cpp 985
XRNativeOriginTracker.h 944
XRNativeOriginViewer.cpp 1199
XRNativeOriginViewer.h 1023
XRPermissionRequest.cpp 2307
XRPermissionRequest.h Handles permission dialog management when requesting XR device access. 1224
XRPose.cpp 1346
XRPose.h 1400
XRReferenceSpace.cpp 1952
XRReferenceSpace.h 1496
XRRenderState.cpp 2788
XRRenderState.h 2183
XRRigidTransform.cpp static 5833
XRRigidTransform.h 2438
XRSession.cpp Maximum instances of XRFrame and XRViewerPose objects created in the pool. 18562
XRSession.h 5489
XRSpace.cpp 3076
XRSpace.h 1719
XRSystem.cpp 23306
XRSystem.h 6611
XRView.cpp 2556
XRView.h 1774
XRViewerPose.cpp 1629
XRViewerPose.h 1340
XRViewport.cpp 979
XRViewport.h 1280