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<title> Unit test file</title>
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<h1> Unit test file</h1>
Tests for effects.js
<!-- generated elements go in here -->
<div id="sandbox"></div>
<!-- Log output -->
<div id="testlog"> </div>
<div class="morphing blub" style="font-size:25px;color:#f00">Well</div>
<div class="morphing">You know</div>
<div id="blah" style="border:1px solid black;width:100px">Whoo-hoo!</div>
<div id="error_message">ERROR MESSAGE</div>
<div id="error_message_2">SECOND ERROR MESSAGE</div>
<div id="error_message_3" style="border:1px solid red; width:100px; color: #f00">THIRD ERROR MESSAGE</div>
<ul class="error-list" id="error_test_ul">
<li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,</li>
<li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</li>
<li>Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris</li>
<li>nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in</li>
<li>reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</li>
<div id="rotfl">ROTFL</div>
<!-- Tests follow -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8">
// <![CDATA[
var TAGS =
var COMBINED_RJS_EFFECTS = $w('fade appear blind_up blind_down puff switch_off '+
'drop_out shake slide_up slide_down pulsate squish fold grow shrink');
var tmp, tmp2;
new Test.Unit.Runner({
setup: function() { with (this) {
$('sandbox').innerHTML = "";
teardown: function() { with(this) {
// remove all queued effects
Effect.Queue.each(function(e) { e.cancel() });
testBackwardsCompat: function() { with(this) {
assertInstanceOf(Effect.Opacity, new Effect2.Fade('sandbox'));
testExceptionOnNonExistingElement: function() { with(this) {
function(){new Effect.Opacity('nothing-to-see-here')});
function(){new Effect.Move('nothing-to-see-here')});
function(){new Effect.Scale('nothing-to-see-here')});
function(){new Effect.Highlight('nothing-to-see-here')});
testEffectsQueue: function() { with(this) {
var e1 = new Effect.Highlight('sandbox');
var e2 = new Effect.Appear('sandbox');
assertEqual(2, Effect.Queue.effects.length);
tmp = 0;
Effect.Queue.each(function(e) { tmp++ });
assertEqual(2, tmp);
// the internal interval timer should be active
assertEqual(0, Effect.Queue.effects.length);
// should be inactive after all effects are removed from queue
// should be in e3,e1,e2 order
var e1 = new Effect.Highlight('sandbox');
var e2 = new Effect.Appear('sandbox',{queue:'end'});
var e3 = new Effect.Fade('sandbox',{queue:'front'});
assert(e2.startOn > e1.startOn);
assert(e3.startOn < e1.startOn);
assert(e3.startOn < e2.startOn);
assertEqual(3, Effect.Queue.effects.length);
Effect.Queue.each(function(e) { e.cancel() });
assertEqual(0, Effect.Queue.effects.length);
testScopedEffectsQueue: function() { with(this) {
var e1 = new Effect.Highlight('sandbox', {queue: {scope:'myscope'} } );
var e2 = new Effect.Appear('sandbox', {queue: {scope:'myscope'} } );
var e3 = new Effect.Highlight('sandbox', {queue: {scope:'secondscope'} } );
var e4 = new Effect.Appear('sandbox');
assertEqual(2, Effect.Queues.get('myscope').effects.length);
assertEqual(1, Effect.Queues.get('secondscope').effects.length);
assertEqual(1, Effect.Queues.get('global').effects.length);
assertEqual(Effect.Queue.effects.length, Effect.Queues.get('global').effects.length);
var tmp = 0;
Effect.Queues.get('myscope').effects.each(function(e) { tmp++ });
assertEqual(2, tmp);
// the internal interval timer should be active
e1.cancel(); e2.cancel(); e3.cancel(); e4.cancel();
assertEqual(0, Effect.Queues.get('myscope').effects.length);
assertEqual(0, Effect.Queues.get('secondscope').effects.length);
assertEqual(0, Effect.Queues.get('global').effects.length);
// should be inactive after all effects are removed from queues
// should be in e3 and e4 together and then e1,e2 order
var e1 = new Effect.Highlight('sandbox', {queue: {scope:'myscope'} } );
var e2 = new Effect.Appear('sandbox', {queue: {position: 'end', scope:'myscope'} } );
var e3 = new Effect.Fade('sandbox', {queue: {position: 'front', scope:'myscope'} } );
var e4 = new Effect.Appear('sandbox');
assert(e2.startOn > e1.startOn);
assert(e3.startOn < e1.startOn);
assert(e3.startOn < e2.startOn);
assert(e3.startOn = e4.startOn);
assertEqual(3, Effect.Queues.get('myscope').effects.length);
Effect.Queues.get('myscope').each(function(e) { e.cancel() });
assertEqual(0, Effect.Queues.get('myscope').effects.length);
Effect.Queues.get('global').each(function(e) { e.cancel() });
assertEqual(0, Effect.Queues.get('global').effects.length);
// should only allow the first two effects and ignore the third
var e1 = new Effect.Highlight('sandbox', {queue: {scope:'myscope', limit: 2} } );
var e2 = new Effect.Appear('sandbox', {queue: {position: 'end', scope:'myscope', limit: 2} } );
var e3 = new Effect.Fade('sandbox', {queue: {position: 'front', scope:'myscope', limit: 2} } );
assertEqual(2, Effect.Queues.get('myscope').effects.length);
testEffectMultiple: function() { with(this) {
// only direct child elements
assertEqual(3, Effect.Queue.effects.length);
Effect.Queue.each(function(e) { e.cancel() });
assertEqual(0, Effect.Queue.effects.length);
// call with array
assertEqual(2, Effect.Queue.effects.length);
testEffectTagifyText: function() { with(this) {
$('sandbox').innerHTML = "Blah<strong>bleb</strong> Blub";
assertEqual(3, $('sandbox').childNodes.length);
assertEqual(10, $('sandbox').childNodes.length);
Effect.multiple('sandbox', Effect.Fade);
assertEqual(10, Effect.Queue.effects.length);
// test if all combined effects correctly initialize themselves
testCombinedEffectsInitialize: function() { with(this) {
$('sandbox').innerHTML = "";
Builder.node('span','test'))); //some effects require a child element
// should work with new Effect.Blah syntax
var effect = new Effect[fx]('test_element');
assertEqual(0, effect.currentFrame);
// and without the 'new'
var effect = Effect[fx]('test_element');
assertEqual(0, effect.currentFrame);
// and, for visualEffect
assert($('test_element') == $('test_element').visualEffect(COMBINED_RJS_EFFECTS[idx]));
// options parsing (shake, squish and grow are special here)
if(!['Shake','Squish','Grow'].include(fx)) {
var effect = Effect[fx]('test_element',{duration:2.0});
assertEqual(2.0, effect.options.duration, fx);
// ]]>