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function prime(value) {
for (var i = 2; i < value; i++)
if (value % i == 0) return false;
return true;
new Test.Unit.Runner({
testEachBreak: function() {
var result = 0;
Fixtures.Basic.each(function(value) {
if ((result = value) == 2) throw $break;
this.assertEqual(2, result);
testEachReturnActsAsContinue: function() {
var results = [];
Fixtures.Basic.each(function(value) {
if (value == 2) return;
this.assertEqual('1, 3', results.join(', '));
testEachChaining: function() {
this.assertEqual(Fixtures.Primes, Fixtures.Primes.each(Prototype.emptyFunction));
this.assertEqual(3, Fixtures.Basic.each(Prototype.emptyFunction).length);
testEnumContext: function() {
var results = [];
Fixtures.Basic.each(function(value) {
results.push(value * this.i);
}, { i: 2 });
this.assertEqual('2 4 6', results.join(' '));
return value >= this.min && value <= this.max;
}, { min: 1, max: 3 }));
return value >= this.min && value <= this.max;
return value == this.target_value;
}, { target_value: 2 }));
testAny: function() {
this.assert([true, true, true].any());
this.assert([true, false, false].any());
this.assert(![false, false, false].any());
this.assert(Fixtures.Basic.any(function(value) {
return value > 2;
this.assert(!Fixtures.Basic.any(function(value) {
return value > 5;
testAll: function() {
this.assert([true, true, true].all());
this.assert(![true, false, false].all());
this.assert(![false, false, false].all());
this.assert(Fixtures.Basic.all(function(value) {
return value > 0;
this.assert(!Fixtures.Basic.all(function(value) {
return value > 1;
testCollect: function() {
this.assertEqual(Fixtures.Nicknames.join(', '),
Fixtures.People.collect(function(person) {
return person.nickname;
}).join(", "));
testDetect: function() {
this.assertEqual('Marcel Molina Jr.',
Fixtures.People.detect(function(person) {
return person.nickname.match(/no/);
testEachSlice: function() {
this.assertEnumEqual([], [].eachSlice(2));
this.assertEqual(1, [1].eachSlice(1).length);
this.assertEnumEqual([1], [1].eachSlice(1)[0]);
this.assertEqual(2, Fixtures.Basic.eachSlice(2).length);
[3, 2, 1, 11, 7, 5, 19, 17, 13, 31, 29, 23, 43, 41, 37, 59, 53, 47, 71, 67, 61, 83, 79, 73, 97, 89],
Fixtures.Primes.eachSlice( 3, function(slice){ return slice.reverse() }).flatten()
this.assertEnumEqual(Fixtures.Basic, Fixtures.Basic.eachSlice(-10));
this.assertEnumEqual(Fixtures.Basic, Fixtures.Basic.eachSlice(0));
this.assertNotIdentical(Fixtures.Basic, Fixtures.Basic.eachSlice(0));
testEachWithIndex: function() {
var nicknames = [], indexes = [];
Fixtures.People.each(function(person, index) {
this.assertEqual(Fixtures.Nicknames.join(', '),
nicknames.join(', '));
this.assertEqual('0, 1, 2, 3', indexes.join(', '));
testFindAll: function() {
this.assertEqual(Fixtures.Primes.join(', '),
Fixtures.Z.findAll(prime).join(', '));
testGrep: function() {
this.assertEqual('noradio, htonl',
Fixtures.Nicknames.grep(/o/).join(", "));
this.assertEqual('NORADIO, HTONL',
Fixtures.Nicknames.grep(/o/, function(nickname) {
return nickname.toUpperCase();
}).join(", "))
this.assertEnumEqual($('grepHeader', 'grepCell'),
$('grepTable', 'grepTBody', 'grepRow', 'grepHeader', 'grepCell').grep(new Selector('.cell')));
testInclude: function() {
testInGroupsOf: function() {
this.assertEnumEqual([], [].inGroupsOf(3));
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].inGroupsOf(3);
this.assertEqual(2, arr.length);
this.assertEnumEqual([1, 2, 3], arr[0]);
this.assertEnumEqual([4, 5, 6], arr[1]);
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].inGroupsOf(4);
this.assertEqual(2, arr.length);
this.assertEnumEqual([1, 2, 3, 4], arr[0]);
this.assertEnumEqual([5, 6, null, null], arr[1]);
var basic = Fixtures.Basic
arr = basic.inGroupsOf(4,'x');
this.assertEqual(1, arr.length);
this.assertEnumEqual([1, 2, 3, 'x'], arr[0]);
this.assertEnumEqual([1,2,3,'a'], basic.inGroupsOf(2, 'a').flatten());
arr = basic.inGroupsOf(5, '');
this.assertEqual(1, arr.length);
this.assertEnumEqual([1, 2, 3, '', ''], arr[0]);
this.assertEnumEqual([1,2,3,0], basic.inGroupsOf(2, 0).flatten());
this.assertEnumEqual([1,2,3,false], basic.inGroupsOf(2, false).flatten());
testInject: function() {
Fixtures.Primes.inject(0, function(sum, value) {
return sum + value;
testInvoke: function() {
var result = [[2, 1, 3], [6, 5, 4]].invoke('sort');
this.assertEqual(2, result.length);
this.assertEqual('1, 2, 3', result[0].join(', '));
this.assertEqual('4, 5, 6', result[1].join(', '));
result = result.invoke('invoke', 'toString', 2);
this.assertEqual('1, 10, 11', result[0].join(', '));
this.assertEqual('100, 101, 110', result[1].join(', '));
testMax: function() {
this.assertEqual(100, Fixtures.Z.max());
this.assertEqual(97, Fixtures.Primes.max());
this.assertEqual(2, [ -9, -8, -7, -6, -4, -3, -2, 0, -1, 2 ].max());
this.assertEqual('sam-', Fixtures.Nicknames.max()); // ?s > ?U
testMin: function() {
this.assertEqual(1, Fixtures.Z.min());
this.assertEqual(0, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 9 ].min());
this.assertEqual('Ulysses', Fixtures.Nicknames.min()); // ?U < ?h
testPartition: function() {
var result = Fixtures.People.partition(function(person) {
return < 15;
}).invoke('pluck', 'nickname');
this.assertEqual(2, result.length);
this.assertEqual('sam-, htonl', result[0].join(', '));
this.assertEqual('noradio, Ulysses', result[1].join(', '));
testPluck: function() {
this.assertEqual(Fixtures.Nicknames.join(', '),
Fixtures.People.pluck('nickname').join(', '));
testReject: function() {
this.assertEqual('sam-, noradio, htonl',
Fixtures.Nicknames.reject(function(nickname) {
return nickname != nickname.toLowerCase();
}).join(', '));
testSortBy: function() {
this.assertEqual('htonl, noradio, sam-, Ulysses',
Fixtures.People.sortBy(function(value) {
return value.nickname.toLowerCase();
}).pluck('nickname').join(', '));
testToArray: function() {
var result = Fixtures.People.toArray();
this.assert(result != Fixtures.People); // they're different objects...
this.assertEqual(Fixtures.Nicknames.join(', '),
result.pluck('nickname').join(', ')); // but the values are the same
testZip: function() {
var result = [1, 2, 3].zip([4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]);
this.assertEqual('[[1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9]]', result.inspect());
result = [1, 2, 3].zip([4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], function(array) { return array.reverse() });
this.assertEqual('[[7, 4, 1], [8, 5, 2], [9, 6, 3]]', result.inspect());
testSize: function() {
this.assertEqual(4, Fixtures.People.size());
this.assertEqual(4, Fixtures.Nicknames.size());
this.assertEqual(26, Fixtures.Primes.size());
this.assertEqual(0, [].size());