Name Description Size
ajax_test.js 9233
array_test.js 6418
base_test.js 19940
dom_test.js 63535
element_mixins_test.js 982
enumerable_test.js 8365
event_test.js 10484
form_test.js 14157
hash_test.js 7267
number_test.js 1423
position_test.js 1480
range_test.js 1579
selector_test.js 19236
string_test.js Note that camelize() differs from its Rails counterpart, as it is optimized for dealing with JavaScript object properties in conjunction with CSS property names: - Looks for dashes, not underscores - CamelCases first word if there is a front dash 22345
unittest_test.js This test was disabled in bug 486256, because we don't support having two Runners in one file. 4663