Name Description Size
ajax.js mozilla: the ajaxSuccess part fails intermittently on MacOSX test("$.ajax() - error callbacks", function() { expect( 7 ); stop(); $('#foo').ajaxStart(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxStart" ); }).ajaxStop(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxStop" ); start(); }).ajaxSend(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxSend" ); }).ajaxComplete(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxComplete" ); }).ajaxError(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxError" ); }).ajaxSuccess(function(){ ok( false, "ajaxSuccess" ); }) ; $.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 500 }); $.ajax({ url: url("data/name.php?wait=5"), beforeSend: function(){ ok(true, "beforeSend"); }, success: function(){ ok(false, "success"); }, error: function(){ ok(true, "error"); }, complete: function(){ ok(true, "complete"); } }); }); 21526
core.js // disabled since this test was doing nothing. i tried to fix it but i'm not sure // what the expected behavior should even be. FF returns "\n" for the text node // make sure this is handled var crlfContainer = $('<p>\r\n</p>'); var x = crlfContainer.contents().get(0).nodeValue; equals( x, what???, "Check for \\r and \\n in jQuery()" ); 72784
dimensions.js 2658
event.js 11033
fx.js Commented out because of bug 450190 test("animate option (queue === false)", function () { expect(1); stop(); var order = []; var $foo = $("#foo"); $foo.animate({width:'100px'}, 200, function () { // should finish after unqueued animation so second order.push(2); }); $foo.animate({fontSize:'2em'}, {queue:false, duration:10, complete:function () { // short duration and out of queue so should finish first order.push(1); }}); $foo.animate({height:'100px'}, 10, function() { // queued behind the first animation so should finish third order.push(3); isSet( order, [ 1, 2, 3], "Animations finished in the correct order" ); start(); }); }); 11742
offset.js 7260
selector.js 12136