beforeunload_test_page.html |
2415 |
browser.toml |
5043 |
browser_alert_from_about_blank.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1399 |
browser_autofocus_background.js |
includesubframes |
1610 |
browser_autofocus_preference.js |
686 |
browser_beforeunload_between_chrome_content.js |
Test navigation from a content page to a chrome page. Also check that only
one beforeunload event is fired.
4865 |
browser_bug396843.js |
Test for Bug 396843 * |
9304 |
browser_bug1004814.js |
1438 |
browser_bug1008941_dismissGeolocationHanger.js |
1583 |
browser_bug1236512.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
3631 |
browser_bug1238427.js |
... |
1240 |
browser_bug1316330.js |
1450 |
browser_bug1563629.js |
2168 |
browser_bug1685807.js |
Bug 1685807 - Testing that the won't be reset when loading an
about:blank page to a window which had loaded non-about:blank
page. And other case that should be reset if
the document.domain has changed.
2406 |
browser_bug1709346.js |
1682 |
browser_bytecode_cache_asm_js.js |
761 |
browser_cancel_keydown_keypress_event.js |
1338 |
browser_ConsoleAPI_originAttributes.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2894 |
browser_ConsoleStorageAPITests.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
3671 |
browser_ConsoleStoragePBTest_perwindowpb.js |
2895 |
browser_data_document_crossOriginIsolated.js |
2032 |
browser_focus_steal_from_chrome.js |
7905 |
browser_focus_steal_from_chrome_during_mousedown.js |
2570 |
browser_form_associated_custom_elements_validity.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
5025 |
browser_frame_elements.html |
Frame Element Tests |
468 |
browser_frame_elements.js |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
2468 |
browser_hasActivePeerConnections.js |
4431 |
browser_hasbeforeunload.js |
Adds 1 or more inert beforeunload event listeners in this browser.
By default, will target the top-level content window, but callers
can specify the index of a subframe to target. See prepareSubframes
for an idea of how the subframes are structured.
@param {<xul:browser>} browser
The browser to add the beforeunload event listener in.
@param {int} howMany
How many beforeunload event listeners to add. Note that these
beforeunload event listeners are inert and will not actually
prevent the host window from navigating.
@param {optional int} frameDepth
The depth of the frame to add the event listener to. Defaults
to 0, which is the top-level content window.
@return {Promise}
33212 |
browser_keypressTelemetry.js |
1765 |
browser_localStorage_e10s.js |
import-globals-from helper_localStorage.js |
11460 |
browser_localStorage_fis.js |
import-globals-from helper_localStorage.js |
20529 |
browser_localStorage_privatestorageevent.js |
2558 |
browser_localStorage_snapshotting.js |
import-globals-from helper_localStorage.js |
25633 |
browser_navigate_replace_browsingcontext.js |
849 |
browser_noopener.js |
4939 |
browser_noopener_null_uri.js |
613 |
browser_persist_cookies.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
4082 |
browser_persist_cross_origin_iframe.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
6001 |
browser_persist_image_accept.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
4695 |
browser_persist_mixed_content_image.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
3727 |
browser_pointerlock_popup.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
4698 |
browser_pointerlock_sidebar.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
2437 |
browser_pointerlock_warning.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
3903 |
browser_scriptCache_clear.js |
4145 |
browser_scriptCache_evict_with_non_cacheable.js |
2272 |
browser_scriptCache_load_events.js |
1501 |
browser_scriptCache_perf_timeline.js |
16909 |
browser_scriptCache_redirect.js |
3128 |
browser_sessionStorage_navigation.js |
8512 |
browser_test_focus_after_modal_state.js |
2126 |
browser_test_new_window_from_content.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
8448 |
browser_test_toolbars_visibility.js |
This function retrieves the visibility state of the toolbars of a
window within the content context.
@param aBrowser (<xul:browser>)
The browser to query for toolbar visibility states
@returns Promise
A promise that resolves when the toolbar state is retrieved
within the content context, which value is an object that holds
the visibility state of the toolbars
10342 |
browser_unlinkable_about_page_can_load_module_scripts.js |
2329 |
browser_wakelock.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
875 |
browser_windowProxy_transplant.js |
6799 |
browser_xhr_sandbox.js |
2068 |
cacheable_non_cacheable_server.sjs |
1117 |
counter_server.sjs |
745 |
create_webrtc_peer_connection.html |
675 |
dummy.html |
Dummy test page |
189 |
dummy.png |
703 |
file_bug1685807.html |
157 |
file_coop_coep.html |
90 |
83 |
file_empty.html |
0 |
file_empty_cross_site_frame.html |
101 |
file_load_module_script.html |
273 |
file_module_loaded.mjs |
292 |
file_module_loaded2.mjs |
88 |
file_postMessage_parent.html |
1798 |
file_scriptCache_load_events.js |
60 |
focus_after_prompt.html |
Cursor should not be lost after prompt |
479 |
geo_leak_test.html |
Geolocation incomplete position leak test |
385 |
helper_localStorage.js |
Open our helper page in a tab in its own content process, asserting that it
really is in its own process. We initially load and wait for about:blank to
load, and only then loadURI to our actual page. This is to ensure that
LocalStorageManager has had an opportunity to be created and populate
(nsGlobalWindow will reliably create LocalStorageManager as a side-effect of
the unconditional call to nsGlobalWindow::PreloadLocalStorage. This will
reliably create the StorageDBChild instance, and its corresponding
StorageDBParent will send the set of origins when it is constructed.)
10196 |
image.html |
44 |
load_forever.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
473 |
mimeme.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
949 |
page_bytecode_cache_asm_js.html |
asm.js test |
209 |
page_bytecode_cache_asm_js.js |
1327 |
page_evict_with_non_cacheable.html |
evict with non-cacheable test |
181 |
page_localstorage.html |
154 |
page_localStorage.js |
Helper page used by browser_localStorage_xxx.js.
We expose methods to be invoked by SpecialPowers.spawn() calls.
SpecialPowers.spawn() uses the message manager and is PContent-based. When
LocalStorage was PContent-managed, ordering was inherently ensured so we
could assume each page had already received all relevant events. Now some
explicit type of coordination is required.
This gets complicated because:
- LocalStorage is an ugly API that gives us almost unlimited implementation
flexibility in the face of multiple processes. It's also an API that sites
may misuse which may encourage us to leverage that flexibility in the
future to improve performance at the expense of propagation latency, and
possibly involving content-observable coalescing of events.
- The Quantum DOM effort and its event labeling and separate task queues and
green threading and current LocalStorage implementation mean that using
other PBackground-based APIs such as BroadcastChannel may not provide
reliable ordering guarantees. Specifically, it's hard to guarantee that
a BroadcastChannel postMessage() issued after a series of LocalStorage
writes won't be received by the target window before the writes are
perceived. At least not without constraining the implementations of both
- Some of our tests explicitly want to verify LocalStorage behavior without
having a "storage" listener, so we can't add a storage listener if the test
didn't already want one.
We use 2 approaches for coordination:
1. If we're already listening for events, we listen for the sentinel value to
be written. This is efficient and appropriate in this case.
2. If we're not listening for events, we use setTimeout(0) to poll the
localStorage key and value until it changes to our expected value.
setTimeout(0) eventually clamps to setTimeout(4), so in the event we are
experiencing delays, we have reasonable, non-CPU-consuming back-off in
place that leaves the CPU free to time out and fail our test if something
broke. This is ugly but makes us less brittle.
Both of these involve mutateStorage writing the sentinel value at the end of
the batch. All of our result-returning methods accordingly filter out the
sentinel key/value pair.
5020 |
page_localstorage_coop+coep.html |
154 |
83 |
page_localstorage_snapshotting.html |
1394 |
page_privatestorageevent.html |
42 |
page_scriptCache_load_events.html |
load events order test |
555 |
perf_server.sjs |
703 |
position.html |
660 |
prevent_return_key.html |
Prevent return key should not submit form |
891 |
redirect_server.sjs |
1779 |
set-samesite-cookies-and-redirect.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1378 |
test-console-api.html |
Console API test page |
2376 |
test_bug1004814.html |
Console API test bug 1004814 |
117 |
test_mixed_content_image.html |
14 |
test_new_window_from_content_child.html |
Test popup window opening behaviour |
1224 |
test_noopener_source.html |
1068 |
test_noopener_target.html |
137 |
worker_bug1004814.js |
132 |