Name Description Size
crashtests 938
nsDocumentEncoder.cpp Object that can be used to serialize selections, ranges, or nodes to strings in a gazillion different ways. 74658
nsDOMSerializer.cpp 3038
nsDOMSerializer.h 1392
nsHTMLContentSerializer.cpp nsIContentSerializer implementation that can be used with an nsIDocumentEncoder to convert an HTML (not XHTML!) DOM to an HTML string that could be parsed into more or less the original DOM. 15334
nsHTMLContentSerializer.h nsIContentSerializer implementation that can be used with an nsIDocumentEncoder to convert an HTML (not XHTML!) DOM to an HTML string that could be parsed into more or less the original DOM. 1829
nsIContentSerializer.h @param aOutput The `Append*` methods will append to this string. The reference to it will be dropped with `Finish`. 3459
nsIDocumentEncoder.idl Create a fixed up version of a node. This method is called before each node in a document is about to be persisted. The implementor may return a new node with fixed up attributes or null. If null is returned the node should be used as-is. @param aNode Node to fixup. @param [OUT] aSerializeCloneKids True if the document encoder should apply recursive serialization to the children of the fixed up node instead of the children of the original node. @return The resulting fixed up node. 13382
nsPlainTextSerializer.cpp nsIContentSerializer implementation that can be used with an nsIDocumentEncoder to convert a DOM into plaintext in a nice way (eg for copy/paste as plaintext). 59514
nsPlainTextSerializer.h nsIContentSerializer implementation that can be used with an nsIDocumentEncoder to convert a DOM into plaintext in a nice way (eg for copy/paste as plaintext). 12917
nsXHTMLContentSerializer.cpp nsIContentSerializer implementation that can be used with an nsIDocumentEncoder to convert an XHTML (not HTML!) DOM to an XHTML string that could be parsed into more or less the original DOM. 24574
nsXHTMLContentSerializer.h nsIContentSerializer implementation that can be used with an nsIDocumentEncoder to convert an XHTML (not HTML!) DOM to an XHTML string that could be parsed into more or less the original DOM. 5321
nsXMLContentSerializer.cpp nsIContentSerializer implementation that can be used with an nsIDocumentEncoder to convert an XML DOM to an XML string that could be parsed into more or less the original DOM. 62768
nsXMLContentSerializer.h nsIContentSerializer implementation that can be used with an nsIDocumentEncoder to convert an XML DOM to an XML string that could be parsed into more or less the original DOM. 16399