Name Description Size
auto_upgrading_identity.html Bug 1674341: Test SiteIdentity when auto-upgrading mixed content 381
auto_upgrading_identity.png 70
browser.toml 861
browser_auto_upgrading_identity.js 1895
browser_csp_block_all_mixedcontent_and_mixed_content_display_upgrade.js Description of the Test: We load an https page which uses a CSP including block-all-mixed-content. The page embedded an audio, img and video. ML2 should upgrade them and CSP should not be triggered. 5553
browser_mixed_content_auth_download.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5249
browser_mixed_content_auto_upgrade_display_console.js 1704
browser_test_mixed_content_download.js Waits until a download is triggered. Unless the always_ask_before_handling_new_types pref is true, the download will simply be saved, so resolve when the view is notified of the new download. Otherwise, it waits until a prompt is shown, selects the choosen <action>, then accepts the dialog @param [action] Which action to select, either: "handleInternally", "save" or "open". @returns {Promise} Resolved once done. 10106
download_page.html Test for the download attribute 1194
download_server.sjs 573
file_auth_download_page.html Test mixed content download with auth header by https-first 629
file_auth_download_server.sjs 2073
file_bug803225_test_mailto.html 248
file_bug1550792.html 1048
file_bug1551886.html 995
file_csp_block_all_mixedcontent_and_mixed_content_display_upgrade.html Bug 1806080 - ML2 with CSP block-all-mixed-content 643
file_frameNavigation.html Tests for Mixed Content Frame Navigation 2867
file_frameNavigation_blankTarget.html Tests for Mixed Content Frame Navigation 1306
file_frameNavigation_grandchild.html Tests for Mixed Content Frame Navigation 1904
file_frameNavigation_innermost.html 3323
file_frameNavigation_secure.html Tests for Mixed Content Frame Navigation 2785
file_frameNavigation_secure_grandchild.html Tests for Mixed Content Frame Navigation 2192
file_main.html Tests for Bug 62178 11553
file_main_bug803225.html Tests for Bug 62178 6811 103
file_mixed_content_auto_upgrade_display_console.html Bug 1673574 - Improve Console logging for mixed content auto upgrading 617
file_redirect.html Bug1402363: Test mixed content redirects 930
file_redirect_handler.sjs 897
file_server.sjs 3650
file_windowOpen.html Test mixed content load in iframe via 160
mochitest.toml 1442
pass.png 1689
test.wav 353022
test.webm 97465
test_bug803225.html Tests for Bug 803225 4979
test_bug1550792.html Bug 1550792: Block insecure subresource with non-https secure context parent 925
test_bug1551886.html Bug 1551886: Opaque documents aren't considered in the mixed content blocker 978
test_frameNavigation.html Tests for Bug 840388 4623
test_main.html Tests for Bug 62178 8191
test_redirect.html Bug1402363: Test mixed content redirects 1231
test_windowOpen.html Tests for Mixed Content Navigation with 3554