Name Description Size
browser.toml 1562
browser_background_redirect.js Description of the test: We load a page which gets upgraded to https. HTTPS-Only Mode then sends an 'http' background request which we redirect (using the web extension API) to 'same-origin' https. We ensure the HTTPS-Only Error page does not occur, but we https page gets loaded. 1998
browser_bug1874801.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1493
browser_console_logging.js 5261
browser_continue_button_delay.js 1713
browser_cors_mixedcontent.js 3573
browser_hsts_host.js 6179
browser_httpsonly_prefs.js 2677
browser_httpsonly_speculative_connect.js 1934
browser_iframe_buttons.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1625
browser_iframe_test.js HTTPS-Only Mode disabled 6359
browser_navigation.js 3142
browser_redirect_tainting.js 1402
browser_save_as.js 5566
browser_triggering_principal_exemption.js 2163
browser_upgrade_exceptions.js 2640
browser_upgrade_exemption.js 1877
browser_user_gesture.js 1944
browser_websocket_exceptions.js 2157
file_background_redirect.sjs wait 5 seconds 1121
file_break_endless_upgrade_downgrade_loop.sjs 2077
file_bug1874801.html Bug 1874801 288
file_bug1874801.sjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 642
file_console_logging.html Bug 1625448 - HTTPS Only Mode - Tests for console logging 551
file_cors_mixedcontent.html 857
file_fragment.html 1459
file_fragment_noscript.html 430
file_http_background_auth_request.sjs 574
file_http_background_request.sjs 488
file_httpsonly_speculative_connect.html 77
file_iframe_buttons.html 144
file_iframe_test.sjs 1702
file_insecure_reload.sjs 798
file_redirect.sjs 1305
file_redirect_tainting.sjs 1342
file_redirect_to_insecure.sjs 573
file_save_as.html 218
file_upgrade_insecure.html Bug 1613063 - HTTPS Only Mode 3790
file_upgrade_insecure_server.sjs 3348 103
file_user_gesture.sjs 999
file_websocket_exceptions.html 129
file_websocket_exceptions_iframe.html 775
hsts_headers.sjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 910
mochitest.toml 1294
test_break_endless_upgrade_downgrade_loop.html Bug 1691888: Break endless upgrade downgrade loops when using https-only 3552
test_fragment.html Bug 1694932: Https-only mode reloads the page in certain cases when there should be just a fragment navigation 2480
test_http_background_auth_request.html Bug 1665062 - HTTPS-Only: Do not cancel channel if auth is in progress 3693
test_http_background_request.html Bug 1663396: Test HTTPS-Only-Mode top-level background request not leaking sensitive info 4376
test_insecure_reload.html Bug 1702001: Https-only mode does not reload pages after clicking "Continue to HTTP Site", when url contains navigation 2233
test_redirect_upgrade.html HTTPS-Only Mode - XHR Redirect Upgrade 1961
test_resource_upgrade.html HTTPS-Only Mode - Resource Upgrade 4519
test_user_suggestion_box.html Bug 1665057 - Add www button on https-only error page 3271