Name Description Size
browser.toml 1924
browser_file_nonscript.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1132
browser_restrict_privileged_about_script.js 2393
browser_same_site_cookies_bug1748693.js 1912
browser_test_assert_systemprincipal_documents.js 1251
browser_test_data_download.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 3390
browser_test_data_text_csv.js 3289
browser_test_framing_error_pages.js 1792
browser_test_gpc_privateBrowsingMode.js 2330
browser_test_onion_referrer.js 1349
browser_test_referrer_loadInOtherProcess.js 5109
browser_test_toplevel_data_navigations.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 2399
browser_test_view_image_data_navigation.js 2341
browser_test_xfo_embed_object.js 1500
bug1277803.html 121
chrome.toml 224
closeWindow.sjs 606
favicon_bug1277803.ico 1406
file_1767581.js 46
file_about_child.html Test for Bug 1767581 296
file_assert_systemprincipal_documents.html Bug 1543579: Block web documents loading into system land 380
file_assert_systemprincipal_documents_iframe.html Bug 1543579: Block web documents loading into system land 187
file_block_script_wrong_mime_server.sjs 894
file_block_script_wrong_mime_sw.js Service Worker that runs in 2 modes: 1) direct pass-through via fetch(event.request) and 2) indirect pass-through via fetch(event.request.url). Because this is updating a pre-existing mochitest that didn't use a SW and used a single test document, we use a SW idiom where the SW claims the existing window client. And because we operate in two modes and we parameterize via URL, we also ensure that we skipWaiting. 1578
file_block_subresource_redir_to_data.sjs 795
file_block_toplevel_data_navigation.html Toplevel data navigation 426
file_block_toplevel_data_navigation2.html Toplevel data navigation 500
file_block_toplevel_data_navigation3.html Toplevel data navigation 458
file_block_toplevel_data_redirect.sjs 492
file_cache_splitting_isloaded.sjs Helper Server - Send a Request with ?queryResult - response will be the queryString of the next request. 907
file_cache_splitting_server.sjs 733
file_cache_splitting_window.html Document 398
file_contentpolicytype_targeted_link_iframe.sjs 1076
file_data_download.html Test download attribute for data: URI 385
file_data_text_csv.html Test open data:text/csv 333
file_empty.html 44
file_framing_error_pages.sjs 674
file_framing_error_pages_csp.html 224
file_framing_error_pages_xfo.html 224
file_framing_xfo_embed.html 190
file_framing_xfo_embed_object.sjs 240
file_framing_xfo_object.html 194
file_gpc_server.sjs 350
file_loads_nonscript.html File that loads a non-script file-extension as script 1420
file_meta_referrer_in_head.html Bug 1704473 - Remove head requirement for meta name=referrer 288
file_meta_referrer_notin_head.html Bug 1704473 - Remove head requirement for meta name=referrer 297
file_nonscript 18
file_nonscript.html 18
file_nonscript.json 18
file_nonscript.txt 18 18
file_nosniff_navigation.sjs 1318
file_nosniff_testserver.sjs 1569
file_referrer_echoer.sjs 407
file_same_site_cookies_about.sjs 2873
file_same_site_cookies_blob_iframe_inclusion.html 1165
file_same_site_cookies_blob_iframe_navigation.html 1010
file_same_site_cookies_bug1748693.sjs 723
file_same_site_cookies_cross_origin_context.sjs 1669
file_same_site_cookies_from_script.sjs 1360
file_same_site_cookies_iframe.sjs 2748
file_same_site_cookies_redirect.sjs 2731
file_same_site_cookies_subrequest.sjs 2217
file_same_site_cookies_toplevel_nav.sjs 2426
file_same_site_cookies_toplevel_set_cookie.sjs 1779
file_script.js 18
file_toplevel_data_meta_redirect.html 218
file_toplevel_data_navigations.sjs 479
file_view_bg_image_data_navigation.html Bug 1658244: Test navigation for right-click view-bg-image on data:image/svg 796
file_view_image_data_navigation.html Bug 1407891: Test navigation for right-click view-image on data:image/svg 439
file_xfo_error_page.sjs 283
mochitest.toml 3090
test_allow_opening_data_json.html Bug 1403814: Allow toplevel data URI navigation data:application/json 1238
test_allow_opening_data_pdf.html Bug 1398692: Allow toplevel navigation to a data:application/pdf 1680
test_assert_about_page_no_csp.html Bug 1490977: Test Assertion if content privileged about: page has no CSP 1003
test_block_script_wrong_mime.html Bug 1288361 - Block scripts with incorrect MIME type 5466
test_block_subresource_redir_to_data.html Bug 1428793: Block insecure redirects to data: URIs 2149
test_block_toplevel_data_img_navigation.html Bug 1396798: Do not block toplevel data: navigation to image (except svgs) 2112
test_block_toplevel_data_navigation.html Bug 1331351 - Block top level window data: URI navigations 4818
test_bug1277803.xhtml 2528
test_bug1450853.html Test for Cross-origin resouce status leak via MediaError 2615
test_bug1660452_http.html Bug 1660452: NullPrincipals need to know whether they were spun off of a Secure Context 1385
test_bug1660452_https.html Bug 1660452: NullPrincipals need to know whether they were spun off of a Secure Context 1370
test_cache_split.html Bug 1454721 - Add same-site cookie test for about:blank and about:srcdoc 5661
test_contentpolicytype_targeted_link_iframe.html Bug 1255240 - Test content policy types within content policies for targeted links in iframes 3041
test_gpc.html Test for Global Privacy Control headers 1942
test_innerhtml_sanitizer.html Test for Bug 1667113 2188
test_innerhtml_sanitizer.xhtml Test for Bug 1667113 2322
test_meta_referrer.html Bug 1704473 - Remove head requirement for meta name=referrer 1602
test_nosniff.html Bug 471020 - Add X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff support to Firefox 2713
test_nosniff_navigation.html Bug 1428473 Support X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff when navigating 1071
test_same_site_cookies_about.html Bug 1454721 - Add same-site cookie test for about:blank and about:srcdoc 4343
test_same_site_cookies_cross_origin_context.html Bug 1452496 - Do not allow same-site cookies in cross site context 2949
test_same_site_cookies_from_script.html Bug 1452496 - Do not allow same-site cookies in cross site context 2760
test_same_site_cookies_iframe.html Bug 1454027 - Update SameSite cookie handling inside iframes 6306
test_same_site_cookies_laxByDefault.html Bug 1551798 - SameSite=lax by default 2659
test_same_site_cookies_redirect.html Bug 1453814 - Do not allow same-site cookies for cross origin redirect 3213
test_same_site_cookies_subrequest.html Bug 1286861 - Test same site cookies on subrequests 3604
test_same_site_cookies_toplevel_nav.html Bug 1286861 - Test same site cookies on top-level navigations 3678
test_same_site_cookies_toplevel_set_cookie.html Bug 1454242: Setting samesite cookie should not rely on CookieCommons::IsSameSiteForeign 1847
test_xfo_error_page.html Bug 1626249: Ensure correct display of neterror page for XFO 1070
window_nosniff_navigation.html Bug 1428473 Support X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff when navigating 4821