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Bug 671389 - Implement CSP sandbox directive
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<title>Tests for Bug 671389</title>
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// Check if two sandbox flags are the same, ignoring case-sensitivity.
// getSandboxFlags returns a list of sandbox flags (if any) or
// null if the flag is not set.
// This function checks if two flags are the same, i.e., they're
// either not set or have the same flags.
function eqFlags(a, b) {
if (a === null && b === null) { return true; }
if (a === null || b === null) { return false; }
if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; }
var a_sorted = { return e.toLowerCase(); }).sort();
var b_sorted = { return e.toLowerCase(); }).sort();
for (var i in a_sorted) {
if (a_sorted[i] !== b_sorted[i]) {
return false;
return true;
// Get the sandbox flags of document doc.
// If the flag is not set sandboxFlagsAsString returns null,
// this function also returns null.
// If the flag is set it may have some flags; in this case
// this function returns the (potentially empty) list of flags.
function getSandboxFlags(doc) {
var flags = doc.sandboxFlagsAsString;
if (flags === null) { return null; }
return flags? flags.split(" "):[];
// Constructor for a CSP sandbox flags test. The constructor
// expectes a description 'desc' and set of options 'opts':
// - sandboxAttribute: [null] or string corresponding to the iframe sandbox attributes
// - csp: [null] or string corresponding to the CSP sandbox flags
// - cspReportOnly: [null] or string corresponding to the CSP report-only sandbox flags
// - file: [null] or string corresponding to file the server should serve
// Above, we use [brackets] to denote default values.
function CSPFlagsTest(desc, opts) {
function ifundef(x, v) {
return (x !== undefined) ? x : v;
function intersect(as, bs) { // Intersect two csp attributes:
as = as === null ? null
: as.split(' ').filter(function(x) { return !!x; });
bs = bs === null ? null
: bs.split(' ').filter(function(x) { return !!x; });
if (as === null) { return bs; }
if (bs === null) { return as; }
var cs = [];
as.forEach(function(a) {
if (a && bs.includes(a))
return cs;
this.desc = desc || "Untitled test";
this.attr = ifundef(opts.sandboxAttribute, null);
this.csp = ifundef(opts.csp, null);
this.cspRO = ifundef(opts.cspReportOnly, null);
this.file = ifundef(opts.file, null);
this.expected = intersect(this.attr, this.csp);
// Return function that checks that the actual flags are the same as the
// expected flags
CSPFlagsTest.prototype.checkFlags = function(iframe) {
var this_ = this;
return function() {
try {
var actual = getSandboxFlags(SpecialPowers.wrap(iframe).contentDocument);
ok(eqFlags(actual, this_.expected),
this_.desc + ' - expected: "' + this_.expected + '", got: "' + actual + '"');
} catch (e) {
this_.desc + ' - expected: "' + this_.expected + '", failed with: "' + e + '"');
// Set the iframe src and sandbox attribute
CSPFlagsTest.prototype.runTest = function () {
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = this.checkFlags(iframe);
// set sandbox attribute
if (this.attr === null) {
} else {
iframe.sandbox = this.attr;
// set query string
var delim = '?';
if (this.csp !== null) {
src += delim + 'csp=' + escape('sandbox ' + this.csp);
delim = '&';
if (this.cspRO !== null) {
src += delim + 'cspRO=' + escape('sandbox ' + this.cspRO);
delim = '&';
if (this.file !== null) {
src += delim + 'file=' + escape(this.file);
delim = '&';
iframe.src = src;
iframe.width = iframe.height = 10;
testCases = [
desc: "Test 1: Header should not override attribute",
sandboxAttribute: "",
csp: "allow-forms aLLOw-POinter-lock alLOW-popups aLLOW-SAME-ORIGin ALLOW-SCRIPTS allow-top-navigation"
desc: "Test 2: Attribute should not override header",
sandboxAttribute: "sandbox allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation",
csp: ""
desc: "Test 3: Header and attribute intersect",
sandboxAttribute: "allow-same-origin allow-scripts",
csp: "allow-forms allow-same-origin allow-scripts"
desc: "Test 4: CSP sandbox sets the right flags (pt 1)",
csp: "alLOW-FORms ALLOW-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts ALLOW-TOP-NAVIGation"
desc: "Test 5: CSP sandbox sets the right flags (pt 2)",
csp: "allow-same-origin allow-TOP-navigation"
desc: "Test 6: CSP sandbox sets the right flags (pt 3)",
csp: "allow-FORMS ALLOW-scripts"
desc: "Test 7: CSP sandbox sets the right flags (pt 4)",
csp: ""
desc: "Test 8: CSP sandbox sets the right flags (pt 5)",
csp: null
desc: "Test 9: Read-only header should not override attribute",
sandboxAttribute: "",
cspReportOnly: "allow-forms ALLOW-pointer-lock allow-POPUPS allow-same-origin ALLOW-scripts allow-top-NAVIGATION"
desc: "Test 10: Read-only header should not override CSP header",
csp: "allow-forms allow-scripts",
cspReportOnly: "allow-forms aLlOw-PoInTeR-lOcK aLLow-pOPupS aLLoW-SaME-oRIgIN alLow-scripts allow-tOp-navigation"
desc: "Test 11: Read-only header should not override attribute or CSP header",
sandboxAttribute: "allow-same-origin allow-scripts",
csp: "allow-forms allow-same-origin allow-scripts",
cspReportOnly: "allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation"
desc: "Test 12: CSP sandbox not affected by document.write()",
csp: "allow-scripts",
file: 'tests/dom/security/test/csp/file_iframe_sandbox_document_write.html'
].map(function(t) { return (new CSPFlagsTest(t.desc,t)); });
var testCaseIndex = 0;
// Track ok messages from iframes
var childMessages = 0;
var totalChildMessages = 1;
// Check to see if we ran all the tests and received all messges
// from child iframes. If so, finish.
function tryFinish() {
if (testCaseIndex === testCases.length && childMessages === totalChildMessages){
function runNextTest() {
if (testCaseIndex < testCases.length) {
function receiveMessage(event) {
window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage);
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 671389</a> - Implement CSP sandbox directive
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