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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef nsHTTPSOnlyUtils_h___
#define nsHTTPSOnlyUtils_h___
#include "nsIScriptError.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "mozilla/net/DocumentLoadListener.h"
class nsHTTPSOnlyUtils {
* Returns if HTTPS-Only Mode preference is enabled
* @param aFromPrivateWindow true if executing in private browsing mode
* @return true if HTTPS-Only Mode is enabled
static bool IsHttpsOnlyModeEnabled(bool aFromPrivateWindow);
* Returns if HTTPS-First Mode preference is enabled
* @param aFromPrivateWindow true if executing in private browsing mode
* @return true if HTTPS-First Mode is enabled
static bool IsHttpsFirstModeEnabled(bool aFromPrivateWindow);
* Potentially fires an http request for a top-level load (provided by
* aDocumentLoadListener) in the background to avoid long timeouts in case
* the upgraded https top-level load most likely will result in timeout.
* @param aDocumentLoadListener The Document listener associated with
* the original top-level channel.
static void PotentiallyFireHttpRequestToShortenTimout(
mozilla::net::DocumentLoadListener* aDocumentLoadListener);
* Determines if a request should get upgraded because of the HTTPS-Only mode.
* If true, the httpsOnlyStatus flag in LoadInfo gets updated and a message is
* logged in the console.
* @param aURI nsIURI of request
* @param aLoadInfo nsILoadInfo of request
* @return true if request should get upgraded
static bool ShouldUpgradeRequest(nsIURI* aURI, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo);
* Determines if a request should get upgraded because of the HTTPS-Only mode.
* If true, a message is logged in the console.
* @param aURI nsIURI of request
* @param aLoadInfo nsILoadInfo of request
* @return true if request should get upgraded
static bool ShouldUpgradeWebSocket(nsIURI* aURI, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo);
* Determines if we might get stuck in an upgrade-downgrade-endless loop
* where https-only upgrades the request to https and the website downgrades
* the scheme to http again causing an endless upgrade downgrade loop. E.g.
* https-only upgrades to https and the website answers with a meta-refresh
* to downgrade to same-origin http version. Similarly this method breaks
* the endless cycle for JS based redirects and 302 based redirects.
* Note this function is also used when we got an HTTPS RR for the website.
* @param aURI nsIURI of request
* @param aLoadInfo nsILoadInfo of request
* @param aOptions an options object indicating if the function
* should be consulted for https-only or https-first mode or
* the case that an HTTPS RR is presented.
* @return true if an endless loop is detected
enum class UpgradeDowngradeEndlessLoopOptions {
static bool IsUpgradeDowngradeEndlessLoop(
nsIURI* aOldURI, nsIURI* aNewURI, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo,
const mozilla::EnumSet<UpgradeDowngradeEndlessLoopOptions>& aOptions =
* Determines if a request should get upgraded because of the HTTPS-First
* mode. If true, the httpsOnlyStatus in LoadInfo gets updated and a message
* is logged in the console.
* @param aURI nsIURI of request
* @param aLoadInfo nsILoadInfo of request
* @return true if request should get upgraded
static bool ShouldUpgradeHttpsFirstRequest(nsIURI* aURI,
nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo);
* Determines if the request was previously upgraded with HTTPS-First, creates
* a downgraded URI and logs to console.
* @param aStatus Status code
* @param aDocumentLoadListener Failed document load listener
* @return URI with http-scheme or nullptr
static already_AddRefed<nsIURI> PotentiallyDowngradeHttpsFirstRequest(
mozilla::net::DocumentLoadListener* aDocumentLoadListener,
nsresult aStatus);
* Checks if the error code is on a block-list of codes that are probably
* not related to a HTTPS-Only Mode upgrade.
* @param aChannel The failed Channel.
* @param aError Error Code from Request
* @return false if error is not related to upgrade
static bool CouldBeHttpsOnlyError(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsresult aError);
* Logs localized message to either content console or browser console
* @param aName Localization key
* @param aParams Localization parameters
* @param aFlags Logging Flag (see nsIScriptError)
* @param aLoadInfo The loadinfo of the request.
* @param [aURI] Optional: URI to log
* @param [aUseHttpsFirst] Optional: Log using HTTPS-First (vs. HTTPS-Only)
static void LogLocalizedString(const char* aName,
const nsTArray<nsString>& aParams,
uint32_t aFlags, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo,
nsIURI* aURI = nullptr,
bool aUseHttpsFirst = false);
* Tests if the HTTPS-Only upgrade exception is set for a given principal.
* @param aPrincipal The principal for whom the exception should be checked
* @return True if exempt
static bool TestIfPrincipalIsExempt(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
bool aCheckForHTTPSFirst = false);
* Tests if the HTTPS-Only Mode upgrade exception is set for channel result
* principal and sets or removes the httpsOnlyStatus-flag on the loadinfo
* accordingly.
* Note: This function only adds an exemption for loads of TYPE_DOCUMENT.
* @param aChannel The channel to be checked
static void TestSitePermissionAndPotentiallyAddExemption(
nsIChannel* aChannel);
* Checks whether CORS or mixed content requests are safe because they'll get
* upgraded to HTTPS
* @param aLoadInfo nsILoadInfo of request
* @return true if it's safe to accept
static bool IsSafeToAcceptCORSOrMixedContent(nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo);
* Checks if https only or https first mode is enabled for this load
* @param aLoadInfo nsILoadInfo of the request
static bool ShouldUpgradeConnection(nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo);
* Checks if two URIs are same origin modulo the difference that
* aToURI scheme is downgraded to http from https aFromURI.
* @param aFromURI nsIURI using scheme of https
* @param aToURI nsIURI using scheme of http
* @return true, if URIs are equal except scheme and ref
static bool IsHttpDowngrade(nsIURI* aFromURI, nsIURI* aToURI);
* Will add a special temporary HTTPS-Only exception that only applies to
* HTTPS-First, and is not exposed in the UI.
* @param aURI The URL for whose HTTP principal the exception should be
* added
* @param aLoadInfo The loadinfo of the request triggering this exception to
* be added (needs to match aURI)
static nsresult AddHTTPSFirstExceptionForSession(
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> aURI, nsILoadInfo* const aLoadInfo);
* Determines which HTTPS-Only status flags should get propagated to
* sub-resources or sub-documents. As sub-resources and sub-documents are
* exempt when the top-level document is exempt, we need to copy the "exempt"
* flag. The HTTPS-First "upgraded" flag should not be copied to prevent a
* @param aHttpsOnlyStatus The HTTPS-Only status of the top-level document.
* @return The HTTPS-Only status that the sub-resource/document should
* receive.
static uint32_t GetStatusForSubresourceLoad(uint32_t aHttpsOnlyStatus);
* When a downgrade is happening because of HTTPS-First, this function will
* update the load state for the new load accordingly. This includes
* information about the downgrade for later telemetry use.
* @param aDocumentLoadListener The calling document load listener.
* @param aLoadState The load state to be updated
static void UpdateLoadStateAfterHTTPSFirstDowngrade(
mozilla::net::DocumentLoadListener* aDocumentLoadListener,
nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState);
* When a load is successful, this should be called by the document load
* listener. In two cases, telemetry is then recorded:
* a) If downgrade data has been passed, the passed load is a successful
* downgrade, which means telemetry based on the downgrade data will be
* submitted.
* b) If the passed load info indicates that this load has been upgraded by
* HTTPS-First, this means the upgrade was successful, which will be
* recorded to telemetry.
static void SubmitHTTPSFirstTelemetry(
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> const& aLoadInfo,
RefPtr<HTTPSFirstDowngradeData> const& aHttpsFirstDowngradeData);
* Checks if it can be ruled out that the error has something
* to do with an HTTPS upgrade.
* @param aError error code
* @return true if error is unrelated to the upgrade
static bool HttpsUpgradeUnrelatedErrorCode(nsresult aError);
* Logs localized message to either content console or browser console
* @param aMessage Message to log
* @param aFlags Logging Flag (see nsIScriptError)
* @param aLoadInfo The loadinfo of the request.
* @param [aURI] Optional: URI to log
* @param [aUseHttpsFirst] Optional: Log using HTTPS-First (vs. HTTPS-Only)
static void LogMessage(const nsAString& aMessage, uint32_t aFlags,
nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo, nsIURI* aURI = nullptr,
bool aUseHttpsFirst = false);
* Checks whether the URI ends with .onion
* @param aURI URI object
* @return true if the URI is an Onion URI
static bool OnionException(nsIURI* aURI);
* Checks whether the URI is a loopback- or local-IP
* @param aURI URI object
* @return true if the URI is either loopback or local
static bool LoopbackOrLocalException(nsIURI* aURI);
* Checks whether the host of the URI ends with a suffix that is not in the
* public suffix list.
* @param aURI URI object
* @return true if the host of the URI ends with a unknown suffix
static bool UnknownPublicSuffixException(nsIURI* aURI);
* Helper class to perform an http request with a N milliseconds
* delay. If that http request is 'receiving data' before the
* upgraded https request, then it's a strong indicator that
* the https request will result in a timeout and hence we
* cancel the https request which will result in displaying
* the exception page.
class TestHTTPAnswerRunnable final : public mozilla::Runnable,
public nsIStreamListener,
public nsIInterfaceRequestor,
public nsITimerCallback {
// TestHTTPAnswerRunnable needs to implement all these channel related
// interfaces because otherwise our Necko code is not happy, but we
// really only care about ::OnStartRequest.
explicit TestHTTPAnswerRunnable(
nsIURI* aURI, mozilla::net::DocumentLoadListener* aDocumentLoadListener);
~TestHTTPAnswerRunnable() = default;
* Checks whether the HTTP background request results in a redirect
* to the same upgraded top-level HTTPS URL
* @param aChannel a nsIHttpChannel object
* @return true if the backgroundchannel is redirected
static bool IsBackgroundRequestRedirected(nsIHttpChannel* aChannel);
RefPtr<nsIURI> mURI;
// We're keeping a reference to DocumentLoadListener instead of a specific
// channel, because the current top-level channel can change (for example
// through redirects)
RefPtr<mozilla::net::DocumentLoadListener> mDocumentLoadListener;
RefPtr<nsITimer> mTimer;
* Data about a HTTPS-First downgrade used for Telemetry. We need to store this
* instead of directly submitting it when deciding to downgrade, because it is
* only interesting for us if the downgraded load is actually succesful.
struct HTTPSFirstDowngradeData
: public mozilla::RefCounted<HTTPSFirstDowngradeData> {
mozilla::TimeDuration downgradeTime;
bool isOnTimer = false;
bool isSchemeless = false;
#endif /* nsHTTPSOnlyUtils_h___ */