AutoEntryScript.cpp |
2523 |
AutoEntryScript.h |
A class that represents a new script entry point.
|aReason| should be a statically-allocated C string naming the reason we're
invoking JavaScript code: "setTimeout", "event", and so on. The devtools use
these strings to label JS execution in timeline and profiling displays.
2889 |
ModuleLoader.cpp |
aCharsetForPreload |
16078 |
ModuleLoader.h |
3286 | |
1328 |
nsIScriptElement.cpp |
2948 |
nsIScriptElement.h |
Internal interface implemented by script elements
10119 |
nsIScriptLoaderObserver.h |
The script is available for evaluation. For inline scripts, this
method will be called synchronously. For externally loaded scripts,
this method will be called when the load completes.
@param aResult A result code representing the result of loading
a script. If this is a failure code, script evaluation
will not occur.
@param aElement The element being processed.
@param aIsInline Is this an inline classic script (as opposed to an
externally loaded classic script or module script)?
@param aURI What is the URI of the script (the document URI if
it is inline).
@param aLineNo At what line does the script appear (generally 1
if it is a loaded script).
3113 |
ScriptCompression.cpp |
ScriptBytecodeDataLayout provides accessors to maintain the correct data
layout of the ScriptLoadRequest's script bytecode buffer.
6489 |
ScriptCompression.h |
Compress the bytecode stored in a buffer. All data before the bytecode is
copied into the output buffer without modification.
@param aBytecodeBuf buffer containing the uncompressed bytecode
@param aBytecodeOffset offset of the bytecode in the buffer
@param aCompressedBytecodeBufOut buffer to store the compressed bytecode in
1646 |
ScriptDecoding.h |
Script decoding templates for processing byte data as UTF-8 or UTF-16. |
3376 |
ScriptElement.cpp |
virtual |
8525 |
ScriptElement.h |
Baseclass useful for script elements (such as <xhtml:script> and
<svg:script>). Currently the class assumes that only the 'src'
attribute and the children of the class affect what script to execute.
1614 |
ScriptLoadContext.cpp |
= nullptr |
7549 |
ScriptLoadContext.h |
DOM specific ScriptLoadContext.
ScriptLoadContexts augment the loading of a ScriptLoadRequest. They
describe how a ScriptLoadRequests loading and evaluation needs to be
augmented, based on the information provided by the loading context. In
the case of the DOM, the ScriptLoadContext is used to identify how a script
should be loaded according to information found in the HTML document into
which it will be loaded. The following fields describe how the
ScriptLoadRequest will be loaded.
* mScriptMode
stores the mode (Async, Sync, Deferred), and preload, which
allows the ScriptLoader to decide if the script should be pushed
offThread, or if the preloaded request should be used.
* mScriptFromHead
Set when the script tag is in the head, and should be treated as
a blocking script
* mIsInline
Set for scripts whose bodies are inline in the html. In this case,
the script does not need to be fetched first.
Set if we are in an XSLT request.
* mIsPreload
Set for scripts that are preloaded in a
<link rel="preload" as="script"> or <link rel="modulepreload">
In addition to describing how the ScriptLoadRequest will be loaded by the
DOM ScriptLoader, the ScriptLoadContext contains fields that facilitate
those custom behaviors, including support for offthread parsing and preload
element specific controls.
11263 |
ScriptLoader.cpp |
165137 |
ScriptLoader.h |
Called when the document that owns this script loader changes global. The
argument is null when the document is detached from a window.
31312 |
ScriptLoadHandler.cpp |
17055 |
ScriptLoadHandler.h |
A class that handles loading and evaluation of <script> elements.
4525 |
ScriptLoadRequestType.h |
610 |
ScriptSettings.cpp |
23862 |
ScriptSettings.h |
Utilities for managing the script settings object stack defined in webapps |
15814 |
ScriptTrace.h |
2419 |
ShadowRealmGlobalScope.cpp |
4174 |
ShadowRealmGlobalScope.h |
1b0a59dd-c1cb-429a-bb90-cea17994dba2 |
3312 |
SharedScriptCache.cpp |
5818 |
SharedScriptCache.h |
7192 |