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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
#include "CanonicalQuotaObject.h"
#include "GroupInfo.h"
#include "GroupInfoPair.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/StorageActivityService.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/AssertionsImpl.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/DirectoryLock.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/NotifyUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaManager.h"
#include "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundParent.h"
#include "OriginInfo.h"
namespace mozilla::dom::quota {
NS_IMETHODIMP_(MozExternalRefCountType) CanonicalQuotaObject::AddRef() {
QuotaManager* quotaManager = QuotaManager::Get();
if (!quotaManager) {
NS_ERROR("Null quota manager, this shouldn't happen, possible leak!");
return ++mRefCnt;
MutexAutoLock lock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
return ++mRefCnt;
NS_IMETHODIMP_(MozExternalRefCountType) CanonicalQuotaObject::Release() {
QuotaManager* quotaManager = QuotaManager::Get();
if (!quotaManager) {
NS_ERROR("Null quota manager, this shouldn't happen, possible leak!");
nsrefcnt count = --mRefCnt;
if (count == 0) {
mRefCnt = 1;
delete this;
return 0;
return mRefCnt;
MutexAutoLock lock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
if (mRefCnt > 0) {
return mRefCnt;
if (mOriginInfo) {
delete this;
return 0;
bool CanonicalQuotaObject::MaybeUpdateSize(int64_t aSize, bool aTruncate) {
QuotaManager* quotaManager = QuotaManager::Get();
MutexAutoLock lock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
return LockedMaybeUpdateSize(aSize, aTruncate);
bool CanonicalQuotaObject::IncreaseSize(int64_t aDelta) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aDelta >= 0);
QuotaManager* quotaManager = QuotaManager::Get();
MutexAutoLock lock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
AssertNoOverflow(mSize, aDelta);
int64_t size = mSize + aDelta;
return LockedMaybeUpdateSize(size, /* aTruncate */ false);
void CanonicalQuotaObject::DisableQuotaCheck() {
QuotaManager* quotaManager = QuotaManager::Get();
MutexAutoLock lock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
mQuotaCheckDisabled = true;
void CanonicalQuotaObject::EnableQuotaCheck() {
QuotaManager* quotaManager = QuotaManager::Get();
MutexAutoLock lock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
mQuotaCheckDisabled = false;
bool CanonicalQuotaObject::LockedMaybeUpdateSize(int64_t aSize,
bool aTruncate) {
QuotaManager* quotaManager = QuotaManager::Get();
if (mWritingDone == false && mOriginInfo) {
mWritingDone = true;
if (mQuotaCheckDisabled) {
return true;
if (mSize == aSize) {
return true;
if (!mOriginInfo) {
mSize = aSize;
return true;
GroupInfo* groupInfo = mOriginInfo->mGroupInfo;
if (mSize > aSize) {
if (aTruncate) {
const int64_t delta = mSize - aSize;
AssertNoUnderflow(quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageUsage, delta);
quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageUsage -= delta;
if (!mOriginInfo->LockedPersisted()) {
AssertNoUnderflow(groupInfo->mUsage, delta);
groupInfo->mUsage -= delta;
AssertNoUnderflow(mOriginInfo->mUsage, delta);
mOriginInfo->mUsage -= delta;
AssertNoUnderflow(mOriginInfo->mClientUsages[mClientType].value(), delta);
mOriginInfo->mClientUsages[mClientType] =
Some(mOriginInfo->mClientUsages[mClientType].value() - delta);
mSize = aSize;
return true;
MOZ_ASSERT(mSize < aSize);
const auto& complementaryPersistenceTypes =
uint64_t delta = aSize - mSize;
AssertNoOverflow(mOriginInfo->mClientUsages[mClientType].valueOr(0), delta);
uint64_t newClientUsage =
mOriginInfo->mClientUsages[mClientType].valueOr(0) + delta;
AssertNoOverflow(mOriginInfo->mUsage, delta);
uint64_t newUsage = mOriginInfo->mUsage + delta;
// Temporary storage has no limit for origin usage (there's a group and the
// global limit though).
uint64_t newGroupUsage = groupInfo->mUsage;
if (!mOriginInfo->LockedPersisted()) {
AssertNoOverflow(groupInfo->mUsage, delta);
newGroupUsage += delta;
uint64_t groupUsage = groupInfo->mUsage;
for (const auto& complementaryPersistenceType :
complementaryPersistenceTypes) {
const auto& complementaryGroupInfo =
if (complementaryGroupInfo) {
AssertNoOverflow(groupUsage, complementaryGroupInfo->mUsage);
groupUsage += complementaryGroupInfo->mUsage;
// Temporary storage has a hard limit for group usage (20 % of the global
// limit).
AssertNoOverflow(groupUsage, delta);
if (groupUsage + delta > quotaManager->GetGroupLimit()) {
return false;
AssertNoOverflow(quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageUsage, delta);
uint64_t newTemporaryStorageUsage =
quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageUsage + delta;
if (newTemporaryStorageUsage > quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageLimit) {
// This will block the thread without holding the lock while waitting.
AutoTArray<RefPtr<OriginDirectoryLock>, 10> locks;
uint64_t sizeToBeFreed;
if (::mozilla::ipc::IsOnBackgroundThread()) {
MutexAutoUnlock autoUnlock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
sizeToBeFreed = quotaManager->CollectOriginsForEviction(delta, locks);
} else {
sizeToBeFreed =
quotaManager->LockedCollectOriginsForEviction(delta, locks);
if (!sizeToBeFreed) {
uint64_t usage = quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageUsage;
MutexAutoUnlock autoUnlock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
NotifyStoragePressure(*quotaManager, usage);
return false;
NS_ASSERTION(sizeToBeFreed >= delta, "Huh?");
MutexAutoUnlock autoUnlock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
for (const auto& lock : locks) {
// Relocked.
NS_ASSERTION(mOriginInfo, "How come?!");
for (const auto& lock : locks) {
MOZ_ASSERT(!(lock->GetPersistenceType() == groupInfo->mPersistenceType &&
lock->Origin() == mOriginInfo->mOrigin),
"Deleted itself!");
// We unlocked and relocked several times so we need to recompute all the
// essential variables and recheck the group limit.
AssertNoUnderflow(aSize, mSize);
delta = aSize - mSize;
AssertNoOverflow(mOriginInfo->mClientUsages[mClientType].valueOr(0), delta);
newClientUsage = mOriginInfo->mClientUsages[mClientType].valueOr(0) + delta;
AssertNoOverflow(mOriginInfo->mUsage, delta);
newUsage = mOriginInfo->mUsage + delta;
newGroupUsage = groupInfo->mUsage;
if (!mOriginInfo->LockedPersisted()) {
AssertNoOverflow(groupInfo->mUsage, delta);
newGroupUsage += delta;
uint64_t groupUsage = groupInfo->mUsage;
for (const auto& complementaryPersistenceType :
complementaryPersistenceTypes) {
const auto& complementaryGroupInfo =
if (complementaryGroupInfo) {
AssertNoOverflow(groupUsage, complementaryGroupInfo->mUsage);
groupUsage += complementaryGroupInfo->mUsage;
AssertNoOverflow(groupUsage, delta);
if (groupUsage + delta > quotaManager->GetGroupLimit()) {
// Unfortunately some other thread increased the group usage in the
// meantime and we are not below the group limit anymore.
// However, the origin eviction must be finalized in this case too.
MutexAutoUnlock autoUnlock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
return false;
AssertNoOverflow(quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageUsage, delta);
newTemporaryStorageUsage = quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageUsage + delta;
newTemporaryStorageUsage <= quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageLimit,
"How come?!");
// Ok, we successfully freed enough space and the operation can continue
// without throwing the quota error.
mOriginInfo->mClientUsages[mClientType] = Some(newClientUsage);
mOriginInfo->mUsage = newUsage;
if (!mOriginInfo->LockedPersisted()) {
groupInfo->mUsage = newGroupUsage;
quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageUsage = newTemporaryStorageUsage;
// Some other thread could increase the size in the meantime, but no more
// than this one.
MOZ_ASSERT(mSize < aSize);
mSize = aSize;
// Finally, release IO thread only objects and allow next synchronized
// ops for the evicted origins.
MutexAutoUnlock autoUnlock(quotaManager->mQuotaMutex);
return true;
mOriginInfo->mClientUsages[mClientType] = Some(newClientUsage);
mOriginInfo->mUsage = newUsage;
if (!mOriginInfo->LockedPersisted()) {
groupInfo->mUsage = newGroupUsage;
quotaManager->mTemporaryStorageUsage = newTemporaryStorageUsage;
mSize = aSize;
return true;
} // namespace mozilla::dom::quota