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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
/** `ChromePushSubscription` instances are passed to all subscription callbacks. */
export class ChromePushSubscription {
constructor(props) {
this.#props = props;
QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIPushSubscription"]);
/** The URL for sending messages to this subscription. */
get endpoint() {
return this.#props.endpoint;
/** The last time a message was sent to this subscription. */
get lastPush() {
return this.#props.lastPush;
/** The total number of messages sent to this subscription. */
get pushCount() {
return this.#props.pushCount;
/** The number of remaining background messages that can be sent to this
* subscription, or -1 of the subscription is exempt from the quota.
get quota() {
return this.#props.quota;
* Indicates whether this subscription was created with the system principal.
* System subscriptions are exempt from the background message quota and
* permission checks.
get isSystemSubscription() {
return !!this.#props.systemRecord;
/** The private key used to decrypt incoming push messages, in JWK format */
get p256dhPrivateKey() {
return this.#props.p256dhPrivateKey;
* Indicates whether this subscription is subject to the background message
* quota.
quotaApplies() {
return this.quota >= 0;
* Indicates whether this subscription exceeded the background message quota,
* or the user revoked the notification permission. The caller must request a
* new subscription to continue receiving push messages.
isExpired() {
return this.quota === 0;
* Returns a key for encrypting messages sent to this subscription. JS
* callers receive the key buffer as a return value, while C++ callers
* receive the key size and buffer as out parameters.
getKey(name) {
switch (name) {
case "p256dh":
return this.#getRawKey(this.#props.p256dhKey);
case "auth":
return this.#getRawKey(this.#props.authenticationSecret);
case "appServer":
return this.#getRawKey(this.#props.appServerKey);
return [];
#getRawKey(key) {
if (!key) {
return [];
return new Uint8Array(key);