Name Description Size
CacheablePerformanceTimingData.h 3690
EventCounts.cpp 2565
EventCounts.h 1017
LargestContentfulPaint.cpp static 17782
LargestContentfulPaint.h 4600
metrics.yaml 1207 1994
Performance.cpp static 39345
Performance.h 9008
PerformanceEntry.cpp 1758
PerformanceEntry.h mozilla_dom_PerformanceEntry_h___ 3083
PerformanceEventTiming.cpp 9339
PerformanceEventTiming.h 4734
PerformanceInteractionMetrics.cpp 7026
PerformanceInteractionMetrics.h 2865
PerformanceMainThread.cpp 26728
PerformanceMainThread.h 7553
PerformanceMark.cpp 5224
PerformanceMark.h mozilla_dom_performancemark_h___ 2455
PerformanceMeasure.cpp 2665
PerformanceMeasure.h mozilla_dom_performancemeasure_h___ 1709
PerformanceNavigation.cpp 1157
PerformanceNavigation.h 1570
PerformanceNavigationTiming.cpp Per Navigation Timing Level 2, the value is 0 if a. there is no previous document or b. the same-origin-check fails. The same-origin-check is defined as: 1. If the previous document exists and its origin is not same origin as the current document's origin, return "fail". 2. Let request be the current document's request. 3. If request's redirect count is not zero, and all of request's HTTP redirects have the same origin as the current document, return "pass". 4. Otherwise, return "fail". 5485
PerformanceNavigationTiming.h For use with the WebIDL Func attribute to determine whether window.PerformanceNavigationTiming is exposed. 3185
PerformanceObserver.cpp Keep this list in alphabetical order. 12066
PerformanceObserver.h This is also known as registered, in the spec. 2547
PerformanceObserverEntryList.cpp 3415
PerformanceObserverEntryList.h 1909
PerformancePaintTiming.cpp 2108
PerformancePaintTiming.h mozilla_dom_PerformanacePaintTiming_h___ 1714
PerformanceResourceTiming.cpp 5615
PerformanceResourceTiming.h aEnsureSameOriginAndIgnoreTAO 8232
PerformanceServerTiming.cpp 1929
PerformanceServerTiming.h 1555
PerformanceService.cpp static 1289
PerformanceService.h 1301
PerformanceStorage.h 1043
PerformanceStorageWorker.cpp static 5540
PerformanceStorageWorker.h 1498
PerformanceTiming.cpp static 29538
PerformanceTiming.h @param aStamp The TimeStamp recorded for a specific event. This TimeStamp can be null. @return the duration of an event with a given TimeStamp, relative to the navigationStart TimeStamp (the moment the user landed on the page), if the given TimeStamp is valid. Otherwise, it will return the FetchStart timing value. 21483
PerformanceTimingIPCUtils.h 872
PerformanceTimingTypes.ipdlh 1494
PerformanceWorker.cpp 2163
PerformanceWorker.h 3157