CacheablePerformanceTimingData.h |
3690 |
EventCounts.cpp |
2565 |
EventCounts.h |
1017 |
LargestContentfulPaint.cpp |
static |
17782 |
LargestContentfulPaint.h |
4600 |
metrics.yaml |
1207 | |
1994 |
Performance.cpp |
static |
39345 |
Performance.h |
9008 |
PerformanceEntry.cpp |
1758 |
PerformanceEntry.h |
mozilla_dom_PerformanceEntry_h___ |
3083 |
PerformanceEventTiming.cpp |
9339 |
PerformanceEventTiming.h |
4734 |
PerformanceInteractionMetrics.cpp |
7026 |
PerformanceInteractionMetrics.h |
2865 |
PerformanceMainThread.cpp |
26728 |
PerformanceMainThread.h |
7553 |
PerformanceMark.cpp |
5224 |
PerformanceMark.h |
mozilla_dom_performancemark_h___ |
2455 |
PerformanceMeasure.cpp |
2665 |
PerformanceMeasure.h |
mozilla_dom_performancemeasure_h___ |
1709 |
PerformanceNavigation.cpp |
1157 |
PerformanceNavigation.h |
1570 |
PerformanceNavigationTiming.cpp |
Per Navigation Timing Level 2, the value is 0 if
a. there is no previous document or
b. the same-origin-check fails.
The same-origin-check is defined as:
1. If the previous document exists and its origin is not same
origin as the current document's origin, return "fail".
2. Let request be the current document's request.
3. If request's redirect count is not zero, and all of request's
HTTP redirects have the same origin as the current document,
return "pass".
4. Otherwise, return "fail".
5485 |
PerformanceNavigationTiming.h |
For use with the WebIDL Func attribute to determine whether
window.PerformanceNavigationTiming is exposed.
3185 |
PerformanceObserver.cpp |
Keep this list in alphabetical order.
12066 |
PerformanceObserver.h |
This is also known as registered, in the spec.
2547 |
PerformanceObserverEntryList.cpp |
3415 |
PerformanceObserverEntryList.h |
1909 |
PerformancePaintTiming.cpp |
2108 |
PerformancePaintTiming.h |
mozilla_dom_PerformanacePaintTiming_h___ |
1714 |
PerformanceResourceTiming.cpp |
5615 |
PerformanceResourceTiming.h |
aEnsureSameOriginAndIgnoreTAO |
8232 |
PerformanceServerTiming.cpp |
1929 |
PerformanceServerTiming.h |
1555 |
PerformanceService.cpp |
static |
1289 |
PerformanceService.h |
1301 |
PerformanceStorage.h |
1043 |
PerformanceStorageWorker.cpp |
static |
5540 |
PerformanceStorageWorker.h |
1498 |
PerformanceTiming.cpp |
static |
29538 |
PerformanceTiming.h |
@param aStamp
The TimeStamp recorded for a specific event. This TimeStamp can
be null.
@return the duration of an event with a given TimeStamp, relative to the
navigationStart TimeStamp (the moment the user landed on the
page), if the given TimeStamp is valid. Otherwise, it will return
the FetchStart timing value.
21483 |
PerformanceTimingIPCUtils.h |
872 |
PerformanceTimingTypes.ipdlh |
1494 |
PerformanceWorker.cpp |
2163 |
PerformanceWorker.h |
3157 |
tests |