Name Description Size
BasicCardPayment.cpp 3827
BasicCardPayment.h 1214
components.conf 3817
MerchantValidationEvent.cpp 6111
MerchantValidationEvent.h 2501 1308
PaymentActionResponse.cpp PaymentResponseData 11623
PaymentActionResponse.h 4753
PaymentAddress.cpp 2806
PaymentAddress.h 2311
PaymentMethodChangeEvent.cpp 6557
PaymentMethodChangeEvent.h 2070
PaymentRequest.cpp The syntax of a standardized payment method identifier is given by the following [ABNF]: stdpmi = part *( "-" part ) part = 1loweralpha *( DIGIT / loweralpha ) loweralpha = %x61-7A 41210
PaymentRequest.h 10274
PaymentRequestData.cpp PaymentMethodData 24263
PaymentRequestData.h 8225
PaymentRequestManager.cpp Following Convert* functions are used for convert PaymentRequest structs to transferable structs for IPC. 26837
PaymentRequestManager.h PaymentRequestManager is a singleton used to manage the created PaymentRequests. It is also the communication agent to chrome process. 4124
PaymentRequestService.cpp PaymentRequestService 19376
PaymentRequestService.h 1852
PaymentRequestUpdateEvent.cpp aRequestShipping 5102
PaymentRequestUpdateEvent.h 2138
PaymentRequestUtils.cpp 2110
PaymentRequestUtils.h 1164
PaymentResponse.cpp 14802
PaymentResponse.h 5774