BasicCardPayment.cpp |
3827 |
BasicCardPayment.h |
1214 |
components.conf |
3817 |
ipc |
MerchantValidationEvent.cpp |
6111 |
MerchantValidationEvent.h |
2501 | |
1308 |
PaymentActionResponse.cpp |
PaymentResponseData |
11623 |
PaymentActionResponse.h |
4753 |
PaymentAddress.cpp |
2806 |
PaymentAddress.h |
2311 |
PaymentMethodChangeEvent.cpp |
6557 |
PaymentMethodChangeEvent.h |
2070 |
PaymentRequest.cpp |
The syntax of a standardized payment method identifier is given by the
following [ABNF]:
stdpmi = part *( "-" part )
part = 1loweralpha *( DIGIT / loweralpha )
loweralpha = %x61-7A
41210 |
PaymentRequest.h |
10274 |
PaymentRequestData.cpp |
PaymentMethodData |
24263 |
PaymentRequestData.h |
8225 |
PaymentRequestManager.cpp |
Following Convert* functions are used for convert PaymentRequest structs
to transferable structs for IPC.
26837 |
PaymentRequestManager.h |
PaymentRequestManager is a singleton used to manage the created
PaymentRequests. It is also the communication agent to chrome process.
4124 |
PaymentRequestService.cpp |
PaymentRequestService |
19376 |
PaymentRequestService.h |
1852 |
PaymentRequestUpdateEvent.cpp |
aRequestShipping |
5102 |
PaymentRequestUpdateEvent.h |
2138 |
PaymentRequestUtils.cpp |
2110 |
PaymentRequestUtils.h |
1164 |
PaymentResponse.cpp |
14802 |
PaymentResponse.h |
5774 |
test |