Name Description Size
components.conf 822
IPCUtils.h 938
MemoryNotificationDB.sys.mjs 523
metrics.yaml 2602 1289
Notification.cpp 30889
Notification.h A Notification gets a corresponding IPC actor after successful construction. The notification object and the actor do not own each other and their lifetimes are controlled semi-independently. The Notification object can be cycle collected when either: - no one is listening for the events, or - the backend notification is closed. The actor goes away when either: - the backend notification is closed, or - the tab is closed or bfcached. (It cannot just go away on cycle collection because nsIAlertsService wants to know whether the triggered page is still open to decide whether to open a new tab or focus on the existing tab.) 6620
NotificationChild.cpp canBubble 4269
NotificationChild.h 1478
NotificationDB.sys.mjs 12063
NotificationParent.cpp 11548
NotificationParent.h 2652
NotificationStorage.sys.mjs 4890
NotificationUtils.cpp 12216
NotificationUtils.h Retrieves raw notification permission directly from PermissionManager. 4283
PNotification.ipdl 628