Name Description Size
AlsaCompatibility.cpp 1229
MIDIAccess.cpp 8600
MIDIAccess.h MIDIAccess is the DOM object that is handed to the user upon MIDI permissions being successfully granted. It manages access to MIDI ports, and fires events for device connection and disconnection. New MIDIAccess objects are created every time RequestMIDIAccess is called. MIDIAccess objects are managed via MIDIAccessManager. 3469
MIDIAccessManager.cpp 5624
MIDIAccessManager.h MIDIAccessManager manages creation and lifetime of MIDIAccess objects for the process it lives in. It is in charge of dealing with permission requests, creating new MIDIAccess objects, and updating live MIDIAccess objects with new device listings. While a process/window can have many MIDIAccess objects, there is only one MIDIAccessManager for any one process. 2924
MIDIInput.cpp 3263
MIDIInput.h Represents a MIDI Input Port, handles generating incoming message events. 1652
MIDIInputMap.cpp 992
MIDIInputMap.h Maplike DOM object that holds a list of all MIDI input ports available for access. Almost all functions are implemented automatically by WebIDL. 1545
MIDILog.cpp 1707
MIDILog.h 849
MIDIManagerChild.cpp 890
MIDIManagerChild.h Actor implementation for the Child side of MIDIManager (represented in DOM by MIDIAccess). Manages actor lifetime so that we know to shut down services when all MIDIManagers are gone. Also receives port list update on MIDIAccess object creation. 1121
MIDIManagerParent.cpp 1259
MIDIManagerParent.h Actor implementation for the Parent (PBackground thread) side of MIDIManager (represented in DOM by MIDIAccess). Manages actor lifetime so that we know to shut down services when all MIDIManagers are gone. 1137
MIDIMessageEvent.cpp 3385
MIDIMessageEvent.h Event that fires whenever a MIDI message is received by the MIDIInput object. 1978
MIDIMessageQueue.cpp 1940
MIDIMessageQueue.h Since some MIDI Messages can be scheduled to be sent in the future, the MIDIMessageQueue is responsible for making sure all MIDI messages are scheduled and sent in order. 1800
MIDIOutput.cpp 3442
MIDIOutput.h Represents a MIDI Output Port, handles sending message to devices. 1445
MIDIOutputMap.cpp 1003
MIDIOutputMap.h Maplike DOM object that holds a list of all MIDI output ports available for access. Almost all functions are implemented automatically by WebIDL. 1558
MIDIPermissionRequest.cpp 7185
MIDIPermissionRequest.h Handles permission dialog management when requesting MIDI permissions. 1732
MIDIPlatformRunnables.cpp 1415
MIDIPlatformRunnables.h Base class for runnables to be fired to the platform-specific MIDI service thread in PBackground. 3721
MIDIPlatformService.cpp 8698
MIDIPlatformService.h Base class for platform specific MIDI implementations. Handles aggregation of IPC service objects, as well as sending/receiving updates about port connection events and messages. 6551
MIDIPort.cpp 7472
MIDIPort.h Implementation of WebIDL DOM MIDIPort class. Handles all port representation and communication. 3562
MIDIPortChild.cpp 2124
MIDIPortChild.h Child actor for a MIDIPort object. Each MIDIPort DOM object in JS has a its own child actor. The lifetime of the actor object is dependent on the lifetime of the JS object. 1650
MIDIPortInterface.cpp 1135
MIDIPortInterface.h Base class for MIDIPort Parent/Child Actors. Makes sure both sides of the MIDIPort IPC connection need to a synchronized set of info/state. 1648
MIDIPortParent.cpp 3423
MIDIPortParent.h Actor representing the parent (PBackground thread) side of a MIDIPort object. 1901
midirMIDIPlatformService.cpp Runnable used for to send messages asynchronously on the I/O thread. 6727
midirMIDIPlatformService.h Platform service implementation using the midir crate. 2418
MIDITypes.ipdlh 762
MIDIUtils.cpp 5444
MIDIUtils.h Set of utility functions for dealing with MIDI Messages. 967 1954
PMIDIManager.ipdl Send an updated list of MIDI ports to the child 528
PMIDIPort.ipdl 752
TestMIDIPlatformService.cpp Runnable used for making sure ProcessMessages only happens on the IO thread. 9752
TestMIDIPlatformService.h Platform service implementation used for mochitests. Emulates what a real platform service should look like, including using an internal IO thread for message IO. 2196