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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
var Cc = SpecialPowers.Cc;
var Ci = SpecialPowers.Ci;
// Specifies if we want fake audio streams for this run
let WANT_FAKE_AUDIO = true;
// Specifies if we want fake video streams for this run
let WANT_FAKE_VIDEO = true;
let TEST_AUDIO_FREQ = 1000;
* Reads the current values of preferences affecting fake and loopback devices
* and sets the WANT_FAKE_AUDIO and WANT_FAKE_VIDEO gloabals appropriately.
function updateConfigFromFakeAndLoopbackPrefs() {
let audioDevice = SpecialPowers.getCharPref("media.audio_loopback_dev", "");
if (audioDevice) {
dump("TEST DEVICES: Got loopback audio: " + audioDevice + "\n");
} else {
"TEST DEVICES: No test device found in media.audio_loopback_dev, using fake audio streams.\n"
let videoDevice = SpecialPowers.getCharPref("media.video_loopback_dev", "");
if (videoDevice) {
dump("TEST DEVICES: Got loopback video: " + videoDevice + "\n");
} else {
"TEST DEVICES: No test device found in media.video_loopback_dev, using fake video streams.\n"
* Helper class to setup a sine tone of a given frequency.
class LoopbackTone {
constructor(audioContext, frequency) {
if (!audioContext) {
throw new Error("You must provide a valid AudioContext");
this.oscNode = audioContext.createOscillator();
var gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = 0.5;
// Method should be used when WANT_FAKE_AUDIO is false.
start() {
if (!this.oscNode) {
throw new Error("Attempt to start a stopped LoopbackTone");
info(`Start loopback tone at ${this.oscNode.frequency.value}`);
// Change the frequency of the tone. It can be used after start.
// Frequency will change on the fly. No need to stop and create a new instance.
changeFrequency(frequency) {
if (!this.oscNode) {
throw new Error("Attempt to change frequency on a stopped LoopbackTone");
this.oscNode.frequency.value = frequency;
stop() {
if (!this.oscNode) {
throw new Error("Attempt to stop a stopped LoopbackTone");
this.oscNode = null;
// Object that holds the default loopback tone.
var DefaultLoopbackTone = null;
* This class provides helpers around analysing the audio content in a stream
* using WebAudio AnalyserNodes.
* @constructor
* @param {object} stream
* A MediaStream object whose audio track we shall analyse.
function AudioStreamAnalyser(ac, stream) {
this.audioContext = ac; = stream;
this.sourceNodes = [];
this.analyser = this.audioContext.createAnalyser();
// Setting values lower than default for speedier testing on emulators
this.analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.2;
this.analyser.fftSize = 1024;
this.connectTrack = t => {
let source = this.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(
new MediaStream([t])
}; => this.connectTrack(t));
this.onaddtrack = ev => this.connectTrack(ev.track);"addtrack", this.onaddtrack); = new Uint8Array(this.analyser.frequencyBinCount);
AudioStreamAnalyser.prototype = {
* Get an array of frequency domain data for our stream's audio track.
* @returns {array} A Uint8Array containing the frequency domain data.
getByteFrequencyData() {
* Append a canvas to the DOM where the frequency data are drawn.
* Useful to debug tests.
enableDebugCanvas() {
var cvs = (this.debugCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"));
const content = document.getElementById("content");
content.insertBefore(cvs, content.children[0]);
// Easy: 1px per bin
cvs.width = this.analyser.frequencyBinCount;
cvs.height = 128; = "1px solid red";
var c = cvs.getContext("2d");
c.fillStyle = "black";
var self = this;
function render() {
c.clearRect(0, 0, cvs.width, cvs.height);
var array = self.getByteFrequencyData();
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
c.fillRect(i, cvs.height - array[i] / 2, 1, cvs.height);
if (!cvs.stopDrawing) {
* Stop drawing of and remove the debug canvas from the DOM if it was
* previously added.
disableDebugCanvas() {
if (!this.debugCanvas || !this.debugCanvas.parentElement) {
this.debugCanvas.stopDrawing = true;
* Disconnects the input stream from our internal analyser node.
* Call this to reduce main thread processing, mostly necessary on slow
* devices.
disconnect() {
this.sourceNodes.forEach(n => n.disconnect());
this.sourceNodes = [];"addtrack", this.onaddtrack);
* Return a Promise, that will be resolved when the function passed as
* argument, when called, returns true (meaning the analysis was a
* success). The promise is rejected if the cancel promise resolves first.
* @param {function} analysisFunction
* A function that performs an analysis, and resolves with true if the
* analysis was a success (i.e. it found what it was looking for)
* @param {promise} cancel
* A promise that on resolving will reject the promise we returned.
async waitForAnalysisSuccess(
cancel = wait(60000, new Error("Audio analysis timed out"))
) {
let aborted = false;
cancel.then(() => (aborted = true));
// We need to give the Analyser some time to start gathering data.
await wait(200);
do {
await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
if (aborted) {
throw await cancel;
} while (!analysisFunction(this.getByteFrequencyData()));
* Return the FFT bin index for a given frequency.
* @param {double} frequency
* The frequency for whicht to return the bin number.
* @returns {integer} the index of the bin in the FFT array.
binIndexForFrequency(frequency) {
return Math.round(
(frequency * this.analyser.fftSize) / this.audioContext.sampleRate
* Reverse operation, get the frequency for a bin index.
* @param {integer} index an index in an FFT array
* @returns {double} the frequency for this bin
frequencyForBinIndex(index) {
return (index * this.audioContext.sampleRate) / this.analyser.fftSize;
* Creates a MediaStream with an audio track containing a sine tone at the
* given frequency.
* @param {AudioContext} ac
* AudioContext in which to create the OscillatorNode backing the stream
* @param {double} frequency
* The frequency in Hz of the generated sine tone
* @returns {MediaStream} the MediaStream containing sine tone audio track
function createOscillatorStream(ac, frequency) {
var osc = ac.createOscillator();
osc.frequency.value = frequency;
var oscDest = ac.createMediaStreamDestination();
* Create the necessary HTML elements for head and body as used by Mochitests
* @param {object} meta
* Meta information of the test
* @param {string} meta.title
* Description of the test
* @param {string} [meta.bug]
* Bug the test was created for
* @param {boolean} [meta.visible=false]
* Visibility of the media elements
function realCreateHTML(meta) {
var test = document.getElementById("test");
// Create the head content
var elem = document.createElement("meta");
elem.setAttribute("charset", "utf-8");
var title = document.createElement("title");
title.textContent = meta.title;
// Create the body content
var anchor = document.createElement("a");
anchor.textContent = meta.title;
if (meta.bug) {
} else {
anchor.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
document.body.insertBefore(anchor, test);
var display = document.createElement("p");
display.setAttribute("id", "display");
document.body.insertBefore(display, test);
var content = document.createElement("div");
content.setAttribute("id", "content"); = meta.visible ? "block" : "none";
* Creates an element of the given type, assigns the given id, sets the controls
* and autoplay attributes and adds it to the content node.
* @param {string} type
* Defining if we should create an "audio" or "video" element
* @param {string} id
* A string to use as the element id.
function createMediaElement(type, id) {
const element = document.createElement(type);
element.setAttribute("id", id);
element.setAttribute("height", 100);
element.setAttribute("width", 150);
element.setAttribute("controls", "controls");
element.setAttribute("autoplay", "autoplay");
element.setAttribute("muted", "muted");
element.muted = true;
return element;
* Returns an existing element for the given track with the given idPrefix,
* as it was added by createMediaElementForTrack().
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} track
* Track used as the element's source.
* @param {string} idPrefix
* A string to use as the element id. The track id will also be appended.
function getMediaElementForTrack(track, idPrefix) {
return document.getElementById(idPrefix + "_" +;
* Create a media element with a track as source and attach it to the content
* node.
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} track
* Track for use as source.
* @param {string} idPrefix
* A string to use as the element id. The track id will also be appended.
* @return {HTMLMediaElement} The created HTML media element
function createMediaElementForTrack(track, idPrefix) {
const id = idPrefix + "_" +;
const element = createMediaElement(track.kind, id);
element.srcObject = new MediaStream([track]);
return element;
* Wrapper function for mediaDevices.getUserMedia used by some tests. Whether
* to use fake devices or not is now determined in pref further below instead.
* @param {Dictionary} constraints
* The constraints for this mozGetUserMedia callback
function getUserMedia(constraints) {
if (!constraints.fake && {
// Disable input processing mode when it's not explicity enabled.
// This is to avoid distortion of the loopback tone = Object.assign(
{ autoGainControl: false },
{ echoCancellation: false },
{ noiseSuppression: false },
info("Call getUserMedia for " + JSON.stringify(constraints));
return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then(stream => {
checkMediaStreamTracks(constraints, stream);
return stream;
// These are the promises we use to track that the prerequisites for the test
// are in place before running it.
var setTestOptions;
var testConfigured = new Promise(r => (setTestOptions = r));
function pushPrefs(...p) {
return SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: p });
async function withPrefs(prefs, func) {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: prefs });
try {
return await func();
} finally {
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
function setupEnvironment() {
var defaultMochitestPrefs = {
set: [
["media.peerconnection.enabled", true],
["media.peerconnection.identity.timeout", 120000],
["", 14],
["", 30000],
["media.navigator.permission.disabled", true],
// If either fake audio or video is desired we enable fake streams.
// If loopback devices are set they will be chosen instead of fakes in gecko.
["media.navigator.streams.fake", WANT_FAKE_AUDIO || WANT_FAKE_VIDEO],
["media.getusermedia.audiocapture.enabled", true],
["media.getusermedia.screensharing.enabled", true],
["media.getusermedia.window.focus_source.enabled", false],
["media.recorder.audio_node.enabled", true],
["", false],
["media.peerconnection.nat_simulator.filtering_type", ""],
["media.peerconnection.nat_simulator.mapping_type", ""],
["media.peerconnection.nat_simulator.block_tcp", false],
["media.peerconnection.nat_simulator.block_udp", false],
["media.peerconnection.nat_simulator.redirect_address", ""],
["media.peerconnection.nat_simulator.redirect_targets", ""],
["media.peerconnection.treat_warnings_as_errors", true],
if (navigator.userAgent.includes("Android")) {
["", 320],
["", 240],
["", 10],
["media.autoplay.default", Ci.nsIAutoplay.ALLOWED]
// Platform codec prefs should be matched because fake H.264 GMP codec doesn't
// produce/consume real bitstreams. [TODO] remove after bug 1509012 is fixed.
const platformEncoderEnabled = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref(
// Running as a Mochitest.
SimpleTest.requestFlakyTimeout("WebRTC inherently depends on timeouts");
window.finish = () => SimpleTest.finish();
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv(defaultMochitestPrefs, setTestOptions);
// We don't care about waiting for this to complete, we just want to ensure
// that we don't build up a huge backlog of GC work.
// [TODO] remove after bug 1509012 is fixed.
async function matchPlatformH264CodecPrefs() {
const hasHW264 =
SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("media.webrtc.platformencoder") &&
!SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("media.webrtc.platformencoder.sw_only") &&
(navigator.userAgent.includes("Android") ||
navigator.userAgent.includes("Mac OS X"));
await pushPrefs(
["media.webrtc.platformencoder", hasHW264],
["media.navigator.mediadatadecoder_h264_enabled", hasHW264]
async function runTestWhenReady(testFunc) {
const options = await testConfigured;
try {
await testFunc(options);
} catch (e) {
`Error executing test: ${e}
${e.stack ? e.stack : ""}`
} finally {
* Checks that the media stream tracks have the expected amount of tracks
* with the correct attributes based on the type and constraints given.
* @param {Object} constraints specifies whether the stream should have
* audio, video, or both
* @param {String} type the type of media stream tracks being checked
* @param {sequence<MediaStreamTrack>} mediaStreamTracks the media stream
* tracks being checked
function checkMediaStreamTracksByType(constraints, type, mediaStreamTracks) {
if (constraints[type]) {
is(mediaStreamTracks.length, 1, "One " + type + " track shall be present");
if (mediaStreamTracks.length) {
is(mediaStreamTracks[0].kind, type, "Track kind should be " + type);
ok(mediaStreamTracks[0].id, "Track id should be defined");
ok(!mediaStreamTracks[0].muted, "Track should not be muted");
} else {
is(mediaStreamTracks.length, 0, "No " + type + " tracks shall be present");
* Check that the given media stream contains the expected media stream
* tracks given the associated audio & video constraints provided.
* @param {Object} constraints specifies whether the stream should have
* audio, video, or both
* @param {MediaStream} mediaStream the media stream being checked
function checkMediaStreamTracks(constraints, mediaStream) {
* Check that a media stream contains exactly a set of media stream tracks.
* @param {MediaStream} mediaStream the media stream being checked
* @param {Array} tracks the tracks that should exist in mediaStream
* @param {String} [message] an optional message to pass to asserts
function checkMediaStreamContains(mediaStream, tracks, message) {
message = message ? message + ": " : "";
tracks.forEach(t =>
message + "MediaStream " + + " contains track " +
message + "MediaStream " + + " contains no extra tracks"
function checkMediaStreamCloneAgainstOriginal(clone, original) {
isnot(, 0, "Stream clone should have an id string");
isnot(clone, original, "Stream clone should be different from the original");
"Stream clone's id should be different from the original's"
"All audio tracks should get cloned"
"All video tracks should get cloned"
is(,, "Active state should be preserved");
.forEach(t =>
ok(!clone.getTrackById(, "The clone's tracks should be originals")
function checkMediaStreamTrackCloneAgainstOriginal(clone, original) {
isnot(, 0, "Track clone should have an id string");
isnot(clone, original, "Track clone should be different from the original");
"Track clone's id should be different from the original's"
"Track clone's kind should be same as the original's"
"Track clone's kind should be same as the original's"
"Track clone's readyState should be same as the original's"
"Track clone's muted state should be same as the original's"
/*** Utility methods */
/** The dreadful setTimeout, use sparingly */
function wait(time, message) {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(message), time));
/** The even more dreadful setInterval, use even more sparingly */
function waitUntil(func, time) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
var interval = setInterval(() => {
if (func()) {
}, time || 200);
/** Time out while waiting for a promise to get resolved or rejected. */
var timeout = (promise, time, msg) =>
wait(time).then(() => Promise.reject(new Error(msg))),
/** Adds a |finally| function to a promise whose argument is invoked whether the
* promise is resolved or rejected, and that does not interfere with chaining.*/
var addFinallyToPromise = promise => {
promise.finally = func => {
return promise.then(
result => {
return Promise.resolve(result);
error => {
return Promise.reject(error);
return promise;
/** Use event listener to call passed-in function on fire until it returns true */
var listenUntil = (target, eventName, onFire) => {
return new Promise(resolve =>
target.addEventListener(eventName, function callback(event) {
var result = onFire(event);
if (result) {
target.removeEventListener(eventName, callback);
/* Test that a function throws the right error */
function mustThrowWith(msg, reason, f) {
try {
ok(false, msg + " must throw");
} catch (e) {
is(, reason, msg + " must throw: " + e.message);
/* Get a dummy audio track */
function getSilentTrack() {
let ctx = new AudioContext(),
oscillator = ctx.createOscillator();
let dst = oscillator.connect(ctx.createMediaStreamDestination());
return Object.assign([0], { enabled: false });
function getBlackTrack({ width = 640, height = 480 } = {}) {
let canvas = Object.assign(document.createElement("canvas"), {
canvas.getContext("2d").fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
let stream = canvas.captureStream();
return Object.assign(stream.getVideoTracks()[0], { enabled: false });
/*** Test control flow methods */
* Generates a callback function fired only under unexpected circumstances
* while running the tests. The generated function kills off the test as well
* gracefully.
* @param {String} [message]
* An optional message to show if no object gets passed into the
* generated callback method.
function generateErrorCallback(message) {
var stack = new Error().stack.split("\n");
stack.shift(); // Don't include this instantiation frame
* @param {object} aObj
* The object fired back from the callback
return aObj => {
if (aObj) {
if ( && aObj.message) {
"Unexpected callback for '" + +
"' with message = '" +
aObj.message +
"' at " +
} else {
"Unexpected callback with = '" +
aObj +
"' at: " +
} else {
"Unexpected callback with message = '" +
message +
"' at: " +
throw new Error("Unexpected callback");
var unexpectedEventArrived;
var rejectOnUnexpectedEvent = new Promise((x, reject) => {
unexpectedEventArrived = reject;
* Generates a callback function fired only for unexpected events happening.
* @param {String} description
Description of the object for which the event has been fired
* @param {String} eventName
Name of the unexpected event
function unexpectedEvent(message, eventName) {
var stack = new Error().stack.split("\n");
stack.shift(); // Don't include this instantiation frame
return e => {
var details =
"Unexpected event '" +
eventName +
"' fired with message = '" +
message +
"' at: " +
ok(false, details);
unexpectedEventArrived(new Error(details));
* Implements the one-shot event pattern used throughout. Each of the 'onxxx'
* attributes on the wrappers can be set with a custom handler. Prior to the
* handler being set, if the event fires, it causes the test execution to halt.
* That handler is used exactly once, after which the original, error-generating
* handler is re-installed. Thus, each event handler is used at most once.
* @param {object} wrapper
* The wrapper on which the psuedo-handler is installed
* @param {object} obj
* The real source of events
* @param {string} event
* The name of the event
function createOneShotEventWrapper(wrapper, obj, event) {
var onx = "on" + event;
var unexpected = unexpectedEvent(wrapper, event);
wrapper[onx] = unexpected;
obj[onx] = e => {
info(wrapper + ': "on' + event + '" event fired');
e.wrapper = wrapper;
wrapper[onx] = unexpected;
* Returns a promise that resolves when `target` has raised an event with the
* given name the given number of times. Cancel the returned promise by passing
* in a `cancel` promise and resolving it.
* @param {object} target
* The target on which the event should occur.
* @param {string} name
* The name of the event that should occur.
* @param {integer} count
* Optional number of times the event should be raised before resolving.
* @param {promise} cancel
* Optional promise that on resolving rejects the returned promise,
* so we can avoid logging results after a test has finished.
* @returns {promise} A promise that resolves to the last of the seen events.
function haveEvents(target, name, count, cancel) {
var listener;
var counter = count || 1;
return Promise.race([
(cancel || new Promise(() => {})).then(e => Promise.reject(e)),
new Promise(resolve =>
(listener = e => --counter < 1 && resolve(e))
]).then(e => {
target.removeEventListener(name, listener);
return e;
* Returns a promise that resolves when `target` has raised an event with the
* given name. Cancel the returned promise by passing in a `cancel` promise and
* resolving it.
* @param {object} target
* The target on which the event should occur.
* @param {string} name
* The name of the event that should occur.
* @param {promise} cancel
* Optional promise that on resolving rejects the returned promise,
* so we can avoid logging results after a test has finished.
* @returns {promise} A promise that resolves to the seen event.
function haveEvent(target, name, cancel) {
return haveEvents(target, name, 1, cancel);
* Returns a promise that resolves if the target has not seen the given event
* after one crank (or until the given timeoutPromise resolves) of the event
* loop.
* @param {object} target
* The target on which the event should not occur.
* @param {string} name
* The name of the event that should not occur.
* @param {promise} timeoutPromise
* Optional promise defining how long we should wait before resolving.
* @returns {promise} A promise that is rejected if we see the given event, or
* resolves after a timeout otherwise.
function haveNoEvent(target, name, timeoutPromise) {
return haveEvent(target, name, timeoutPromise || wait(0)).then(
() => Promise.reject(new Error("Too many " + name + " events")),
() => {}
* Returns a promise that resolves after the target has seen the given number
* of events but no such event in a following crank of the event loop.
* @param {object} target
* The target on which the events should occur.
* @param {string} name
* The name of the event that should occur.
* @param {integer} count
* Optional number of times the event should be raised before resolving.
* @param {promise} cancel
* Optional promise that on resolving rejects the returned promise,
* so we can avoid logging results after a test has finished.
* @returns {promise} A promise that resolves to the last of the seen events.
function haveEventsButNoMore(target, name, count, cancel) {
return haveEvents(target, name, count, cancel).then(e =>
haveNoEvent(target, name).then(() => e)
* Resolves the returned promise with an object with usage and reportCount
* properties. `usage` is in the same units as reported by the reporter for
* `path`.
const collectMemoryUsage = async path => {
const MemoryReporterManager = Cc[
let usage = 0;
let reportCount = 0;
await new Promise(resolve =>
(aProcess, aPath, aKind, aUnits, aAmount, aDesc) => {
if (aPath != path) {
usage += aAmount;
/* anonymized = */ false
return { usage, reportCount };
// Some DNS helper functions
const dnsLookup = async hostname => {
// Convenience API for various networking related stuff. _Almost_ convenient
// enough.
const neckoDashboard = SpecialPowers.Cc[
const results = await new Promise(r => {
neckoDashboard.requestDNSLookup(hostname, results => {
// |address| is an array-like dictionary (ie; keys are all integers).
// We convert to an array to make it less unwieldy.
const addresses = [...results.address];
info(`DNS results for ${hostname}: ${JSON.stringify(addresses)}`);
return addresses;
const dnsLookupV4 = async hostname => {
const addresses = await dnsLookup(hostname);
return addresses.filter(address => !address.includes(":"));
const dnsLookupV6 = async hostname => {
const addresses = await dnsLookup(hostname);
return addresses.filter(address => address.includes(":"));
const getTurnHostname = turnUrl => {
const urlNoParams = turnUrl.split("?")[0];
// Strip off scheme
const hostAndMaybePort = urlNoParams.split(":", 2)[1];
if (hostAndMaybePort[0] == "[") {
// IPV6 literal, strip out '[', and split at closing ']'
return hostAndMaybePort.substring(1).split("]")[0];
return hostAndMaybePort.split(":")[0];
// Yo dawg I heard you like yo dawg I heard you like Proxies
// Example: let value = await GleanTest.category.metric.testGetValue();
// For labeled metrics:
// let value = await GleanTest.category.metric["label"].testGetValue();
// Please don't try to use the string "testGetValue" as a label.
const GleanTest = new Proxy(
get(target, categoryName, receiver) {
return new Proxy(
get(target, metricName, receiver) {
return new Proxy(
async testGetValue() {
return SpecialPowers.spawnChrome(
[categoryName, metricName],
async (categoryName, metricName) => {
await Services.fog.testFlushAllChildren();
const window = this.browsingContext.topChromeWindow;
return window.Glean[categoryName][
get(target, prop, receiver) {
// The only prop that will be there is testGetValue, but we
// might add more later.
if (prop in target) {
return target[prop];
// |prop| must be a label?
const label = prop;
return {
async testGetValue() {
return SpecialPowers.spawnChrome(
[categoryName, metricName, label],
async (categoryName, metricName, label) => {
await Services.fog.testFlushAllChildren();
const window = this.browsingContext.topChromeWindow;
return window.Glean[categoryName][metricName][
* This class executes a series of functions in a continuous sequence.
* Promise-bearing functions are executed after the previous promise completes.
* @constructor
* @param {object} framework
* A back reference to the framework which makes use of the class. It is
* passed to each command callback.
* @param {function[]} commandList
* Commands to set during initialization
function CommandChain(framework, commandList) {
this._framework = framework;
this.commands = commandList || [];
CommandChain.prototype = {
* Start the command chain. This returns a promise that always resolves
* cleanly (this catches errors and fails the test case).
execute() {
return this.commands
.reduce((prev, next, i) => {
if (typeof next !== "function" || ! {
throw new Error("registered non-function" + next);
return prev.then(() => {
info("Run step " + (i + 1) + ": " +;
return Promise.race([next(this._framework), rejectOnUnexpectedEvent]);
}, Promise.resolve())
.catch(e =>
"Error in test execution: " +
e +
(typeof e.stack === "string"
? " " + e.stack.split("\n").join(" ... ")
: "")
* Add new commands to the end of the chain
append(commands) {
this.commands = this.commands.concat(commands);
* Returns the index of the specified command in the chain.
* @param {occurrence} Optional param specifying which occurrence to match,
* with 0 representing the first occurrence.
indexOf(functionOrName, occurrence) {
occurrence = occurrence || 0;
return this.commands.findIndex(func => {
if (typeof functionOrName === "string") {
if ( !== functionOrName) {
return false;
} else if (func !== functionOrName) {
return false;
if (occurrence) {
return false;
return true;
mustHaveIndexOf(functionOrName, occurrence) {
var index = this.indexOf(functionOrName, occurrence);
if (index == -1) {
throw new Error("Unknown test: " + functionOrName);
return index;
* Inserts the new commands after the specified command.
insertAfter(functionOrName, commands, all, occurrence) {
this._insertHelper(functionOrName, commands, 1, all, occurrence);
* Inserts the new commands after every occurrence of the specified command
insertAfterEach(functionOrName, commands) {
this._insertHelper(functionOrName, commands, 1, true);
* Inserts the new commands before the specified command.
insertBefore(functionOrName, commands, all, occurrence) {
this._insertHelper(functionOrName, commands, 0, all, occurrence);
_insertHelper(functionOrName, commands, delta, all, occurrence) {
occurrence = occurrence || 0;
for (
var index = this.mustHaveIndexOf(functionOrName, occurrence);
index !== -1;
index = this.indexOf(functionOrName, ++occurrence)
) {
this.commands = [].concat(
this.commands.slice(0, index + delta),
this.commands.slice(index + delta)
if (!all) {
* Removes the specified command, returns what was removed.
remove(functionOrName, occurrence) {
return this.commands.splice(
this.mustHaveIndexOf(functionOrName, occurrence),
* Removes all commands after the specified one, returns what was removed.
removeAfter(functionOrName, occurrence) {
return this.commands.splice(
this.mustHaveIndexOf(functionOrName, occurrence) + 1
* Removes all commands before the specified one, returns what was removed.
removeBefore(functionOrName, occurrence) {
return this.commands.splice(
this.mustHaveIndexOf(functionOrName, occurrence)
* Replaces a single command, returns what was removed.
replace(functionOrName, commands) {
this.insertBefore(functionOrName, commands);
return this.remove(functionOrName);
* Replaces all commands after the specified one, returns what was removed.
replaceAfter(functionOrName, commands, occurrence) {
var oldCommands = this.removeAfter(functionOrName, occurrence);
return oldCommands;
* Replaces all commands before the specified one, returns what was removed.
replaceBefore(functionOrName, commands) {
var oldCommands = this.removeBefore(functionOrName);
this.insertBefore(functionOrName, commands);
return oldCommands;
* Remove all commands whose name match the specified regex.
filterOut(id_match) {
this.commands = this.commands.filter(c => !id_match.test(;
function AudioStreamFlowingHelper() {
this._context = new AudioContext();
// Tests may have changed the values of prefs, so recheck
// Loopback device is configured, start the default loopback tone
if (!DefaultLoopbackTone) {
DefaultLoopbackTone = new LoopbackTone(this._context, TEST_AUDIO_FREQ);
AudioStreamFlowingHelper.prototype = {
checkAudio(stream, analyser, fun) {
return analyser.waitForAnalysisSuccess(fun)
.then(() => analyser.disableDebugCanvas());
return analyser.waitForAnalysisSuccess(fun);
checkAudioFlowing(stream) {
var analyser = new AudioStreamAnalyser(this._context, stream);
var freq = analyser.binIndexForFrequency(TEST_AUDIO_FREQ);
return this.checkAudio(stream, analyser, array => array[freq] > 200);
// Use checkAudioNotFlowing() only after checkAudioFlowing() or similar to
// know that audio had previously been flowing on the same stream, as
// checkAudioNotFlowing() does not wait for the loopback device to return
// any audio that it receives.
checkAudioNotFlowing(stream) {
var analyser = new AudioStreamAnalyser(this._context, stream);
var freq = analyser.binIndexForFrequency(TEST_AUDIO_FREQ);
return this.checkAudio(stream, analyser, array => array[freq] < 50);
class VideoFrameEmitter {
constructor(color1, color2, width, height) {
if (!width) {
width = 50;
if (!height) {
height = width;
this._helper = new CaptureStreamTestHelper2D(width, height);
this._canvas = this._helper.createAndAppendElement(
this._canvas.width = width;
this._canvas.height = height;
this._color1 = color1 ? color1 :;
this._color2 = color2 ? color2 :;
// Make sure this is initted
this._helper.drawColor(this._canvas, this._color1);
this._stream = this._canvas.captureStream();
this._started = false;
stream() {
return this._stream;
helper() {
return this._helper;
colors(color1, color2) {
this._color1 = color1 ? color1 :;
this._color2 = color2 ? color2 :;
try {
this._helper.drawColor(this._canvas, this._color1);
} catch (e) {
// ignore; stream might have shut down
size(width, height) {
this._canvas.width = width;
this._canvas.height = height;
start() {
if (this._started) {
info("*** emitter already started");
let i = 0;
this._started = true;
this._intervalId = setInterval(() => {
try {
this._helper.drawColor(this._canvas, i ? this._color1 : this._color2);
i = 1 - i;
} catch (e) {
// ignore; stream might have shut down, and we don't bother clearing
// the setInterval.
}, 500);
stop() {
if (this._started) {
this._started = false;
class VideoStreamHelper {
constructor() {
this._helper = new CaptureStreamTestHelper2D(50, 50);
async checkHasFrame(video, { offsetX, offsetY, threshold } = {}) {
const h = this._helper;
await h.waitForPixel(
px => {
let result = h.isOpaquePixelNot(px,, threshold);
"Checking that we have a frame, got [" +
Array.from(px) +
"]. Ref=[" +
Array.from( +
"]. Threshold=" +
threshold +
". Pass=" +
return result;
{ offsetX, offsetY }
async checkVideoPlaying(
{ offsetX = 10, offsetY = 10, threshold = 16 } = {}
) {
const h = this._helper;
await this.checkHasFrame(video, { offsetX, offsetY, threshold });
let startPixel = {
data: h.getPixel(video, offsetX, offsetY),
name: "startcolor",
await h.waitForPixel(
px => {
let result = h.isPixelNot(px, startPixel, threshold);
"Checking playing, [" +
Array.from(px) +
"] vs [" +
Array.from( +
"]. Threshold=" +
threshold +
" Pass=" +
return result;
{ offsetX, offsetY }
async checkVideoPaused(
{ offsetX = 10, offsetY = 10, threshold = 16, time = 5000 } = {}
) {
const h = this._helper;
await this.checkHasFrame(video, { offsetX, offsetY, threshold });
let startPixel = {
data: h.getPixel(video, offsetX, offsetY),
name: "startcolor",
try {
await h.waitForPixel(
px => {
let result = h.isOpaquePixelNot(px, startPixel, threshold);
"Checking paused, [" +
Array.from(px) +
"] vs [" +
Array.from( +
"]. Threshold=" +
threshold +
" Pass=" +
return result;
{ offsetX, offsetY, cancel: wait(time, "timeout") }
ok(false, "Frame changed within " + time / 1000 + " seconds");
} catch (e) {
"Frame shouldn't change for " + time / 1000 + " seconds"
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var el = document.createElement("link");
el.rel = "stylesheet";
el.type = "text/css";
el.href = "/tests/SimpleTest/test.css";