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Test Info: Warnings

<title>Media Engine only test : test EME API for supported key systems</title>
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* This test is aiming to test whether we can use EME API to generate a request
* for all supported key systems. However, we use our mock CDM (MF ClearKey) for
* external key systems like Widevine and PlayReady in order to avoid any
* possible interfering, such as returning incorrect support types (bug 1851914)
* and we can also test hardward DRM key system without being limited by
* machine capability.
* As this test doesn't involve any communication with the license server, that
* is why we can use our mock CDM (no decryption needed).
add_task(async function setupTestingPrefs() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [
["", 2],
["media.eme.playready.enabled", true],
["media.eme.widevine.experiment.enabled", true],
// This is used to trigger Widevine CDM installation check
["media.gmp-widevinecdm-l1.enabled", true],
["media.eme.wmf.clearkey.enabled", true],
// Use the mock clearkey CDM to create cdm for all other key systems.
["media.eme.wmf.use-mock-cdm-for-external-cdms", true],
// Our mock CDM doesn't implement 'IsTypeSupportedEx()', only 'IsTypeSupported()'
["media.eme.playready.istypesupportedex", false],
const kKeySystems = [
add_task(async function testKeySystemRequestForMFCDMs() {
for (let keySystem of kKeySystems) {
await testKeySystemRequest(keySystem);
info(`done testing ${keySystem}!`);
async function testKeySystemRequest(keySystem) {
// Create a Uint8Array for the key ID
const fakeKID = new Uint8Array([0xa1, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89]);
const fakeKIDBase64 = base64UrlEncode(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, fakeKID));
// Mock CDM only supports temporary type.
const sessionType = 'temporary';
const configs = [{
initDataTypes: ['keyids'],
videoCapabilities: [{ contentType: `video/mp4;codecs="avc1.640028"` }],
sessionTypes : [sessionType],
info(`requestMediaKeySystemAccess for ${keySystem}`);
let access = await navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess(keySystem, configs)
.catch(() => ok(false, `failed to create key system access`));
info('creating media key');
let mediaKeys = await access.createMediaKeys()
.catch(() => ok(false, `failed to create media key`));;
info(`creating a temporary media key session`);
let session = mediaKeys.createSession(sessionType);
let messagePromise = new Promise(r => {
session.addEventListener('message', async event => {
is(event.messageType, 'license-request',
'MediaKeyMessage type should be license-request');
ok(true, `created request and received message event`);
// Simulate license server response in JWK format
const mockLicenseResponse = {
keys: [{
kty: "oct",
kid: fakeKIDBase64,
k: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=" // Base64 encoded 32-byte key
type: "temporary"
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const licenseBuffer = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(mockLicenseResponse));
await session.update(licenseBuffer)
.catch(e => ok(false, `Failed to update session: ${e}`));
await new Promise(resolve => {
session.addEventListener('keystatuseschange', resolve, { once: true });
for (let [keyId, status] of session.keyStatuses) {
const keyIdBase64 = base64UrlEncode(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(keyId)));
is(keyIdBase64, fakeKIDBase64, "Key ID should match");
is(status, 'usable', 'Key status should be usable');
session.close().then(() => { r(); });
const initData = {
kids: [fakeKIDBase64], // Base64 encode the KID
type: 'temporary'
const initDataString = JSON.stringify(initData);
await session.generateRequest(
new TextEncoder().encode(initDataString))
.catch(() => ok(false, `failed to generate request`));
await messagePromise;
// Helper function to create a web-safe Base64 encoded string
function base64UrlEncode(str) {
return btoa(str)
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/=+$/, '');