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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'win' OR os == 'mac' && os_version == '10.15' && processor == 'x86_64' OR os == 'android' && processor == 'aarch64' && debug
- Manifest: dom/media/mediasource/test/mochitest.toml
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<title>MSE: Don't get stuck buffering for too long when we have frames to show</title>
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// This test loads partial video, plays and waits until playback stalls.
// It then loads only 3 frames of a video at higher resolution.
runWithMSE(async (ms, v) => {
await once(ms, "sourceopen");
ok(true, "Receive a sourceopen event");
ms.addEventListener("sourceopen", () => ok(false, "No more sourceopen"));
const sb = ms.addSourceBuffer("video/mp4");
ok(sb, "Create a SourceBuffer");
sb.addEventListener("error", e => {
ok(false, `should not fire ${e.type} event`);
await fetchAndLoad(sb, "bipbop/bipbop", ["init"], ".mp4");
const p = once(v, "loadeddata");
await fetchAndLoad(sb, "bipbop/bipbop", range(1, 3), ".m4s");
await p;
is(sb.buffered.length, 1, "continuous range");;
// We have nothing to play, waiting will be fired.
await waitUntilTime(v, 1.5);
await fetchAndLoad(sb, "bipbop/bipbop_480_624kbps-video", ["init"], ".mp4");
sb.timestampOffset = 1.601666; // End of the video track buffered - time of first video sample (0.095).
sb.appendWindowEnd = 1.796677; // Only allow room for three extra video frames (we need 3 as this video has b-frames).
await fetchAndLoad(sb, "bipbop/bipbop_480_624kbps-video", ["1"], ".m4s");
await Promise.all([once(ms, "sourceended"), once(v, "playing"), once(v, "ended")]);
is(v.videoWidth, 640, "has proper width");
is(v.videoHeight, 480, "has proper height");