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Test Info: Errors
- This test failed 2 times in the preceding 30 days. quicksearch this test
- Manifest: dom/media/mediasource/test/mochitest.toml
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<title>MSE: testing removeAsync and appendBufferAsync</title>
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["", 524288],
["media.mediasource.experimental.enabled", true]
// We fill up the source buffer with audio data until the buffer is full.
// We ensure that QuotaExceededError is thrown once the buffer is full.
// We then seek to half the content. By that time, another appendBuffer must succeed
// as the auto-eviction would succeed (removing all data prior currentTime)
// The test then fills the audio buffer and plays until the end.
// Fill up the SourceBuffer by appending data repeatedly via doAppendDataFunc until
// an exception is thrown.
async function fillUpSourceBuffer(sourceBuffer, doAppendDataFunc, onCaughtExceptionCallback) {
try {
// We are appending data repeatedly in sequence mode, there should be no gaps.
while (true) {
ok(sourceBuffer.buffered.length <= 1, "there should be no gap in buffered ranges.");
await doAppendDataFunc();
} catch (ex) {
ok(true, "appendBuffer promise got rejected");
runWithMSE(async function(ms, el) {
el.controls = true;
await once(ms, "sourceopen");
ok(true, "Receive a sourceopen event");
const audiosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("audio/mp4");
// Test removeAsync
audiosb.mode = "sequence";
const audioInitBuffer = await fetchWithXHR("bipbop/bipbop_audioinit.mp4");
await audiosb.appendBufferAsync(audioInitBuffer);
const audioBuffer = await fetchWithXHR("bipbop/bipbop_audio1.m4s");
function() { // doAppendDataFunc
return audiosb.appendBufferAsync(audioBuffer);
async function(ex1) { // onCaughtExceptionCallback
is(, "QuotaExceededError", "QuotaExceededError thrown");
is(audiosb.buffered.end(0), el.duration, "Duration is end of buffered range");
const seekTime = audiosb.buffered.end(0) / 2;
el.currentTime = seekTime;
await once(el, "seeked");
dump("dump: seeked to " + seekTime);
is(el.currentTime, seekTime, "correctly seeked to " + seekTime);
await audiosb.appendBufferAsync(audioBuffer).catch(async function() {
ok(false, "Shouldn't throw another time when data can be evicted");
dump(JSON.stringify(await SpecialPowers.wrap(el).mozRequestDebugInfo()));
// Test that an error in remove return a rejected promise
await audiosb.removeAsync(5, 0).catch(async function(ex3) {
ok(true, "remove promise got rejected with end <= start");
is(, "TypeError");
await audiosb.removeAsync(ms.duration + 1, Infinity).catch(async function(ex4) {
ok(true, "remove promise got rejected with start > duration");
is(, "TypeError");
await audiosb.removeAsync(0, Infinity).catch(function() {
ok(false, "shouldn't throw");
ok(true, "remove succeeded");
is(audiosb.buffered.length, 0, "buffered should be empty");
audiosb.mode = "segment";
audiosb.timestampOffset = 0;
el.currentTime = 0;
await fetchAndLoadAsync(audiosb, "bipbop/bipbop_audio", range(1, 4), ".m4s");
await once(el, "ended");
is(el.currentTime, el.duration, "played to the end");
throw ex4; // ensure we don't fallback on lines below.
ok(false, "should have returned an error");
ok(false, "should have returned an error");