Name Description Size
BigEndian.h 1939
ClearKeyBase64.cpp Take a base64-encoded string, convert (in-place) each character to its corresponding value in the [0x00, 0x3f] range, and truncate any padding. 2477
ClearKeyBase64.h 904
ClearKeyDecryptionManager.cpp static 9990
ClearKeyDecryptionManager.h 3286
ClearKeyPersistence.cpp 4451
ClearKeyPersistence.h 1819
ClearKeySession.cpp 2337
ClearKeySession.h 1527
ClearKeySessionManager.cpp 24735
ClearKeySessionManager.h 5529
ClearKeyStorage.cpp This function will take the memory ownership of the parameters and delete them when done. 5823
ClearKeyStorage.h 1518
ClearKeyUtils.cpp static 17188
ClearKeyUtils.h 3595
gtest 782
RefCounted.h 1801