Name Description Size 506
nsIContentSecurityManager.idl nsIContentSecurityManager Describes an XPCOM component used to perform security checks. 1561
nsIContentSecurityPolicy.idl nsIContentSecurityPolicy Describes an XPCOM component used to model and enforce CSPs. Instances of this class may have multiple policies within them, but there should only be one of these per document/principal. 16256
nsIReferrerInfo.idl Unfortunately we can not query the ReferrerPolicy values defined within ReferrerPolicy.webidl directly from xpidl. Hence we define the enum value ReferrerPolicyIDL to set up the ReferrerInfo object from JS. If you need ReferrerPolicy in native code, please directly query it from ReferrerPolicy.webidl. Note that the deserialization code assumes that the ReferrerPolicyIDL only uses one byte. If we would need to change the format here, we should also update the deserialization code. 4844