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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLSelectElement.h"
#include "mozAutoDocUpdate.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h"
#include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/FormData.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLOptGroupElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLSelectElementBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/UnionTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WindowGlobalChild.h"
#include "mozilla/MappedDeclarationsBuilder.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
#include "nsContentCreatorFunctions.h"
#include "nsContentList.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsError.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsComboboxControlFrame.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include "nsListControlFrame.h"
#include "nsISelectControlFrame.h"
#include "nsLayoutUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/PresState.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsStyleConsts.h"
#include "nsTextNode.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
// SafeOptionListMutation
SafeOptionListMutation::SafeOptionListMutation(nsIContent* aSelect,
nsIContent* aParent,
nsIContent* aKid,
uint32_t aIndex, bool aNotify)
: mSelect(HTMLSelectElement::FromNodeOrNull(aSelect)),
mNotify(aNotify) {
if (mSelect) {
mInitialSelectedOption = mSelect->Item(mSelect->SelectedIndex());
mTopLevelMutation = !mSelect->mMutating;
if (mTopLevelMutation) {
mSelect->mMutating = true;
} else {
// This is very unfortunate, but to handle mutation events properly,
// option list must be up-to-date before inserting or removing options.
// Fortunately this is called only if mutation event listener
// adds or removes options.
nsresult rv;
if (aKid) {
rv = mSelect->WillAddOptions(aKid, aParent, aIndex, mNotify);
} else {
rv = mSelect->WillRemoveOptions(aParent, aIndex, mNotify);
mNeedsRebuild = NS_FAILED(rv);
SafeOptionListMutation::~SafeOptionListMutation() {
if (mSelect) {
if (mNeedsRebuild || (mTopLevelMutation && mGuard.Mutated(1))) {
if (mTopLevelMutation) {
mSelect->mMutating = false;
if (mSelect->Item(mSelect->SelectedIndex()) != mInitialSelectedOption) {
// We must have triggered the SelectSomething() codepath, which can cause
// our validity to change. Unfortunately, our attempt to update validity
// in that case may not have worked correctly, because we actually call it
// before we have inserted the new <option>s into the DOM! Go ahead and
// update validity here as needed, because by now we know our <option>s
// are where they should be.
#ifdef DEBUG
// HTMLSelectElement
// construction, destruction
already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>&& aNodeInfo,
FromParser aFromParser)
: nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState(
std::move(aNodeInfo), aFromParser, FormControlType::Select),
mOptions(new HTMLOptionsCollection(this)),
mInhibitStateRestoration(!!(aFromParser & FROM_PARSER_FRAGMENT)),
mSelectedIndex(-1) {
// DoneAddingChildren() will be called later if it's from the parser,
// otherwise it is
// Set up our default state: enabled, optional, and valid.
AddStatesSilently(ElementState::ENABLED | ElementState::OPTIONAL_ |
// ISupports
HTMLSelectElement, nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState)
HTMLSelectElement, nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState)
HTMLSelectElement, nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState,
// nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement
void HTMLSelectElement::SetCustomValidity(const nsAString& aError) {
void HTMLSelectElement::ShowPicker(ErrorResult& aRv) {
// Step 1. If this is not mutable, then throw an "InvalidStateError"
// DOMException.
if (IsDisabled()) {
return aRv.ThrowInvalidStateError("This select is disabled.");
// Step 2. If this's relevant settings object's origin is not same origin with
// this's relevant settings object's top-level origin, and this is a select
// element, [...], then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.
nsPIDOMWindowInner* window = OwnerDoc()->GetInnerWindow();
WindowGlobalChild* windowGlobalChild =
window ? window->GetWindowGlobalChild() : nullptr;
if (!windowGlobalChild || !windowGlobalChild->SameOriginWithTop()) {
return aRv.ThrowSecurityError(
"Call was blocked because the current origin isn't same-origin with "
// Step 3. If this's relevant global object does not have transient
// activation, then throw a "NotAllowedError" DOMException.
if (!OwnerDoc()->HasValidTransientUserGestureActivation()) {
return aRv.ThrowNotAllowedError(
"Call was blocked due to lack of user activation.");
// Step 4. If this is a select element, and this is not being rendered, then
// throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
// Flush frames so that IsRendered returns up-to-date results.
Unused << GetPrimaryFrame(FlushType::Frames);
if (!IsRendered()) {
return aRv.ThrowNotSupportedError("This select isn't being rendered.");
// Step 5. Show the picker, if applicable, for this.
// To show the picker, if applicable for an input element element:
// We already checked if mutable and user activation earlier, so skip 1 & 2.
// Step 3. Consume user activation given element's relevant global object.
// Step 5. Otherwise, the user agent should show any relevant user interface
// for selecting a value for element, in the way it normally would when the
// user interacts with the control.
#if !defined(ANDROID)
if (!IsCombobox()) {
if (!IsInActiveTab(OwnerDoc())) {
if (!OpenInParentProcess()) {
RefPtr<Document> doc = OwnerDoc();
nsContentUtils::DispatchChromeEvent(doc, this, u"mozshowdropdown"_ns,
CanBubble::eYes, Cancelable::eNo);
void HTMLSelectElement::GetAutocomplete(DOMString& aValue) {
const nsAttrValue* attributeVal = GetParsedAttr(nsGkAtoms::autocomplete);
mAutocompleteAttrState = nsContentUtils::SerializeAutocompleteAttribute(
attributeVal, aValue, mAutocompleteAttrState);
void HTMLSelectElement::GetAutocompleteInfo(AutocompleteInfo& aInfo) {
const nsAttrValue* attributeVal = GetParsedAttr(nsGkAtoms::autocomplete);
mAutocompleteInfoState = nsContentUtils::SerializeAutocompleteAttribute(
attributeVal, aInfo, mAutocompleteInfoState, true);
void HTMLSelectElement::InsertChildBefore(nsIContent* aKid,
nsIContent* aBeforeThis, bool aNotify,
ErrorResult& aRv) {
const uint32_t index =
aBeforeThis ? *ComputeIndexOf(aBeforeThis) : GetChildCount();
SafeOptionListMutation safeMutation(this, this, aKid, index, aNotify);
nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState::InsertChildBefore(aKid, aBeforeThis,
aNotify, aRv);
if (aRv.Failed()) {
void HTMLSelectElement::RemoveChildNode(nsIContent* aKid, bool aNotify) {
SafeOptionListMutation safeMutation(this, this, nullptr,
*ComputeIndexOf(aKid), aNotify);
nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState::RemoveChildNode(aKid, aNotify);
void HTMLSelectElement::InsertOptionsIntoList(nsIContent* aOptions,
int32_t aListIndex,
int32_t aDepth, bool aNotify) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aDepth == 0 || aDepth == 1);
int32_t insertIndex = aListIndex;
HTMLOptionElement* optElement = HTMLOptionElement::FromNode(aOptions);
if (optElement) {
mOptions->InsertOptionAt(optElement, insertIndex);
} else if (aDepth == 0) {
// If it's at the top level, then we just found out there are non-options
// at the top level, which will throw off the insert count
// Deal with optgroups
if (aOptions->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::optgroup)) {
for (nsIContent* child = aOptions->GetFirstChild(); child;
child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
optElement = HTMLOptionElement::FromNode(child);
if (optElement) {
mOptions->InsertOptionAt(optElement, insertIndex);
} // else ignore even if optgroup; we want to ignore nested optgroups.
// Deal with the selected list
if (insertIndex - aListIndex) {
// Fix the currently selected index
if (aListIndex <= mSelectedIndex) {
mSelectedIndex += (insertIndex - aListIndex);
// Get the frame stuff for notification. No need to flush here
// since if there's no frame for the select yet the select will
// get into the right state once it's created.
nsISelectControlFrame* selectFrame = nullptr;
AutoWeakFrame weakSelectFrame;
bool didGetFrame = false;
// Actually select the options if the added options warrant it
for (int32_t i = aListIndex; i < insertIndex; i++) {
// Notify the frame that the option is added
if (!didGetFrame || (selectFrame && !weakSelectFrame.IsAlive())) {
selectFrame = GetSelectFrame();
weakSelectFrame = do_QueryFrame(selectFrame);
didGetFrame = true;
if (selectFrame) {
RefPtr<HTMLOptionElement> option = Item(i);
if (option && option->Selected()) {
// Clear all other options
if (!HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::multiple)) {
OptionFlags mask{OptionFlag::IsSelected, OptionFlag::ClearAll,
OptionFlag::SetDisabled, OptionFlag::Notify,
SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(i, i, mask);
// This is sort of a hack ... we need to notify that the option was
// set and change selectedIndex even though we didn't really change
// its value.
OnOptionSelected(selectFrame, i, true, false, aNotify);
nsresult HTMLSelectElement::RemoveOptionsFromList(nsIContent* aOptions,
int32_t aListIndex,
int32_t aDepth,
bool aNotify) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aDepth == 0 || aDepth == 1);
int32_t numRemoved = 0;
HTMLOptionElement* optElement = HTMLOptionElement::FromNode(aOptions);
if (optElement) {
if (mOptions->ItemAsOption(aListIndex) != optElement) {
NS_ERROR("wrong option at index");
} else if (aDepth == 0) {
// Yay, one less artifact at the top level.
// Recurse down deeper for options
if (mOptGroupCount && aOptions->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::optgroup)) {
for (nsIContent* child = aOptions->GetFirstChild(); child;
child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
optElement = HTMLOptionElement::FromNode(child);
if (optElement) {
if (mOptions->ItemAsOption(aListIndex) != optElement) {
NS_ERROR("wrong option at index");
} // else don't check for an optgroup; we want to ignore nested optgroups
if (numRemoved) {
// Tell the widget we removed the options
nsISelectControlFrame* selectFrame = GetSelectFrame();
if (selectFrame) {
nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker;
for (int32_t i = aListIndex; i < aListIndex + numRemoved; ++i) {
// Fix the selected index
if (aListIndex <= mSelectedIndex) {
if (mSelectedIndex < (aListIndex + numRemoved)) {
// aListIndex <= mSelectedIndex < aListIndex+numRemoved
// Find a new selected index if it was one of the ones removed.
// If this is a Combobox, no other Item will be selected.
if (IsCombobox()) {
mSelectedIndex = -1;
} else {
FindSelectedIndex(aListIndex, aNotify);
} else {
// Shift the selected index if something in front of it was removed
// aListIndex+numRemoved <= mSelectedIndex
mSelectedIndex -= numRemoved;
// Select something in case we removed the selected option on a
// single select
if (!CheckSelectSomething(aNotify) && mSelectedIndex == -1) {
// Update the validity state in case of we've just removed the last
// option.
return NS_OK;
// XXXldb Doing the processing before the content nodes have been added
// to the document (as the name of this function seems to require, and
// as the callers do), is highly unusual. Passing around unparented
// content to other parts of the app can make those things think the
// options are the root content node.
HTMLSelectElement::WillAddOptions(nsIContent* aOptions, nsIContent* aParent,
int32_t aContentIndex, bool aNotify) {
if (this != aParent && this != aParent->GetParent()) {
return NS_OK;
int32_t level = aParent == this ? 0 : 1;
// Get the index where the options will be inserted
int32_t ind = -1;
if (!mNonOptionChildren) {
// If there are no artifacts, aContentIndex == ind
ind = aContentIndex;
} else {
// If there are artifacts, we have to get the index of the option the
// hard way
int32_t children = aParent->GetChildCount();
if (aContentIndex >= children) {
// If the content insert is after the end of the parent, then we want to
// get the next index *after* the parent and insert there.
ind = GetOptionIndexAfter(aParent);
} else {
// If the content insert is somewhere in the middle of the container, then
// we want to get the option currently at the index and insert in front of
// that.
nsIContent* currentKid = aParent->GetChildAt_Deprecated(aContentIndex);
NS_ASSERTION(currentKid, "Child not found!");
if (currentKid) {
ind = GetOptionIndexAt(currentKid);
} else {
ind = -1;
InsertOptionsIntoList(aOptions, ind, level, aNotify);
return NS_OK;
HTMLSelectElement::WillRemoveOptions(nsIContent* aParent, int32_t aContentIndex,
bool aNotify) {
if (this != aParent && this != aParent->GetParent()) {
return NS_OK;
int32_t level = this == aParent ? 0 : 1;
// Get the index where the options will be removed
nsIContent* currentKid = aParent->GetChildAt_Deprecated(aContentIndex);
if (currentKid) {
int32_t ind;
if (!mNonOptionChildren) {
// If there are no artifacts, aContentIndex == ind
ind = aContentIndex;
} else {
// If there are artifacts, we have to get the index of the option the
// hard way
ind = GetFirstOptionIndex(currentKid);
if (ind != -1) {
nsresult rv = RemoveOptionsFromList(currentKid, ind, level, aNotify);
return NS_OK;
int32_t HTMLSelectElement::GetOptionIndexAt(nsIContent* aOptions) {
// Search this node and below.
// If not found, find the first one *after* this node.
int32_t retval = GetFirstOptionIndex(aOptions);
if (retval == -1) {
retval = GetOptionIndexAfter(aOptions);
return retval;
int32_t HTMLSelectElement::GetOptionIndexAfter(nsIContent* aOptions) {
// - If this is the select, the next option is the last.
// - If not, search all the options after aOptions and up to the last option
// in the parent.
// - If it's not there, search for the first option after the parent.
if (aOptions == this) {
return Length();
int32_t retval = -1;
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parent = aOptions->GetParent();
if (parent) {
const int32_t index = parent->ComputeIndexOf_Deprecated(aOptions);
const int32_t count = static_cast<int32_t>(parent->GetChildCount());
retval = GetFirstChildOptionIndex(parent, index + 1, count);
if (retval == -1) {
retval = GetOptionIndexAfter(parent);
return retval;
int32_t HTMLSelectElement::GetFirstOptionIndex(nsIContent* aOptions) {
int32_t listIndex = -1;
HTMLOptionElement* optElement = HTMLOptionElement::FromNode(aOptions);
if (optElement) {
mOptions->GetOptionIndex(optElement, 0, true, &listIndex);
return listIndex;
listIndex = GetFirstChildOptionIndex(aOptions, 0, aOptions->GetChildCount());
return listIndex;
int32_t HTMLSelectElement::GetFirstChildOptionIndex(nsIContent* aOptions,
int32_t aStartIndex,
int32_t aEndIndex) {
int32_t retval = -1;
for (int32_t i = aStartIndex; i < aEndIndex; ++i) {
retval = GetFirstOptionIndex(aOptions->GetChildAt_Deprecated(i));
if (retval != -1) {
return retval;
nsISelectControlFrame* HTMLSelectElement::GetSelectFrame() {
return do_QueryFrame(GetPrimaryFrame());
void HTMLSelectElement::Add(
const HTMLOptionElementOrHTMLOptGroupElement& aElement,
const Nullable<HTMLElementOrLong>& aBefore, ErrorResult& aRv) {
nsGenericHTMLElement& element =
aElement.IsHTMLOptionElement() ? static_cast<nsGenericHTMLElement&>(
: static_cast<nsGenericHTMLElement&>(
if (aBefore.IsNull()) {
Add(element, static_cast<nsGenericHTMLElement*>(nullptr), aRv);
} else if (aBefore.Value().IsHTMLElement()) {
Add(element, &aBefore.Value().GetAsHTMLElement(), aRv);
} else {
Add(element, aBefore.Value().GetAsLong(), aRv);
void HTMLSelectElement::Add(nsGenericHTMLElement& aElement,
nsGenericHTMLElement* aBefore,
ErrorResult& aError) {
if (!aBefore) {
Element::AppendChild(aElement, aError);
// Just in case we're not the parent, get the parent of the reference
// element
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> parent = aBefore->Element::GetParentNode();
if (!parent || !parent->IsInclusiveDescendantOf(this)) {
// NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if before is not a descendant of the SELECT
// element.
// If the before parameter is not null, we are equivalent to the
// insertBefore method on the parent of before.
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> refNode = aBefore;
parent->InsertBefore(aElement, refNode, aError);
void HTMLSelectElement::Remove(int32_t aIndex) const {
if (aIndex < 0) {
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> option = Item(static_cast<uint32_t>(aIndex));
if (!option) {
void HTMLSelectElement::GetType(nsAString& aType) {
if (HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::multiple)) {
} else {
void HTMLSelectElement::SetLength(uint32_t aLength, ErrorResult& aRv) {
constexpr uint32_t kMaxDynamicSelectLength = 100000;
uint32_t curlen = Length();
if (curlen > aLength) { // Remove extra options
for (uint32_t i = curlen; i > aLength; --i) {
Remove(i - 1);
} else if (aLength > curlen) {
if (aLength > kMaxDynamicSelectLength) {
nsAutoString strOptionsLength;
nsAutoString strLimit;
nsIScriptError::warningFlag, "DOM"_ns, OwnerDoc(),
"SelectOptionsLengthAssignmentWarning", {strOptionsLength, strLimit});
RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo> nodeInfo;
nsContentUtils::QNameChanged(mNodeInfo, nsGkAtoms::option,
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = NS_NewHTMLOptionElement(nodeInfo.forget());
for (uint32_t i = curlen; i < aLength; i++) {
nsINode::AppendChild(*node, aRv);
if (aRv.Failed()) {
if (i + 1 < aLength) {
node = node->CloneNode(true, aRv);
if (aRv.Failed()) {
/* static */
bool HTMLSelectElement::MatchSelectedOptions(Element* aElement,
int32_t /* unused */,
nsAtom* /* unused */,
void* /* unused*/) {
HTMLOptionElement* option = HTMLOptionElement::FromNode(aElement);
return option && option->Selected();
nsIHTMLCollection* HTMLSelectElement::SelectedOptions() {
if (!mSelectedOptions) {
mSelectedOptions = new nsContentList(this, MatchSelectedOptions, nullptr,
nullptr, /* deep */ true);
return mSelectedOptions;
void HTMLSelectElement::SetSelectedIndexInternal(int32_t aIndex, bool aNotify) {
int32_t oldSelectedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
OptionFlags mask{OptionFlag::IsSelected, OptionFlag::ClearAll,
if (aNotify) {
mask += OptionFlag::Notify;
SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(aIndex, aIndex, mask);
nsISelectControlFrame* selectFrame = GetSelectFrame();
if (selectFrame) {
selectFrame->OnSetSelectedIndex(oldSelectedIndex, mSelectedIndex);
bool HTMLSelectElement::IsOptionSelectedByIndex(int32_t aIndex) const {
HTMLOptionElement* option = Item(static_cast<uint32_t>(aIndex));
return option && option->Selected();
void HTMLSelectElement::OnOptionSelected(nsISelectControlFrame* aSelectFrame,
int32_t aIndex, bool aSelected,
bool aChangeOptionState,
bool aNotify) {
// Set the selected index
if (aSelected && (aIndex < mSelectedIndex || mSelectedIndex < 0)) {
mSelectedIndex = aIndex;
} else if (!aSelected && aIndex == mSelectedIndex) {
FindSelectedIndex(aIndex + 1, aNotify);
if (aChangeOptionState) {
// Tell the option to get its bad self selected
RefPtr<HTMLOptionElement> option = Item(static_cast<uint32_t>(aIndex));
if (option) {
option->SetSelectedInternal(aSelected, aNotify);
// Let the frame know too
if (aSelectFrame) {
aSelectFrame->OnOptionSelected(aIndex, aSelected);
void HTMLSelectElement::FindSelectedIndex(int32_t aStartIndex, bool aNotify) {
mSelectedIndex = -1;
uint32_t len = Length();
for (int32_t i = aStartIndex; i < int32_t(len); i++) {
if (IsOptionSelectedByIndex(i)) {
mSelectedIndex = i;
// XXX Consider splitting this into two functions for ease of reading:
// SelectOptionsByIndex(startIndex, endIndex, clearAll, checkDisabled)
// startIndex, endIndex - the range of options to turn on
// (-1, -1) will clear all indices no matter what.
// clearAll - will clear all other options unless checkDisabled is on
// and all the options attempted to be set are disabled
// (note that if it is not multiple, and an option is selected,
// everything else will be cleared regardless).
// checkDisabled - if this is TRUE, and an option is disabled, it will not be
// changed regardless of whether it is selected or not.
// Generally the UI passes TRUE and JS passes FALSE.
// (setDisabled currently is the opposite)
// DeselectOptionsByIndex(startIndex, endIndex, checkDisabled)
// startIndex, endIndex - the range of options to turn on
// (-1, -1) will clear all indices no matter what.
// checkDisabled - if this is TRUE, and an option is disabled, it will not be
// changed regardless of whether it is selected or not.
// Generally the UI passes TRUE and JS passes FALSE.
// (setDisabled currently is the opposite)
// XXXbz the above comment is pretty confusing. Maybe we should actually
// document the args to this function too, in addition to documenting what
// things might end up looking like? In particular, pay attention to the
// setDisabled vs checkDisabled business.
bool HTMLSelectElement::SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(int32_t aStartIndex,
int32_t aEndIndex,
OptionFlags aOptionsMask) {
#if 0
printf("SetOption(%d-%d, %c, ClearAll=%c)\n", aStartIndex, aEndIndex,
(aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::IsSelected) ? 'Y' : 'N'),
(aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::ClearAll) ? 'Y' : 'N'));
// Don't bother if the select is disabled
if (!aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::SetDisabled) && IsDisabled()) {
return false;
// Don't bother if there are no options
uint32_t numItems = Length();
if (numItems == 0) {
return false;
// First, find out whether multiple items can be selected
bool isMultiple = Multiple();
// These variables tell us whether any options were selected
// or deselected.
bool optionsSelected = false;
bool optionsDeselected = false;
nsISelectControlFrame* selectFrame = nullptr;
bool didGetFrame = false;
AutoWeakFrame weakSelectFrame;
if (aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::IsSelected)) {
// Setting selectedIndex to an out-of-bounds index means -1. (HTML5)
if (aStartIndex < 0 || AssertedCast<uint32_t>(aStartIndex) >= numItems ||
aEndIndex < 0 || AssertedCast<uint32_t>(aEndIndex) >= numItems) {
aStartIndex = -1;
aEndIndex = -1;
// Only select the first value if it's not multiple
if (!isMultiple) {
aEndIndex = aStartIndex;
// This variable tells whether or not all of the options we attempted to
// select are disabled. If ClearAll is passed in as true, and we do not
// select anything because the options are disabled, we will not clear the
// other options. (This is to make the UI work the way one might expect.)
bool allDisabled = !aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::SetDisabled);
// Save a little time when clearing other options
int32_t previousSelectedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
// Select the requested indices
// If index is -1, everything will be deselected (bug 28143)
if (aStartIndex != -1) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aStartIndex >= 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(aEndIndex >= 0);
// Loop through the options and select them (if they are not disabled and
// if they are not already selected).
for (uint32_t optIndex = AssertedCast<uint32_t>(aStartIndex);
optIndex <= AssertedCast<uint32_t>(aEndIndex); optIndex++) {
RefPtr<HTMLOptionElement> option = Item(optIndex);
// Ignore disabled options.
if (!aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::SetDisabled)) {
if (option && IsOptionDisabled(option)) {
allDisabled = false;
// If the index is already selected, ignore it. On the other hand when
// the option has just been inserted we have to get in sync with it.
if (option && (aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::InsertingOptions) ||
!option->Selected())) {
// To notify the frame if anything gets changed. No need
// to flush here, if there's no frame yet we don't need to
// force it to be created just to notify it about a change
// in the select.
selectFrame = GetSelectFrame();
weakSelectFrame = do_QueryFrame(selectFrame);
didGetFrame = true;
OnOptionSelected(selectFrame, optIndex, true, !option->Selected(),
optionsSelected = true;
// Next remove all other options if single select or all is clear
// If index is -1, everything will be deselected (bug 28143)
if (((!isMultiple && optionsSelected) ||
(aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::ClearAll) && !allDisabled) ||
aStartIndex == -1) &&
previousSelectedIndex != -1) {
for (uint32_t optIndex = AssertedCast<uint32_t>(previousSelectedIndex);
optIndex < numItems; optIndex++) {
if (static_cast<int32_t>(optIndex) < aStartIndex ||
static_cast<int32_t>(optIndex) > aEndIndex) {
HTMLOptionElement* option = Item(optIndex);
// If the index is already deselected, ignore it.
if (option && option->Selected()) {
if (!didGetFrame || (selectFrame && !weakSelectFrame.IsAlive())) {
// To notify the frame if anything gets changed, don't
// flush, if the frame doesn't exist we don't need to
// create it just to tell it about this change.
selectFrame = GetSelectFrame();
weakSelectFrame = do_QueryFrame(selectFrame);
didGetFrame = true;
OnOptionSelected(selectFrame, optIndex, false, true,
optionsDeselected = true;
// Only need to deselect one option if not multiple
if (!isMultiple) {
} else {
// If we're deselecting, loop through all selected items and deselect
// any that are in the specified range.
for (int32_t optIndex = aStartIndex; optIndex <= aEndIndex; optIndex++) {
HTMLOptionElement* option = Item(optIndex);
if (!aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::SetDisabled) &&
IsOptionDisabled(option)) {
// If the index is already selected, ignore it.
if (option && option->Selected()) {
if (!didGetFrame || (selectFrame && !weakSelectFrame.IsAlive())) {
// To notify the frame if anything gets changed, don't
// flush, if the frame doesn't exist we don't need to
// create it just to tell it about this change.
selectFrame = GetSelectFrame();
weakSelectFrame = do_QueryFrame(selectFrame);
didGetFrame = true;
OnOptionSelected(selectFrame, optIndex, false, true,
optionsDeselected = true;
// Make sure something is selected unless we were set to -1 (none)
if (optionsDeselected && aStartIndex != -1 &&
!aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::NoReselect)) {
optionsSelected =
CheckSelectSomething(aOptionsMask.contains(OptionFlag::Notify)) ||
// Let the caller know whether anything was changed
return optionsSelected || optionsDeselected;
HTMLSelectElement::IsOptionDisabled(int32_t aIndex, bool* aIsDisabled) {
*aIsDisabled = false;
RefPtr<HTMLOptionElement> option = Item(aIndex);
*aIsDisabled = IsOptionDisabled(option);
return NS_OK;
bool HTMLSelectElement::IsOptionDisabled(HTMLOptionElement* aOption) const {
if (aOption->Disabled()) {
return true;
// Check for disabled optgroups
// If there are no artifacts, there are no optgroups
if (mNonOptionChildren) {
for (nsCOMPtr<Element> node =
node; node = node->GetParentElement()) {
// If we reached the select element, we're done
if (node->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::select)) {
return false;
RefPtr<HTMLOptGroupElement> optGroupElement =
if (!optGroupElement) {
// If you put something else between you and the optgroup, you're a
// moron and you deserve not to have optgroup disabling work.
return false;
if (optGroupElement->Disabled()) {
return true;
return false;
void HTMLSelectElement::GetValue(DOMString& aValue) const {
int32_t selectedIndex = SelectedIndex();
if (selectedIndex < 0) {
RefPtr<HTMLOptionElement> option = Item(static_cast<uint32_t>(selectedIndex));
if (!option) {
void HTMLSelectElement::SetValue(const nsAString& aValue) {
uint32_t length = Length();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
RefPtr<HTMLOptionElement> option = Item(i);
if (!option) {
nsAutoString optionVal;
if (optionVal.Equals(aValue)) {
SetSelectedIndexInternal(int32_t(i), true);
// No matching option was found.
SetSelectedIndexInternal(-1, true);
int32_t HTMLSelectElement::TabIndexDefault() { return 0; }
bool HTMLSelectElement::IsHTMLFocusable(IsFocusableFlags aFlags,
bool* aIsFocusable,
int32_t* aTabIndex) {
if (nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState::IsHTMLFocusable(
aFlags, aIsFocusable, aTabIndex)) {
return true;
*aIsFocusable = !IsDisabled();
return false;
bool HTMLSelectElement::CheckSelectSomething(bool aNotify) {
if (mIsDoneAddingChildren) {
if (mSelectedIndex < 0 && IsCombobox()) {
return SelectSomething(aNotify);
return false;
bool HTMLSelectElement::SelectSomething(bool aNotify) {
// If we're not done building the select, don't play with this yet.
if (!mIsDoneAddingChildren) {
return false;
uint32_t count = Length();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
bool disabled;
nsresult rv = IsOptionDisabled(i, &disabled);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !disabled) {
SetSelectedIndexInternal(i, aNotify);
return true;
return false;
nsresult HTMLSelectElement::BindToTree(BindContext& aContext,
nsINode& aParent) {
nsresult rv =
nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState::BindToTree(aContext, aParent);
// If there is a disabled fieldset in the parent chain, the element is now
// barred from constraint validation.
// XXXbz is this still needed now that fieldset changes always call
// FieldSetDisabledChanged?
// And now make sure our state is up to date
return rv;
void HTMLSelectElement::UnbindFromTree(UnbindContext& aContext) {
// We might be no longer disabled because our parent chain changed.
// XXXbz is this still needed now that fieldset changes always call
// FieldSetDisabledChanged?
// And now make sure our state is up to date
void HTMLSelectElement::BeforeSetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName,
const nsAttrValue* aValue, bool aNotify) {
if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_None) {
if (aName == nsGkAtoms::disabled) {
if (aNotify) {
mDisabledChanged = true;
} else if (aName == nsGkAtoms::multiple) {
if (!aValue && aNotify && mSelectedIndex >= 0) {
// We're changing from being a multi-select to a single-select.
// Make sure we only have one option selected before we do that.
// Note that this needs to come before we really unset the attr,
// since SetOptionsSelectedByIndex does some bail-out type
// optimization for cases when the select is not multiple that
// would lead to only a single option getting deselected.
SetSelectedIndexInternal(mSelectedIndex, aNotify);
return nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState::BeforeSetAttr(
aNameSpaceID, aName, aValue, aNotify);
void HTMLSelectElement::AfterSetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName,
const nsAttrValue* aValue,
const nsAttrValue* aOldValue,
nsIPrincipal* aSubjectPrincipal,
bool aNotify) {
if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_None) {
if (aName == nsGkAtoms::disabled) {
// This *has* to be called *before* validity state check because
// UpdateBarredFromConstraintValidation and
// UpdateValueMissingValidityState depend on our disabled state.
} else if (aName == nsGkAtoms::required) {
// This *has* to be called *before* UpdateValueMissingValidityState
// because UpdateValueMissingValidityState depends on our required
// state.
UpdateRequiredState(!!aValue, aNotify);
} else if (aName == nsGkAtoms::autocomplete) {
// Clear the cached @autocomplete attribute and autocompleteInfo state.
mAutocompleteAttrState = nsContentUtils::eAutocompleteAttrState_Unknown;
mAutocompleteInfoState = nsContentUtils::eAutocompleteAttrState_Unknown;
} else if (aName == nsGkAtoms::multiple) {
if (!aValue && aNotify) {
// We might have become a combobox; make sure _something_ gets
// selected in that case
return nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState::AfterSetAttr(
aNameSpaceID, aName, aValue, aOldValue, aSubjectPrincipal, aNotify);
void HTMLSelectElement::DoneAddingChildren(bool aHaveNotified) {
mIsDoneAddingChildren = true;
nsISelectControlFrame* selectFrame = GetSelectFrame();
// If we foolishly tried to restore before we were done adding
// content, restore the rest of the options proper-like
if (mRestoreState) {
mRestoreState = nullptr;
// Notify the frame
if (selectFrame) {
if (!mInhibitStateRestoration) {
// Now that we're done, select something (if it's a single select something
// must be selected)
if (!CheckSelectSomething(false)) {
// If an option has @selected set, it will be selected during parsing but
// with an empty value. We have to make sure the select element updates it's
// validity state to take this into account.
// And now make sure we update our content state too
mDefaultSelectionSet = true;
bool HTMLSelectElement::ParseAttribute(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aAttribute,
const nsAString& aValue,
nsIPrincipal* aMaybeScriptedPrincipal,
nsAttrValue& aResult) {
if (kNameSpaceID_None == aNamespaceID) {
if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::size) {
return aResult.ParsePositiveIntValue(aValue);
if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::autocomplete) {
return true;
return nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState::ParseAttribute(
aNamespaceID, aAttribute, aValue, aMaybeScriptedPrincipal, aResult);
void HTMLSelectElement::MapAttributesIntoRule(
MappedDeclarationsBuilder& aBuilder) {
nsChangeHint HTMLSelectElement::GetAttributeChangeHint(const nsAtom* aAttribute,
int32_t aModType) const {
nsChangeHint retval =
aAttribute, aModType);
if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::multiple || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::size) {
retval |= nsChangeHint_ReconstructFrame;
return retval;
HTMLSelectElement::IsAttributeMapped(const nsAtom* aAttribute) const {
static const MappedAttributeEntry* const map[] = {sCommonAttributeMap,
return FindAttributeDependence(aAttribute, map);
nsMapRuleToAttributesFunc HTMLSelectElement::GetAttributeMappingFunction()
const {
return &MapAttributesIntoRule;
bool HTMLSelectElement::IsDisabledForEvents(WidgetEvent* aEvent) {
return IsElementDisabledForEvents(aEvent, GetPrimaryFrame());
void HTMLSelectElement::GetEventTargetParent(EventChainPreVisitor& aVisitor) {
aVisitor.mCanHandle = false;
if (IsDisabledForEvents(aVisitor.mEvent)) {
void HTMLSelectElement::UpdateValidityElementStates(bool aNotify) {
AutoStateChangeNotifier notifier(*this, aNotify);
if (!IsCandidateForConstraintValidation()) {
ElementState state;
if (IsValid()) {
state |= ElementState::VALID;
if (mUserInteracted) {
state |= ElementState::USER_VALID;
} else {
state |= ElementState::INVALID;
if (mUserInteracted) {
state |= ElementState::USER_INVALID;
void HTMLSelectElement::SaveState() {
PresState* presState = GetPrimaryPresState();
if (!presState) {
SelectContentData state;
uint32_t len = Length();
for (uint32_t optIndex = 0; optIndex < len; optIndex++) {
HTMLOptionElement* option = Item(optIndex);
if (option && option->Selected()) {
nsAutoString value;
if (value.IsEmpty()) {
} else {
presState->contentData() = std::move(state);
if (mDisabledChanged) {
// We do not want to save the real disabled state but the disabled
// attribute.
presState->disabled() = HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::disabled);
presState->disabledSet() = true;
bool HTMLSelectElement::RestoreState(PresState* aState) {
// Get the presentation state object to retrieve our stuff out of.
const PresContentData& state = aState->contentData();
if (state.type() == PresContentData::TSelectContentData) {
// Don't flush, if the frame doesn't exist yet it doesn't care if
// we're reset or not.
if (aState->disabledSet() && !aState->disabled()) {
SetDisabled(false, IgnoreErrors());
return false;
void HTMLSelectElement::RestoreStateTo(const SelectContentData& aNewSelected) {
if (!mIsDoneAddingChildren) {
// Make a copy of the state for us to restore from in the future.
mRestoreState = MakeUnique<SelectContentData>(aNewSelected);
uint32_t len = Length();
OptionFlags mask{OptionFlag::IsSelected, OptionFlag::ClearAll,
OptionFlag::SetDisabled, OptionFlag::Notify};
// First clear all
SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(-1, -1, mask);
// Select by index.
for (uint32_t idx : aNewSelected.indices()) {
if (idx < len) {
SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(idx, idx,
OptionFlag::SetDisabled, OptionFlag::Notify});
// Select by value.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
HTMLOptionElement* option = Item(i);
if (option) {
nsAutoString value;
if (aNewSelected.values().Contains(value)) {
i, i,
{OptionFlag::IsSelected, OptionFlag::SetDisabled,
// nsIFormControl
HTMLSelectElement::Reset() {
uint32_t numSelected = 0;
// Cycle through the options array and reset the options
uint32_t numOptions = Length();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numOptions; i++) {
RefPtr<HTMLOptionElement> option = Item(i);
if (option) {
// Reset the option to its default value
OptionFlags mask = {OptionFlag::SetDisabled, OptionFlag::Notify,
if (option->DefaultSelected()) {
mask += OptionFlag::IsSelected;
SetOptionsSelectedByIndex(i, i, mask);
// If nothing was selected and it's not multiple, select something
if (numSelected == 0 && IsCombobox()) {
// Let the frame know we were reset
// Don't flush, if there's no frame yet it won't care about us being
// reset even if we forced it to be created now.
return NS_OK;
HTMLSelectElement::SubmitNamesValues(FormData* aFormData) {
// Get the name (if no name, no submit)
nsAutoString name;
GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::name, name);
if (name.IsEmpty