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"use strict";
description("This test verifies getUniformIndices behaviors.");
var wtu = WebGLTestUtils;
const e_canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const gl = e_canvas.getContext('webgl2');
const VSRC = `\
#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform float u_vert_scalar;
uniform float u_vert_arr[3];
uniform float u_both_scalar;
uniform float u_both_arr[3];
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
gl_Position.r += u_vert_scalar;
gl_Position.r += u_vert_arr[1];
gl_Position.r += u_both_scalar;
gl_Position.r += u_both_arr[1];
const FSRC = `\
#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform float u_frag_scalar;
uniform float u_frag_arr[3];
uniform float u_both_scalar;
uniform float u_both_arr[3];
out vec4 o_frag_color;
void main() {
o_frag_color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
o_frag_color.r += u_frag_scalar;
o_frag_color.r += u_frag_arr[1];
o_frag_color.r += u_both_scalar;
o_frag_color.r += u_both_arr[1];
(() => {
if (!gl) {
testFailed("WebGL context does not exist");
window.prog = wtu.setupProgram(gl, [VSRC, FSRC]);
if (!prog) {
testFailed("Setting up program failed");
let err = gl.getError();
if (err) throw err;
'u_vert_scalar' : true,
'u_vert_scalar[0]': false,
'u_vert_arr' : true,
'u_vert_arr[0]' : true, // Even if the [0] is unused, the name enumerated
// via getActiveUniforms for this array is 'u_vert_arr[0]'.
'u_vert_arr[1]' : false,
'u_frag_scalar' : true,
'u_frag_scalar[0]': false,
'u_frag_arr' : true,
'u_frag_arr[0]' : true,
'u_frag_arr[1]' : false,
'u_both_scalar' : true,
'u_both_scalar[0]': false,
'u_both_arr' : true,
'u_both_arr[0]' : true,
'u_both_arr[1]' : false,
const NAMES = Object.keys(IS_ACTIVE_BY_NAME);
const active_ids = gl.getUniformIndices(prog, NAMES);
err = gl.getError();
if (err) throw err;
NAMES.forEach((name, i) => {
const active_id_was = active_ids[i];
const is_active_expected = IS_ACTIVE_BY_NAME[name];
const is_active_was = active_id_was != gl.INVALID_INDEX;
expectTrue(is_active_was == is_active_expected,
`getUniformIndices([, '${name}' ,]) -> [, ${active_id_was} ,], should be [, ${is_active_expected ? '0<=N<INVALID_INDEX' : 'INVALID_INDEX'} ,]`);
if (is_active_was) {
const info = gl.getActiveUniform(prog, active_id_was);
expectTrue(, `'${}'.startsWith('${name}')`);
var successfullyParsed = true;
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