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<title>Resizing Test for OffscreenCanvas commit()</title>
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"use strict";
description("This test ensures that the OffscreenCanvas context returns the correct image size after resizing and calling commit().");
function testResizeOnNewOffscreenCanvas() {
var canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(10, 20);
canvas.width = 30;
canvas.height = 40;
assertWidthAndHeight(canvas, "canvas", 30, 40);
var imagebitmap = canvas.transferToImageBitmap();
assertWidthAndHeight(imagebitmap, "imagebitmap", 30, 40);
function testResizeOnTransferredOffscreenCanvas() {
var placeholder = document.createElement("canvas");
var offscreencanvas = transferredOffscreenCanvasCreation(placeholder, 10, 20);
var ctx = offscreencanvas.getContext("webgl");
// Verify that setting the size of an OffscreenCanvas that has a placeholder works.
offscreencanvas.width = 30;
offscreencanvas.height = 40;
assertWidthAndHeight(offscreencanvas, "resized offscreencanvas", 30, 40);
var imagebitmap = offscreencanvas.transferToImageBitmap();
assertWidthAndHeight(imagebitmap, "imagebitmap transferred from resized offscreencanvas" , 30, 40);
// Verify that setting the size of an OffscreenCanvas does not directly update the size of its placeholder canvas.
assertWidthAndHeight(placeholder, "placeholder canvas", 10, 20);
var asyncStepsCompleted = 0;
createImageBitmap(placeholder).then(image => {
// Verify that the placeholder was not updated synchronously.
assertWidthAndHeight(image, "imagebitmap from placeholder canvas", 10, 20);
if (asyncStepsCompleted == 2) {
// Set timeout acts as a sync barrier to allow commit to propagate
setTimeout(function() {
// Verify that commit() asynchronously updates the size of its placeholder canvas.
assertWidthAndHeight(placeholder, "placeholder canvas", 30, 40);
// Verify that width/height attributes are not settable
shouldThrow("placeholder.width = 50");
shouldThrow("placeholder.height = 60");
assertWidthAndHeight(placeholder, "placeholder canvas after size reset", 30, 40);
createImageBitmap(placeholder).then(image => {
// Verify that an image grabbed from the placeholder has the correct dimensions
assertWidthAndHeight(image, "imagebitmap from placeholder canvas", 30, 40);
if (asyncStepsCompleted == 2) {
}, 0);
if (!window.OffscreenCanvas) {
testPassed("No OffscreenCanvas support");
} else if (!new OffscreenCanvas(10, 20).getContext("webgl").commit) {
testPassed("commit() not supported");
} else {