Name Description Size Utility for Closure Library dependency calculation. ClosureBuilder scans source files to build dependency info. From the dependencies, the script can produce a manifest in dependency order, a concatenated script, or compiled output from the Closure Compiler. Paths to files can be expressed as individual arguments to the tool (intended for use with find and xargs). As a convenience, --root can be used to specify all JS files below a directory. usage: %prog [options] [file1.js file2.js ...] 9626 Class to represent a full Closure Library dependency tree. Offers a queryable tree of dependencies of a given set of sources. The tree will also do logical validation to prevent duplicate provides and circular dependencies. 6375 Generates out a Closure deps.js file given a list of JavaScript sources. Paths can be specified as arguments or (more commonly) specifying trees with the flags (call with --help for descriptions). Usage: [path/to/js1.js [path/to/js2.js] ...] 6286 Utility to use the Closure Compiler CLI from Python. 4102 Scans a source JS file for its provided and required namespaces. Simple class to scan a JavaScript file and express its dependencies. 3697 Shared utility functions for scanning directory trees. 2203