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<title>Test Cache generate padding size for opaque repsonse</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="large_url_list.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
function setupTestIframe() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "empty.html";
iframe.onload = function() {
window.caches = iframe.contentWindow.caches;
function clearStorage() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var qms = SpecialPowers.Services.qms;
var principal = SpecialPowers.wrap(document).nodePrincipal;
var request = qms.clearStoragesForPrincipal(principal);
var cb = SpecialPowers.wrapCallback(resolve);
request.callback = cb;
function resetStorage() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var qms = SpecialPowers.Services.qms;
var principal = SpecialPowers.wrap(document).nodePrincipal;
var request = qms.resetStoragesForPrincipal(principal);
var cb = SpecialPowers.wrapCallback(resolve);
request.callback = cb;
function getStorageUsage(fromMemory) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var qms = SpecialPowers.Services.qms;
var principal = SpecialPowers.wrap(document).nodePrincipal;
var cb = SpecialPowers.wrapCallback(function(request) {
var result = request.result;
// Actually, the flag is used to distingulish getting group usage and origin
// usage, but we utilize this to get usage from in-memory and the disk.
// Default value for "fromMemory" is false.
qms.getUsageForPrincipal(principal, cb, !!fromMemory);
async function verifyUsage() {
// Although it returns group usage when passing true, it calculate the usage
// from tracking usage object (in-memory object) in QuotaManager.
let memoryUsage = await getStorageUsage(/* fromMemory */ true);
// This will returns the origin usage by re-calculating usage from directory.
let diskUsage = await getStorageUsage(/* fromMemory */ false);
is(memoryUsage, diskUsage,
"In-memory usage and disk usage should be the same.");
return memoryUsage;
async function waitForIOToComplete(cache, request) {
info("Wait for IO complete.");
// The following lines ensure we've deleted orphaned body.
// First, wait for cache operation delete the orphaned body.
await cache.match(request);
// Finally, wait for -wal file finish its job.
return resetStorage();
function fetchOpaqueResponse(url) {
return fetch(url, { mode: "no-cors" });
"set": [["dom.caches.enabled", true],
["dom.caches.testing.enabled", true],
["dom.quotaManager.testing", true]],
}, async function() {
// This test is mainly to verify we only generate different padding size for
// the opaque response which is comming from netwrok.
// Besides, this test utilizes verifyUsage() to ensure Cache Acions does
// update thier usage/padding size to the QM, does record padding size to
// the directory padding file and does do above two things synchronously.
// So that, opaque response's size is bigger than the normal response's size
// and we always have the same usage bewteen from in-memory and from
// the file-system.
// Note: For the cloned and cached opaque response, the padding size shouldn't
// be changed. Thus, it makes the attacker harder to get the padding size.
const name = "cachePadding";
const other_name = "cachePaddingOther";
const url = "test_cache_add.js";
await setupTestIframe();
info("Stage 1: Clean storage.");
await clearStorage();
let cache = await;
// XXX This arbitrary loop is a hack to restore the same growth database
// behavior as it was before the schema upgrade from version 28 to 29.
// XXX Obviously, this test shouldn't use the total usage (which includes
// both the database and the file usage) to compute the disk size of
// responses. It should use the file usage only. The problem is that the
// quota client implementation currently doesn't differentiate between the
// database and the file usage. Even if that gets fixed, there would be a
// problem with checking cached usage which currently doesn't differentiate
// between the database usage and the file usage as well.
for (let i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
const request = new Request("" + i + ".html");
const response = new Response("hello world");
await cache.put(request, response);
await waitForIOToComplete(cache, url);
let usage1 = await verifyUsage();
info("Stage 2: Verify opaque responses have padding.");
cache = await;
await cache.add(url);
await waitForIOToComplete(cache, url);
let usage2 = await verifyUsage();
let sizeForNormalResponse = usage2 - usage1;
let opaqueResponse = await fetchOpaqueResponse(cors_base + url);
cache = await;
await cache.put(cors_base + url, opaqueResponse.clone());
await waitForIOToComplete(cache, url);
let usage3 = await verifyUsage();
let sizeForOpaqueResponse = usage3 - usage2;
ok(sizeForOpaqueResponse > sizeForNormalResponse,
"The opaque response should have larger size than the normal response.");
info("Stage 3: Verify the cloned response has the same size.");
cache = await;
await cache.put(cors_base + url, opaqueResponse.clone());
await waitForIOToComplete(cache, url);
let usage4 = await verifyUsage();
// Since we put the same request and response again, the size should be the
// same (DOM Cache removes the previous cached request and response)
ok(usage4 == usage3,
"We won't generate different padding for cloned response");
info("Stage 4: Verify the cached response has the same size.");
cache = await;
opaqueResponse = await cache.match(cors_base + url);
await cache.put(cors_base + url, opaqueResponse);
await waitForIOToComplete(cache, url);
let usage5 = await verifyUsage();
ok(usage5 == usage3,
"We won't generate different padding for cached response");
info("Stage 5: Verify padding size may changes in different fetch()s.");
let paddingSizeChange = false;
// Since we randomly generate padding size and rounding the overall size up,
// we will probably have the same size. So, fetch it multiple times.
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
opaqueResponse = await fetchOpaqueResponse(cors_base + url);
cache = await;
await cache.put(cors_base + url, opaqueResponse);
await waitForIOToComplete(cache, url);
let usage6 = await verifyUsage();
if (usage6 != usage5) {
paddingSizeChange = true;
"We should generate different padding size for fetching response");
info("Stage 6: Verify the padding is removed once on caches.delete() and " +
// Add an opauqe response on other cache storage and then delete that storage.
cache = await;
opaqueResponse = await fetchOpaqueResponse(cors_base + url);
await cache.put(cors_base + url, opaqueResponse);
await caches.delete(other_name);
await caches.has(other_name);
// Force remove orphaned cached in the next action
await resetStorage();
// Delete the opauqe repsonse on current cache storage.
cache = await;
await cache.delete(cors_base + url);
await waitForIOToComplete(cache, url);
let usage7 = await verifyUsage();
ok(usage7 == usage2,
"The opaque response should be removed by caches.delete() and " +
await SimpleTest.finish();