Name Description Size
chrome.toml 861
file_barewordGetsWindow_frame1.html 3
file_barewordGetsWindow_frame2.html 3
file_bug775543.html 64
file_bug1808352_frame.html 80
file_bug1808352b_frame.html 48
file_document_location_set_via_xray.html 50
file_dom_xrays.html 868
file_InstanceOf.html 247
file_proxies_via_xray.html 134
file_reflected_attribute_frozenarray.js 2485
forOf_iframe.html iframe content for test_forOf_iframe.html 261 586
mochitest.toml 3933 1725
mozITestInterfaceJS.idl An interface to allow testing of binding interactions with JS-implemented XPCOM components. The actual implementation is TestInterfaceJS, just like for TestInteraceJS.webidl. 808
test_async_iterable.html Test Async Iterable Interface 13088
test_async_stacks.html Test for Bug 1148593 2445
test_attributes_on_types.html Test for WebIDL attributes on types 8501
test_barewordGetsWindow.html Test for Bug 936056 2161
test_bug560072.html Test for Bug 560072 950
test_bug742191.html Test for invalid argument object 881
test_bug759621.html Test for Bug 759621 739
test_bug773326.html Test for Bug 773326 334
test_bug775543.html Test for Bug 775543 1155
test_bug788369.html Test for Bug 788369 824
test_bug852846.html Test for Bug 852846 1066
test_bug862092.html Test for Bug 862092 966
test_bug1036214.html Test for Bug 1036214 7727
test_bug1041646.html Test for Bug 1041646 1304
test_bug1123516_maplikesetlike.html Test Maplike Interface 16766
test_bug1123516_maplikesetlikechrome.xhtml 3414
test_bug1123875.html Test for Bug 1123875 457
test_bug1287912.html Test for Bug 1287912 1343
test_bug1457051.html Test for Bug 1457051 1166
test_bug1808352.html Test for Bug 1808352 848
test_bug1808352b.html Test for Bug 1808352 743
test_ByteString.html Test for ByteString support 779
test_callback_across_document_open.html Test for callback invocation for a callback that comes from a no-longer-current window that still has an active document. 948
test_callback_default_thisval.html Test for Bug 957929 826
test_callback_exceptions.html Test for ... 859
test_cloneAndImportNode.html Test for Bug 882541 1395
test_crossOriginWindowSymbolAccess.html Test for accessing symbols on a cross-origin window 1273
test_defineProperty.html Test for Bug 910220 3382
test_document_location_set_via_xray.html Test for Bug 905493 1404
test_document_location_via_xray_cached.html Test for Bug 1041731 1021
test_dom_xrays.html Test for Bug 787070 21184
test_domProxyArrayLengthGetter.html Test for Bug 1221421 682
test_enums.html Enums 488
test_exception_messages.html Test for Bug 882653 3741
test_exception_options_from_jsimplemented.html Test for Bug 1107592 6342
test_exceptions_from_jsimplemented.html Test for Bug 923010 1640
test_exceptionSanitization.html Test for Bug 1295322 1587
test_exceptionThrowing.html Test for Bug 847119 1390
test_forOf.html Test for Bug 725907 2652
test_InstanceOf.html Test for Bug 748983 2186
test_integers.html 1354
test_interfaceLength.html Test for Bug 1776790 865
test_interfaceLength_chrome.html Test for Bug 1776790 915
test_interfaceName.html Test for Bug 1084001 691
test_interfaceToString.html Test for Bug 742156 1337
test_iterable.html Test Iterable Interface 12729
test_jsimplemented_cross_realm_this.html Test for Bug 1464374 1082
test_jsimplemented_eventhandler.html Test for Bug 1186696 1310
test_jsimplemented_subclassing.html Test for Bug 1400275 769
test_large_arraybuffers.html Test for large ArrayBuffers and views 4146
test_large_imageData.html Test for large ImageData 1748
test_lenientThis.html [LenientThis] 1300
test_lookupGetter.html Test for Bug 462428 1360
test_named_getter_enumerability.html Test for named getter enumerability 1800
test_namedNoIndexed.html Test for Bug 808991 982
test_Object.prototype_props.html Test for bug 987110 822
test_observablearray.html Test Observable Array Type 17847
test_observablearray_helper.html Test Helpers of Observable Array Type 12157
test_observablearray_proxyhandler.html Test Observable Array Type 30415
test_oom_reporting.html Test for Bug 1144
test_prefOnConstructor.html Test for Bug 1604340 1688
test_primitive_this.html Test for Bug 603201 972
test_promise_rejections_from_jsimplemented.html Test for Bug 1107592 5968
test_proxies_via_xray.html Test for Bug 1021066 3589
test_proxy_accessors.html Test for Bug 1700052 2280
test_proxy_expandos.html Test for Bug 965992 2635
test_proxy_missing_prop.html Test for Bug 1863543 1311
test_reflected_attribute_frozenarray.html Test for bug 1773732 620
test_remoteProxyAsPrototype.html Test for bug 1773732 1090
test_resizable_arraybufferview.html Test for resizable ArrayBufferViews 4411
test_returnUnion.html Test for Bug 1048659 2096
test_sequence_detection.html Test for Bug 1066432 1691
test_sequence_wrapping.html Test for Bug 775852 1702
test_setWithNamedGetterNoNamedSetter.html Test for Bug 1043690 1149
test_stringBindings.html Test for Bug 1334537 4696
test_throwing_method_noDCE.html Test that we don't DCE functions that can throw 878
test_toJSON.html Test for Bug 1465602 2073
test_traceProtos.html Test for Bug 744772 854
test_treat_non_object_as_null.html Test for Bug 952365 1073
test_unforgeablesonexpando.html Test for making sure named getters don't override the unforgeable location on HTMLDocument 855
test_usvstring.html Test USVString 1706
test_worker_UnwrapArg.html Test for Bug 1127206 1510
TestBindingHeader.h static already_AddRefed<TestInterface> Constructor(const GlobalObject&, uint32_t, uint32_t, const TestInterfaceOrOnlyForUseInConstructor&); 79931
TestCallback.webidl 572
TestCImplementedInterface.h 1245
TestCodeGen.webidl 72646
TestDictionary.webidl 337
TestExampleGen.webidl 48273
TestFunctions.cpp static 10907
TestFunctions.h 6059
TestInterfaceAsyncIterableDouble.cpp 3561
TestInterfaceAsyncIterableDouble.h 2144
TestInterfaceAsyncIterableDoubleUnion.cpp 3772
TestInterfaceAsyncIterableDoubleUnion.h 2237
TestInterfaceAsyncIterableSingle.cpp 4824
TestInterfaceAsyncIterableSingle.h 2857
TestInterfaceAsyncIterableSingleWithArgs.cpp 4408
TestInterfaceAsyncIterableSingleWithArgs.h 2446
TestInterfaceIterableDouble.cpp 2437
TestInterfaceIterableDouble.h 1719
TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion.cpp 2600
TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion.h 1809
TestInterfaceIterableSingle.cpp 2219
TestInterfaceIterableSingle.h 1642
TestInterfaceJS.sys.mjs global noSuchMethodExistsYo1, noSuchMethodExistsYo2, noSuchMethodExistsYo3 5103
TestInterfaceLength.cpp 925
TestInterfaceLength.h 1270
TestInterfaceMaplike.cpp 2541
TestInterfaceMaplike.h 1714
TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.cpp 3197
TestInterfaceMaplikeJSObject.h 1959
TestInterfaceMaplikeObject.cpp 2974
TestInterfaceMaplikeObject.h 1917
TestInterfaceObservableArray.cpp 8629
TestInterfaceObservableArray.h 4754
TestInterfaceSetlike.cpp 1766
TestInterfaceSetlike.h 1416
TestInterfaceSetlikeNode.cpp 1831
TestInterfaceSetlikeNode.h 1523
TestJSImplGen.webidl 46552
TestJSImplInheritanceGen.webidl 1362
TestReflectedHTMLAttribute.cpp static 2182
TestReflectedHTMLAttribute.h 1675
TestTrialInterface.cpp 900
TestTrialInterface.h 1244
TestTypedef.webidl 341
WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface.cpp 1136
WrapperCachedNonISupportsTestInterface.h 1508