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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Bug 1326251</title>
var bc = new BroadcastChannel("file_bug1326251");
bc.onmessage = function(event) {
if ("nextTest" in {
function is(val1, val2, msg) {
bc.postMessage({type: "is", value1: val1, value2: val2, message: msg});
function ok(val, msg) {
bc.postMessage({type: "ok", value: val, message: msg});
let testSteps = [
async function() {
// Test 1: Create dynamic iframe with bfcache enabled.
// Navigate static / dynamic iframes, then navigate top level window
// and navigate back. Both iframes should still exist with history
// entries preserved.
window.onunload = null; // enable bfcache
await createDynamicFrame(document);
await loadUriInFrame(document.getElementById("staticFrame"), "frame1.html");
await loadUriInFrame(document.getElementById("dynamicFrame"), "frame1.html");
await loadUriInFrame(document.getElementById("staticFrame"), "frame2.html");
await loadUriInFrame(document.getElementById("dynamicFrame"), "frame2.html");
is(history.length, 5, "history.length");
window.location = "goback.html";
async function() {
let webNav = SpecialPowers.wrap(window)
let shistory = webNav.sessionHistory;
is(webNav.canGoForward, true, "canGoForward");
is(shistory.index, 4, "shistory.index");
is(history.length, 6, "history.length");
is(document.getElementById("staticFrame").contentWindow.location.href, BASE_URL + "frame2.html", "staticFrame location");
is(document.getElementById("dynamicFrame").contentWindow.location.href, BASE_URL + "frame2.html", "dynamicFrame location");
// Test 2: Load another page in dynamic iframe, canGoForward should be
// false.
await loadUriInFrame(document.getElementById("dynamicFrame"), "frame3.html");
is(webNav.canGoForward, false, "canGoForward");
is(shistory.index, 5, "shistory.index");
is(history.length, 6, "history.length");
// Test 3: Navigate to antoher page with bfcache disabled, all dynamic
// iframe entries should be removed.
window.onunload = function() {}; // disable bfcache
window.location = "goback.html";
async function() {
let windowWrap = SpecialPowers.wrap(window);
let docShell = windowWrap.docShell;
let shistory = docShell.QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
// Now staticFrame has frame0 -> frame1 -> frame2.
if (!SpecialPowers.Services.appinfo.sessionHistoryInParent) {
// *EntryIndex attributes aren't meaningful when the session history
// lives in the parent process.
is(docShell.previousEntryIndex, 3, "docShell.previousEntryIndex");
is(docShell.loadedEntryIndex, 2, "docShell.loadedEntryIndex");
is(shistory.index, 2, "shistory.index");
is(history.length, 4, "history.length");
is(document.getElementById("staticFrame").contentWindow.location.href, BASE_URL + "frame2.html", "staticFrame location");
ok(!document.getElementById("dynamicFrame"), "dynamicFrame should not exist");
// Test 4: Load a nested frame in the static frame, navigate the inner
// static frame, add a inner dynamic frame and navigate the dynamic
// frame. Then navigate the outer static frame and go back. The inner
// iframe should show the last entry of inner static frame.
let staticFrame = document.getElementById("staticFrame");
staticFrame.width = "320px";
staticFrame.height = "360px";
await loadUriInFrame(staticFrame, "iframe_static.html");
let innerStaticFrame = staticFrame.contentDocument.getElementById("staticFrame");
await loadUriInFrame(innerStaticFrame, "frame1.html");
let innerDynamicFrame = await createDynamicFrame(staticFrame.contentDocument, "frame2.html");
await loadUriInFrame(innerDynamicFrame, "frame3.html");
// staticFrame: frame0 -> frame1 -> frame2 -> iframe_static
// innerStaticFrame: frame0 -> frame1
// innerDynamicFrame: frame2 -> frame3
is(shistory.index, 5, "shistory.index");
is(history.length, 6, "history.length");
// Wait for 2 load events - navigation and goback.
let onloadPromise = awaitOnload(staticFrame, 2);
await loadUriInFrame(staticFrame, "goback.html");
await onloadPromise;
// staticFrame: frame0 -> frame1 -> frame2 -> iframe_static -> goback
// innerStaticFrame: frame0 -> frame1
is(shistory.index, 4, "shistory.index");
is(history.length, 6, "history.length");
innerStaticFrame = staticFrame.contentDocument.getElementById("staticFrame");
is(innerStaticFrame.contentDocument.location.href, BASE_URL + "frame1.html", "innerStaticFrame location");
ok(!staticFrame.contentDocument.getElementById("dynamicFrame"), "innerDynamicFrame should not exist");
// Test 5: Insert and navigate inner dynamic frame again with bfcache
// enabled, and navigate top level window to a special page which will
// evict bfcache then goback. Verify that dynamic entries are correctly
// removed in this case.
window.onunload = null; // enable bfcache
staticFrame.width = "320px";
staticFrame.height = "360px";
innerDynamicFrame = await createDynamicFrame(staticFrame.contentDocument, "frame2.html");
await loadUriInFrame(innerDynamicFrame, "frame3.html");
// staticFrame: frame0 -> frame1 -> frame2 -> iframe_static
// innerStaticFrame: frame0 -> frame1
// innerDynamicFrame: frame2 -> frame3
is(shistory.index, 5, "shistory.index");
is(history.length, 6, "history.length");
window.location = "file_bug1326251_evict_cache.html";
async function() {
let windowWrap = SpecialPowers.wrap(window);
let docShell = windowWrap.docShell;
let shistory = docShell.QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
// staticFrame: frame0 -> frame1 -> frame2 -> iframe_static
// innerStaticFrame: frame0 -> frame1
if (!SpecialPowers.Services.appinfo.sessionHistoryInParent) {
// *EntryIndex attributes aren't meaningful when the session history
// lives in the parent process.
is(docShell.previousEntryIndex, 5, "docShell.previousEntryIndex");
is(docShell.loadedEntryIndex, 4, "docShell.loadedEntryIndex");
is(shistory.index, 4, "shistory.index");
is(history.length, 6, "history.length");
let staticFrame = document.getElementById("staticFrame");
let innerStaticFrame = staticFrame.contentDocument.getElementById("staticFrame");
is(innerStaticFrame.contentDocument.location.href, BASE_URL + "frame1.html", "innerStaticFrame location");
ok(!staticFrame.contentDocument.getElementById("dynamicFrame"), "innerDynamicFrame should not exist");
// Test 6: Insert and navigate inner dynamic frame and then reload outer
// frame. Verify that inner dynamic frame entries are all removed.
staticFrame.width = "320px";
staticFrame.height = "360px";
let innerDynamicFrame = await createDynamicFrame(staticFrame.contentDocument, "frame2.html");
await loadUriInFrame(innerDynamicFrame, "frame3.html");
// staticFrame: frame0 -> frame1 -> frame2 -> iframe_static
// innerStaticFrame: frame0 -> frame1
// innerDynamicFrame: frame2 -> frame3
is(shistory.index, 5, "shistory.index");
is(history.length, 6, "history.length");
let staticFrameLoadPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
staticFrame.onload = resolve;
await staticFrameLoadPromise;
// staticFrame: frame0 -> frame1 -> frame2 -> iframe_static
// innerStaticFrame: frame0 -> frame1
is(shistory.index, 4, "shistory.index");
is(history.length, 5, "history.length");
innerStaticFrame = staticFrame.contentDocument.getElementById("staticFrame");
is(innerStaticFrame.contentDocument.location.href, BASE_URL + "frame1.html", "innerStaticFrame location");
ok(!staticFrame.contentDocument.getElementById("dynamicFrame"), "innerDynamicFrame should not exist");
function awaitOnload(frame, occurances = 1) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
let count = 0;
frame.addEventListener("load", function listener() {
if (++count == occurances) {
frame.removeEventListener("load", listener);
setTimeout(resolve, 0);
async function createDynamicFrame(targetDocument, frameSrc = "frame0.html") {
let dynamicFrame = targetDocument.createElement("iframe");
let onloadPromise = awaitOnload(dynamicFrame); = "dynamicFrame";
dynamicFrame.src = frameSrc;
let container = targetDocument.getElementById("frameContainer");
await onloadPromise;
return dynamicFrame;
async function loadUriInFrame(frame, uri) {
let onloadPromise = awaitOnload(frame);
frame.src = uri;
return onloadPromise;
function test() {
<body onpageshow="test();">
<div id="frameContainer">
<iframe id="staticFrame" src="frame0.html"></iframe>