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Creates a new UDP socket of the specified address family.
.. code::
#include <prio.h>
PRFileDesc* PR_OpenUDPSocket(PRIntn af);
The function has the following parameters:
The address family of the new UDP socket. Can be ``PR_AF_INET``
(IPv4), ``PR_AF_INET6`` (IPv6), or ``PR_AF_LOCAL`` (Unix domain,
supported on POSIX systems only).
The function returns one of the following values:
- Upon successful completion, a pointer to the :ref:`PRFileDesc` object
created for the newly opened UDP socket.
- If the creation of a new UDP socket failed, ``NULL``.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a connectionless, unreliable datagram
protocol of the TCP/IP protocol suite. UDP datagrams may be lost or
delivered in duplicates or out of sequence.
:ref:`PR_OpenUDPSocket` creates a new UDP socket of the address family
``af``. The socket may be bound to a well-known port number with
:ref:`PR_Bind`. Datagrams can be sent with :ref:`PR_SendTo` and received with
:ref:`PR_RecvFrom`. When the socket is no longer needed, it should be
closed with a call to :ref:`PR_Close`.