Actor |
Actor.js |
Keep track of which actorSpecs have been created. If a replica of a spec
is created, it can be caught, and specs which inherit from other specs will
not overwrite eachother.
8035 |
Front |
Front.js |
Base class for client-side actor fronts.
@param [DevToolsClient|null] conn
The conn must either be DevToolsClient or null. Must have
addActorPool, removeActorPool, and poolFor.
conn can be null if the subclass provides a conn property.
@param [Target|null] target
If we are instantiating a target-scoped front, this is a reference to the front's
Target instance, otherwise this is null.
@param [Front|null] parentFront
The parent front. This is only available if the Front being initialized is a child
of a parent front.
13809 |
lazy-pool.js |
A Special Pool for RootActor and WindowGlobalTargetActor, which allows lazy loaded
actors to be added to the pool.
Like the Pool, this is a protocol object that can manage the lifetime of other protocol
objects. Pools are used on both sides of the connection to help coordinate lifetimes.
@param conn
Is a DevToolsServerConnection. Must have
addActorPool, removeActorPool, and poolFor.
7582 | |
484 |
Pool.js |
Actor and Front implementations
6056 |
Request.js |
Manages a request template.
@param object template
The request template.
4243 |
Response.js |
Manages a response template.
@param object template
The response template.
3096 |
tests |
types.js |
Types: named marshallers/demarshallers.
Types provide a 'write' function that takes a js representation and
returns a protocol representation, and a "read" function that
takes a protocol representation and returns a js representation.
The read and write methods are also passed a context object that
represent the actor or front requesting the translation.
Types are referred to with a typestring. Basic types are
registered by name using addType, and more complex types can
be generated by adding detail to the type name.
17648 |
utils.js |
Find Placeholders in the template and save them along with their
1076 |