Name Description Size
.gitattributes 21
AutoMemMap.cpp 1649
AutoMemMap.h 2177
census-tree-node.js Return true if the given object is a SavedFrame stack object, false otherwise. @param {any} obj @returns {Boolean} 23748
CensusUtils.js Visitor *************************************************************** 14071 decltype(_impl_._has_bits_) 73807
CoreDump.pb.h @@protoc_insertion_point(class_definition:mozilla.devtools.protobuf.Metadata) 103215
CoreDump.proto 6540
DeserializedNode.cpp 3911
DeserializedNode.h 10272
DominatorTree.cpp Cycle Collection Boilerplate **************************************************************** 4736
DominatorTree.h 2182
DominatorTreeNode.js A single node in a dominator tree. @param {NodeId} nodeId @param {NodeSize} retainedSize 10232
FileDescriptorOutputStream.cpp static 2355
FileDescriptorOutputStream.h 1074 668
HeapAnalyses.worker.js import-globals-from /toolkit/components/workerloader/require.js 9399
HeapAnalysesClient.js A HeapAnalysesClient instance provides a developer-friendly interface for interacting with a HeapAnalysesWorker. This enables users to be ignorant of the message passing protocol used to communicate with the worker. The HeapAnalysesClient owns the worker, and terminating the worker is done by terminating the client (see the `destroy` method). 11131
HeapSnapshot.cpp Cycle Collection Boilerplate ******************************************** 53752
HeapSnapshot.h 8067
HeapSnapshotFileUtils.js Get a unique temp file path for a new heap snapshot. The file is guaranteed not to exist before this call. @returns String 2983
HeapSnapshotTempFileHelperChild.h static 1016
HeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent.cpp 1725
HeapSnapshotTempFileHelperParent.h static 1244 1569
PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelper.ipdl 833
shortest-paths.js Compress a set of paths leading to `target` into a single graph, returned as a set of nodes and a set of edges. @param {NodeId} target The target node passed to `HeapSnapshot.computeShortestPaths`. @param {Array<Path>} paths An array of paths to `target`, as returned by `HeapSnapshot.computeShortestPaths`. @returns {Object} An object with two properties: - edges: An array of unique objects of the form: { from: <node ID>, to: <node ID>, name: <string or null> } - nodes: An array of unique node IDs. Every `from` and `to` id is guaranteed to be in this array exactly once. 2770
ZeroCopyNSIOutputStream.cpp 2240
ZeroCopyNSIOutputStream.h 2376