color-db.js |
16261 |
color.js |
This module is used to convert between various color types.
let {colorUtils} = require("devtools/shared/css/color");
let color = new colorUtils.CssColor("red");
// In order to support css-color-4 color function, pass true to the
// second argument.
// e.g.
// let color = new colorUtils.CssColor("red", true);
color.authored === "red"
color.hasAlpha === false
color.valid === true
color.transparent === false // transparent has a special status. === "red" // returns hex when no name available.
color.hex === "#f00" // returns shortHex when available else returns
longHex. If alpha channel is present then we
return this.alphaHex if available,
or this.longAlphaHex if not.
color.alphaHex === "#f00f" // returns short alpha hex when available
else returns longAlphaHex.
color.longHex === "#ff0000" // If alpha channel is present then we return
color.longAlphaHex === "#ff0000ff"
color.rgb === "rgb(255, 0, 0)" // If alpha channel is present
// then we return this.rgba.
color.rgba === "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"
color.hsl === "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"
color.hsla === "hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1)" // If alpha channel is present
then we return this.rgba.
color.hwb === "hwb(0, 0%, 0%)"
color.toString() === "#f00"; // Outputs the color type determined in the
COLOR_UNIT_PREF constant (above).
Valid values for COLOR_UNIT_PREF are contained in CssColor.COLORUNIT.
21820 |
constants.js |
All CSS <angle> types that properties can support.
824 |
lexer.js |
Wrapper around InspectorCSSParser.
Once/if lands, we can remove this class.
5775 | |
403 |
parsing-utils.js |
A generator function that lexes a CSS source string, yielding the
CSS tokens. Comment tokens are dropped.
@param {String} CSS source string
@yield {CSSToken} The next CSSToken that is lexed
@see CSSToken for details about the returned tokens
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