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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
* Check that logpoints generate console messages.
threadFrontTest(async ({ threadActor, threadFront, debuggee, client }) => {
let lastMessage, lastExpression;
const { targetActor } = threadActor;
// Only Workers are evaluating through the WebConsoleActor.
// Tabs will be evaluating directly via the frame object.
targetActor._consoleActor = {
evaluateJS(expression) {
lastExpression = expression;
// And then listen for resource RDP event.
// Bug 1646677: But we should probably migrate this test to ResourceCommand so that
// we don't have to hack the server side via Resource.watchResources call.
targetActor.on("resource-available-form", resources => {
if (resources[0].resourceType == Resources.TYPES.CONSOLE_MESSAGE) {
lastMessage = resources[0].message;
// But both tabs and processes will be going through the ConsoleMessages module
// We force watching for console message first,
await Resources.watchResources(targetActor, [
const packet = await executeOnNextTickAndWaitForPause(
() => evalCode(debuggee),
const source = await getSourceById(threadFront,;
// Set a logpoint which should invoke console.log.
sourceUrl: source.url,
line: 3,
{ logValue: "a" }
await client.waitForRequestsToSettle();
// Execute the rest of the code.
await threadFront.resume();
// NOTE: logpoints evaluated in a worker have a lastExpression
if (lastMessage) {
Assert.equal(lastMessage.level, "logPoint");
Assert.equal(lastMessage.arguments[0], "three");
} else {
Assert.equal(lastExpression.text, "console.log(...[a])");
Assert.equal(lastExpression.lineNumber, 3);
function evalCode(debuggee) {
/* eslint-disable */
"debugger;\n" + // 1
"var a = 'three';\n" + // 2
"var b = 2;\n", // 3
/* eslint-enable */