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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Check that the AnimationsActor can pause/play a given list of animations at once.
// List of selectors that match "all" animated nodes in the test page.
// This list misses a bunch of animated nodes on purpose. Only the ones that
// have infinite animations are listed. This is done to avoid intermittents
// caused when finite animations are already done playing by the time the test
// runs.
add_task(async function () {
const { target, walker, animations } = await initAnimationsFrontForUrl(
MAIN_DOMAIN + "animation.html"
info("Pause all animations in the test document");
await toggleAndCheckStates(walker, animations, ALL_ANIMATED_NODES, "paused");
info("Play all animations in the test document");
await toggleAndCheckStates(walker, animations, ALL_ANIMATED_NODES, "running");
await target.destroy();
async function toggleAndCheckStates(walker, animations, selectors, playState) {
"Checking the playState of all the nodes that have infinite running " +
for (const selector of selectors) {
const players = await getPlayersFor(walker, animations, selector);
if (playState === "paused") {
await animations.pauseSome(players);
} else {
await animations.playSome(players);
info("Getting the AnimationPlayerFront for node " + selector);
const player = players[0];
await checkPlayState(player, selector, playState);
async function getPlayersFor(walker, animations, selector) {
const node = await walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, selector);
return animations.getAnimationPlayersForNode(node);
async function checkPlayState(player, selector, expectedState) {
const state = await player.getCurrentState();
"The playState of node " + selector + " is " + expectedState