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Debug scrollable overflow
A `scroll container <>`_ is created by applying `overflow: scroll <>`_ to a container, or `overflow: auto <>`_ when there is enough content to cause overflow. The Firefox DevTools make it easy to discover both scrollable elements and any elements that are causing overflow.
In the :ref:`HTML Pane <page_inspector_ui_tour_html_pane>`, ascrollable element has the ``scroll`` badge next to it, as shown in the following image:
.. image:: scroll_hover.png
:alt: HTML Pane Scroll badge
:class: center
You can toggle the ``scroll`` badge to highlight elements causing an overflow, expanding nodes as needed to make the nodes visible:
.. image:: scroll_badge_pressed.png
:alt: Scroll badge toggled on 1
:class: center
You will also see an ``overflow`` badge next to the node causing the overflow.
.. image:: overflow_badge.png
:alt: HTML Pane: Overflow badge
:class: center