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Inspecting web app manifests
In this article we will look at inspecting `app manifests <>`_ using the Firefox DevTools :doc:`Application panel <../index>`.
When you open the Application panel’s *Manifest* view on a page that doesn't have an app manifest successfully deployed, you'll get the following output shown:
.. image:: no-manifest.jpg
:alt: default manifest view saying that you need to add a manifest to inspect it.
:class: border
Deploying a manifest
To get a manifest deployed successfully, you need to include a `<link> <>`_ element in the `<head> <>`_ of your document that points to your ``.webmanifest`` file:
.. code-block:: html
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.webmanifest">
The ``.webmanifest`` extension is recommended in the spec, and should be served with an ``application/manifest+json`` mime type, although browsers generally tend to support manifests with other appropriate extensions like ``.json`` (mime type: ``application/json``).
You also need to make sure the JSON inside the file is of the correct format.
Inspecting your manifest
If your manifest is deployed successfully, you should end up with a display like the following on the *Manifest* view:
.. image:: manifest-deployed.jpg
:alt: manifest view showing a deployed manifest, with identity, presentation, and icon information shown
:class: border
From here, you can inspect all the information in the manifest in an easy-to-digest way, making sure that it is all correct. It provides a link to the manifest file at the top which when clicked on brings up the JSON in a new tab.
It also loads all the icon files into the view, so you can see the relative size of them all, and any other information associated with them.
List of manifest members
We won't provide an exhaustive list of all the members that can appear in a web manifest here; you can already find that in our `web manifest documentation <>`_.