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Color vision simulation
The simulator in the :doc:`Accessibility Inspector <../index>` in Firefox Developer Tools lets you see what a web page would look like to users with various forms of *color vision deficiency* (better known as "color blindness"), as well as *contrast sensitivity loss*.
"Color blindness" is a bit of a misnomer, since most people with these disorders can see colors, but do not see all of the distinctions that people with normal color vision can see; color vision deficiencies affect perception across the color spectrum, not only of specific colors like red or green. Color vision deficiencies affect about 8% of men, and 0.5% of women. The most common forms of color blindness (commonly lumped together as "red-green color blindness") affect more men than women, because they are due to a mutation in a gene in the X chromosome, which men usually have only one copy of.
Contrast sensitivity loss can be caused by cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and other disorders of the retina; it can be age-related, congenital, or due to an injury.
.. note::
This feature depends on webrender, an experimental featurethat is not enabled by default on all platforms. You can force-enablewebrender by settingthe preference ``gfx.webrender.all`` to ``true`` using the `Firefox Configuration Editor <>`_ (note that if webrender is enabled by default on your platform, the setting has no effect.
The current color simulation option may be selected from the **Simulate** menu as shown.
.. image:: accessibily_color_simulation_menu.jpg
:alt: Simulate menu in Accessibility panel. Used for selecting the simulation mode: None, Protanopia (no red), Deuteranopia (no green), Tritanopia (no blue), Achromatopsia (no color), Contrast loss
:class: center
The following table shows a colorful image of a cat's face, and what it looks like in the each of the simulations.
.. |image1| image:: 28369550088_617db0d6f2_m.jpg
:alt: Colorful image of a cat's face, without modification
.. |image2| image:: colorcat_protanopia.png
:alt: Colorful image of a cat's face, with protanopia simulation
.. |image3| image:: colorcat_deuteranopia.png
:alt: Colorful image of a cat's face, with deuteranopia simulation
.. |image4| image:: colorcat_tritanopia.png
:alt: Colorful image of a cat's face, with tritanopia simulation
.. |image5| image:: colorcat_achromatopsia.png
:alt: Colorful image of a cat's face, with achromatopsia simulation
.. |image6| image:: colorcat_contrastloss.png
:alt: Colorful image of a cat's face, with contrast loss simulation
.. list-table::
:widths: 50 50
:header-rows: 1
* - Simulation
- Image displayed
* - None (Choose this to return to normal display)
- |image1|
* - Protanopia (no red)
- |image2|
* - Deuteranopia (no green)
- |image3|
* - Tritanopia (no blue)
- |image4|
* - Achromatopsia (no color)
- |image5|
* - Contrast loss
- |image6|
.. note::
The simulation transformation matrices are based on the paper: `A Physiologically-based Model for Simulation of Color Vision Deficiency <>`_, Gustavo M. Machado, Manuel M. OliveiraLeandro A. F. Fernandes, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 15 (2009).
.. note::
Firefox 81 removed unnecessary simulations for *protanomaly*, *deuteranomaly*, and *tritanomaly*, and added a simulation for *achromatopsia* (no color).
See also
- `Color palettes for color blindness <>`_
- `Color universal design <>`_
- `WCAG success criterion 1.4.1: Use of color <>`_
- `WCAG success criterion 1.4.11: Non-text contrast <>`_