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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'win'
- Manifest: devtools/client/responsive/test/browser/browser.toml
"use strict";
// Test the offline mode in RDM
addRDMTask(TEST_URL, async function ({ browser, ui }) {
// switch to offline mode
await selectNetworkThrottling(ui, "Offline");
// reload w/o cache
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, TEST_URL, true);
// check page is offline
await assertPageIsOffline(TEST_URL);
// switch back to online mode
await selectNetworkThrottling(ui, "No Throttling");
// reload
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, TEST_URL, false);
// check page is online
await assertPageIsOnline(TEST_URL);
function assertPageIsOnline(url) {
return SpecialPowers.spawn(
function (uri) {
is(content.document.documentURI, uri, `Document URI is actual page.`);
is(content.location.href, uri, "Docshell URI is the original URI.");
function assertPageIsOffline(url) {
return SpecialPowers.spawn(
function (uri) {
content.document.documentURI.substring(0, 27),
"Document URI is the error page."
is(content.location.href, uri, "Docshell URI is the original URI.");