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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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// Test the debugger preview popup when moving from one token to another.
"use strict";
add_task(async function () {
const dbg = await initDebugger("doc-preview.html", "preview.js");
await selectSource(dbg, "preview.js");
"Check that moving the mouse to another token when popup is displayed updates highlighted token and popup position"
await waitForPaused(dbg);
await scrollEditorIntoView(dbg, 50, 0);
// Wait for all the updates to the document to complete to make all
// token elements have been rendered
await waitForDocumentLoadComplete(dbg);
info("Hover token `Foo` in `Foo.#privateStatic` expression");
const fooTokenEl = await getTokenElAtLine(dbg, "Foo", 50, 44);
const { element: fooPopupEl } = await tryHoverToken(dbg, fooTokenEl, "popup");
ok(!!fooPopupEl, "popup is displayed");
"`Foo` token is highlighted"
// store original position
const originalPopupPosition = fooPopupEl.getBoundingClientRect().x;
"Move mouse over the `#privateStatic` token in `Foo.#privateStatic` expression"
const privateStaticTokenEl = await getTokenElAtLine(
// The sequence of event to trigger the bug this is covering isn't easily reproducible
// by firing a few chosen events (because of React async rendering), so we are going to
// mimick moving the mouse from the `Foo` to `#privateStatic` in a given amount of time
// So get all the different token quads to compute their center
const fooTokenQuad = fooTokenEl.getBoxQuads()[0];
const privateStaticTokenQuad = privateStaticTokenEl.getBoxQuads()[0];
const fooXCenter =
fooTokenQuad.p1.x + (fooTokenQuad.p2.x - fooTokenQuad.p1.x) / 2;
const fooYCenter =
fooTokenQuad.p1.y + (fooTokenQuad.p3.y - fooTokenQuad.p1.y) / 2;
const privateStaticXCenter =
privateStaticTokenQuad.p1.x +
(privateStaticTokenQuad.p2.x - privateStaticTokenQuad.p1.x) / 2;
const privateStaticYCenter =
privateStaticTokenQuad.p1.y +
(privateStaticTokenQuad.p3.y - privateStaticTokenQuad.p1.y) / 2;
// we can then compute the distance to cover between the two token centers
const xDistance = privateStaticXCenter - fooXCenter;
const yDistance = privateStaticYCenter - fooYCenter;
const movementDuration = 50;
const xIncrements = xDistance / movementDuration;
const yIncrements = yDistance / movementDuration;
// Finally, we're going to fire a mouseover event every ms
info("Move mousecursor between the `Foo` token to the `#privateStatic` one");
for (let i = 0; i < movementDuration; i++) {
const x = fooXCenter + (yDistance + i * xIncrements);
const y = fooYCenter + (yDistance + i * yIncrements);
type: "mouseover",
await wait(1);
info("Wait for the popup to display the data for `#privateStatic`");
await waitFor(() => {
const popup = findElement(dbg, "popup");
if (!popup) {
return false;
// for `Foo`, the header text content is "Foo", so when it's "Object", we know the
// popup was updated
return (
popup.querySelector(".preview-popup .node .objectBox")?.textContent ===
ok(true, "Popup is displayed for #privateStatic");
"`Foo` token is not highlighted anymore"
"`#privateStatic` token is highlighted"
const privateStaticPopupEl = await waitForElement(dbg, "popup");
const newPopupPosition = privateStaticPopupEl.getBoundingClientRect().x;
`Popup position was updated`
await closePreviewForToken(dbg, privateStaticTokenEl, "popup");
await resume(dbg);