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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at <>. */
// Test hovering on an object, which will show a popup and on a
// simple value, which will show a tooltip.
"use strict";
add_task(async function () {
const dbg = await initDebugger("doc-preview.html", "preview.js");
await selectSource(dbg, "preview.js");
// Test hovering tokens for which we shouldn't have a preview popup displayed
await waitForPaused(dbg);
// CodeMirror refreshes after inline previews are displayed, so wait until they're rendered.
await waitForInlinePreviews(dbg);
await assertNoPreviews(dbg, `"a"`, 69, 4);
await assertNoPreviews(dbg, `false`, 70, 4);
await assertNoPreviews(dbg, `undefined`, 71, 4);
await assertNoPreviews(dbg, `null`, 72, 4);
await assertNoPreviews(dbg, `42`, 73, 4);
await assertNoPreviews(dbg, `const`, 74, 4);
// checking inline preview widget
// Move the cursor to the top left corner to have a clean state
// Wait for all the updates to the document to complete to make all
// token elements have been rendered
await waitForDocumentLoadComplete(dbg);
const inlinePreviewEl = findElement(dbg, "inlinePreview");
is(inlinePreviewEl.innerText, `myVar:"foo"`, "got expected inline preview");
const racePromise = Promise.any([
waitForElement(dbg, "previewPopup"),
wait(500).then(() => "TIMEOUT"),
// Hover over the inline preview element
const raceResult = await racePromise;
is(raceResult, "TIMEOUT", "No popup was displayed over the inline preview");
await resume(dbg);
info("Test hovering element not in a line");
await getDebuggerSplitConsole(dbg);
const { hud } = dbg.toolbox.getPanel("webconsole");
a = 1;
b = 2;`
await waitForPaused(dbg);
await dbg.toolbox.toggleSplitConsole();
const racePromiseLines = Promise.any([
waitForElement(dbg, "previewPopup"),
wait(500).then(() => "TIMEOUT_LINES"),
// We don't want to use hoverToken, as it synthesize the event at the center of the element,
// which wouldn't reproduce the original issue we want to check
findElement(dbg, "CodeMirrorLines"),
type: "mousemove",
await racePromiseLines,
"No popup was displayed over the content container element"
// Trigger a preview popup on an element which actually will show a popup
// to avoid test document leaks linked to the earlier mousemove events which
// did not trigger any popup.
const aTokenEl = await getTokenElAtLine(dbg, "a", 2, 8);
await tryHoverToken(dbg, aTokenEl, "previewPopup");
// Resume
await resume(dbg);
await selectSource(dbg, "preview.js");
async function assertNoPreviews(dbg, expression, line, column) {
// Move the cursor to the top left corner to have a clean state
// Wait for all the updates to the document to complete to make all
// token elements have been rendered
await waitForDocumentLoadComplete(dbg);
// Hover the token
const result = await Promise.race([
tryHoverTokenAtLine(dbg, expression, line, column, "previewPopup"),
wait(500).then(() => "TIMEOUT"),
is(result, "TIMEOUT", `No popup was displayed when hovering "${expression}"`);
function resetCursorPositionToTopLeftCorner(dbg) {
findElement(dbg, "codeMirror"),
type: "mousemove",