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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at <>. */
/* eslint-disable complexity */
var acorn = require("acorn");
var sourceMap = require("source-map");
const NEWLINE_CODE = 10;
export function prettyFast(input, options) {
return new PrettyFast(options).getPrettifiedCodeAndSourceMap(input);
// If any of these tokens are seen before a "[" token, we know that "[" token
// is the start of an array literal, rather than a property access.
// The only exception is "}", which would need to be disambiguated by
// parsing. The majority of the time, an open bracket following a closing
// curly is going to be an array literal, so we brush the complication under
// the rug, and handle the ambiguity by always assuming that it will be an
// array literal.
// If any of these tokens are seen before a "{" token, we know that "{" token
// is the start of an object literal, rather than the start of a block.
class PrettyFast {
* @param {Object} options: Provides configurability of the pretty printing.
* @param {String} options.url: The URL string of the ugly JS code.
* @param {String} options.indent: The string to indent code by.
* @param {SourceMapGenerator} options.sourceMapGenerator: An optional sourceMapGenerator
* the mappings will be added to.
* @param {Boolean} options.prefixWithNewLine: When true, the pretty printed code will start
* with a line break
* @param {Integer} options.originalStartLine: The line the passed script starts at (1-based).
* This is used for inline scripts where we need to account for the lines
* before the script tag
* @param {Integer} options.originalStartColumn: The column the passed script starts at (1-based).
* This is used for inline scripts where we need to account for the position
* of the script tag within the line.
* @param {Integer} options.generatedStartLine: The line where the pretty printed script
* will start at (1-based). This is used for pretty printing HTML file,
* where we might have handle previous inline scripts that impact the
* position of this script.
constructor(options = {}) {
// The level of indents deep we are.
this.#indentLevel = 0;
this.#indentChar = options.indent;
// We will handle mappings between ugly and pretty printed code in this SourceMapGenerator.
this.#sourceMapGenerator =
options.sourceMapGenerator ||
new sourceMap.SourceMapGenerator({
file: options.url,
this.#file = options.url;
this.#hasOriginalStartLine = "originalStartLine" in options;
this.#hasOriginalStartColumn = "originalStartColumn" in options;
this.#hasGeneratedStartLine = "generatedStartLine" in options;
this.#originalStartLine = options.originalStartLine;
this.#originalStartColumn = options.originalStartColumn;
this.#generatedStartLine = options.generatedStartLine;
this.#prefixWithNewLine = options.prefixWithNewLine;
/* options */
/* internals */
// Whether or not we added a newline on after we added the previous token.
#addedNewline = false;
// Whether or not we added a space after we added the previous token.
#addedSpace = false;
#currentCode = "";
#currentLine = 1;
#currentColumn = 0;
// The tokens parsed by acorn.
// The index of the current token in this.#tokenQueue.
// The previous token we added to the pretty printed code.
// Stack of token types/keywords that can affect whether we want to add a
// newline or a space. We can make that decision based on what token type is
// on the top of the stack. For example, a comma in a parameter list should
// be followed by a space, while a comma in an object literal should be
// followed by a newline.
// Strings that go on the stack:
// - "{"
// - "{\n"
// - "("
// - "(\n"
// - "["
// - "[\n"
// - "do"
// - "?"
// - "switch"
// - "case"
// - "default"
// The difference between "[" and "[\n" (as well as "{" and "{\n", and "(" and "(\n")
// is that "\n" is used when we are treating (curly) brackets/parens as line delimiters
// and should increment and decrement the indent level when we find them.
// "[" can represent either a property access (e.g. `x["hi"]`), or an empty array literal
// "{" only represents an empty object literals
// "(" can represent lots of different things (wrapping expression, if/loop condition, function call, …)
#stack = [];
* @param {String} input: The ugly JS code we want to pretty print.
* @returns {Object}
* An object with the following properties:
* - code: The pretty printed code string.
* - map: A SourceMapGenerator instance.
getPrettifiedCodeAndSourceMap(input) {
// Add the initial new line if needed
if (this.#prefixWithNewLine) {
// Pass through acorn's tokenizer and append tokens and comments into a
// single queue to process. For example, the source file:
// foo
// // a
// // b
// bar
// After this process, tokenQueue has the following token stream:
// [ foo, '// a', '// b', bar]
this.#tokenQueue = this.#getTokens(input);
for (let i = 0, len = this.#tokenQueue.length; i < len; i++) {
this.#currentTokenIndex = i;
const token = this.#tokenQueue[i];
const nextToken = this.#tokenQueue[i + 1];
this.#handleToken(token, nextToken);
// Acorn's tokenizer re-uses tokens, so we have to copy the previous token on
// every iteration. We follow acorn's lead here, and reuse the previousToken
// object the same way that acorn reuses the token object. This allows us
// to avoid allocations and minimize GC pauses.
if (!this.#previousToken) {
this.#previousToken = { loc: { start: {}, end: {} } };
this.#previousToken.start = token.start;
this.#previousToken.end = token.end;
this.#previousToken.loc.start.line = token.loc.start.line;
this.#previousToken.loc.start.column = token.loc.start.column;
this.#previousToken.loc.end.line = token.loc.end.line;
this.#previousToken.loc.end.column = token.loc.end.column;
this.#previousToken.type = token.type;
this.#previousToken.value = token.value;
return { code: this.#currentCode, map: this.#sourceMapGenerator };
* Write a pretty printed string to the prettified string and for tokens, add their
* mapping to the SourceMapGenerator.
* @param String str
* The string to be added to the result.
* @param Number line
* The line number the string came from in the ugly source.
* @param Number column
* The column number the string came from in the ugly source.
* @param Boolean isToken
* Set to true when writing tokens, so we can differentiate them from the
* whitespace we add.
#write(str, line, column, isToken) {
this.#currentCode += str;
if (isToken) {
source: this.#file,
// We need to swap original and generated locations, as the prettified text should
// be seen by the sourcemap service as the "original" one.
generated: {
// originalStartLine is 1-based, and here we just want to offset by a number of
// lines, so we need to decrement it
line: this.#hasOriginalStartLine
? line + (this.#originalStartLine - 1)
: line,
// We only need to adjust the column number if we're looking at the first line, to
// account for the html text before the opening <script> tag.
line == 1 && this.#hasOriginalStartColumn
? column + this.#originalStartColumn
: column,
original: {
// generatedStartLine is 1-based, and here we just want to offset by a number of
// lines, so we need to decrement it.
line: this.#hasGeneratedStartLine
? this.#currentLine + (this.#generatedStartLine - 1)
: this.#currentLine,
column: this.#currentColumn,
name: null,
for (let idx = 0, length = str.length; idx < length; idx++) {
if (str.charCodeAt(idx) === NEWLINE_CODE) {
this.#currentColumn = 0;
} else {
* Add the given token to the pretty printed results.
* @param Object token
* The token to add.
#writeToken(token) {
if (token.type.label == "string") {
} else if (token.type.label == "regexp") {
} else {
let value;
if (token.value != null) {
value = token.value;
if (token.type.label === "privateId") {
value = `#${value}`;
} else {
value = token.type.label;
* Returns the tokens computed with acorn.
* @param String input
* The JS code we want the tokens of.
* @returns Array<Object>
#getTokens(input) {
const tokens = [];
const res = acorn.tokenizer(input, {
locations: true,
ecmaVersion: "latest",
onComment(block, text, start, end, startLoc, endLoc) {
type: {},
comment: true,
loc: { start: startLoc, end: endLoc },
for (;;) {
const token = res.getToken();
if (token.type.label == "eof") {
return tokens;
* Add the required whitespace before this token, whether that is a single
* space, newline, and/or the indent on fresh lines.
* @param Object token
* The token we are currently handling.
* @param {Object|undefined} nextToken
* The next token, might not exist if we're on the last token
#handleToken(token, nextToken) {
if (token.comment) {
let commentIndentLevel = this.#indentLevel;
if (this.#previousToken?.loc?.end?.line == token.loc.start.line) {
commentIndentLevel = 0;
this.#write(" ");
// Shorthand for token.type.keyword, so we don't have to repeatedly access
// properties.
const ttk = token.type.keyword;
if (ttk && this.#previousToken?.type?.label == ".") {
token.type =;
// Shorthand for token.type.label, so we don't have to repeatedly access
// properties.
const ttl = token.type.label;
if (ttl == "eof") {
if (!this.#addedNewline) {
if (belongsOnStack(token)) {
let stackEntry;
if (isArrayLiteral(token, this.#previousToken)) {
// Don't add new lines for empty array literals
stackEntry = nextToken?.type?.label === "]" ? "[" : "[\n";
} else if (isObjectLiteral(token, this.#previousToken)) {
// Don't add new lines for empty object literals
stackEntry = nextToken?.type?.label === "}" ? "{" : "{\n";
} else if (
) {
stackEntry = "(\n";
} else if (ttl == "{") {
// We need to add a line break for "{" which are not empty object literals
stackEntry = "{\n";
} else {
stackEntry = ttl || ttk;
this.#addedSpace = false;
// If the next token is going to be a comment starting on the same line,
// then no need to add a new line here
if (
!nextToken ||
!nextToken.comment ||
token.loc.end.line != nextToken.loc.start.line
) {
* Returns true if the given token should cause us to pop the stack.
#maybePopStack(token) {
const ttl = token.type.label;
const ttk = token.type.keyword;
const top =;
if (
ttl == "]" ||
ttl == ")" ||
ttl == "}" ||
(ttl == ":" && (top == "case" || top == "default" || top == "?")) ||
(ttk == "while" && top == "do")
) {
if (ttl == "}" && == "switch") {
#maybeIncrementIndent(token) {
if (
// Don't increment indent for empty object literals
(token.type.label == "{" && === "{\n") ||
// Don't increment indent for empty array literals
(token.type.label == "[" && === "[\n") ||
token.type.keyword == "switch" ||
(token.type.label == "(" && === "(\n")
) {
#shouldDecrementIndent(token) {
const top =;
const ttl = token.type.label;
return (
(ttl == "}" && top == "{\n") ||
(ttl == "]" && top == "[\n") ||
(ttl == ")" && top == "(\n")
#maybeDecrementIndent(token) {
if (!this.#shouldDecrementIndent(token)) {
const ttl = token.type.label;
if (ttl == "}" && == "switch") {
* Add a comment to the pretty printed code.
* @param Number indentLevel
* The number of indents deep we are (might be different from this.#indentLevel).
* @param Boolean block
* True if the comment is a multiline block style comment.
* @param String text
* The text of the comment.
* @param Number line
* The line number to comment appeared on.
* @param Object nextToken
* The next token if any.
#addComment(indentLevel, block, text, line, nextToken) {
const indentString = this.#indentChar.repeat(indentLevel);
const needNewLineAfter =
!block || !(nextToken && nextToken.loc.start.line == line);
if (block) {
const commentLinesText = text
.split(new RegExp(`/\n${indentString}/`, "g"))
`${indentString}/*${commentLinesText}*/${needNewLineAfter ? "\n" : " "}`
} else {
this.#addedNewline = needNewLineAfter;
this.#addedSpace = !needNewLineAfter;
* Add the required whitespace before this token, whether that is a single
* space, newline, and/or the indent on fresh lines.
* @param Object token
* The token we are about to add to the pretty printed code.
#prependWhiteSpace(token) {
const ttk = token.type.keyword;
const ttl = token.type.label;
let newlineAdded = this.#addedNewline;
let spaceAdded = this.#addedSpace;
const ltt = this.#previousToken?.type?.label;
// Handle whitespace and newlines after "}" here instead of in
// `isLineDelimiter` because it is only a line delimiter some of the
// time. For example, we don't want to put "else if" on a new line after
// the first if's block.
if (this.#previousToken && ltt == "}") {
if (
(ttk == "while" && == "do") ||
) {
this.#write(" ");
spaceAdded = true;
} else if (needsLineBreakBeforeClosingCurlyBracket(ttl)) {
newlineAdded = true;
if (
(ttl == ":" && == "?") ||
(ttl == "}" && == "${")
) {
this.#write(" ");
spaceAdded = true;
if (this.#previousToken && ltt != "}" && ltt != "." && ttk == "else") {
this.#write(" ");
spaceAdded = true;
const ensureNewline = () => {
if (!newlineAdded) {
newlineAdded = true;
if (isASI(token, this.#previousToken)) {
if (this.#shouldDecrementIndent(token)) {
if (newlineAdded) {
let indentLevel = this.#indentLevel;
if (ttk == "case" || ttk == "default") {
} else if (!spaceAdded && needsSpaceAfter(token, this.#previousToken)) {
this.#write(" ");
spaceAdded = true;
* Append the necessary whitespace to the result after we have added the given
* token.
* @param Object token
* The token that was just added to the result.
#maybeAppendNewline(token) {
if (!isLineDelimiter(token, this.#stack)) {
this.#addedNewline = false;
this.#addedNewline = true;
* Determines if we think that the given token starts an array literal.
* @param Object token
* The token we want to determine if it is an array literal.
* @param Object previousToken
* The previous token we added to the pretty printed results.
* @returns Boolean
* True if we believe it is an array literal, false otherwise.
function isArrayLiteral(token, previousToken) {
if (token.type.label != "[") {
return false;
if (!previousToken) {
return true;
if (previousToken.type.isAssign) {
return true;
previousToken.type.keyword ||
// Some tokens ('of', 'yield', …) have a `token.type.keyword` of 'name' and their
// actual value in `token.value`
(previousToken.type.label == "name"
? previousToken.value
: previousToken.type.label)
* Determines if we think that the given token starts an object literal.
* @param Object token
* The token we want to determine if it is an object literal.
* @param Object previousToken
* The previous token we added to the pretty printed results.
* @returns Boolean
* True if we believe it is an object literal, false otherwise.
function isObjectLiteral(token, previousToken) {
if (token.type.label != "{") {
return false;
if (!previousToken) {
return false;
if (previousToken.type.isAssign) {
return true;
previousToken.type.keyword || previousToken.type.label
* Determines if we think that the given token starts a long parenthesis
* @param {Object} token
* The token we want to determine if it is the beginning of a long paren.
* @param {Array<Object>} tokenQueue
* The whole list of tokens parsed by acorn
* @param {Integer} currentTokenIndex
* The index of `token` in `tokenQueue`
* @returns
function isRoundBracketStartingLongParenthesis(
) {
if (token.type.label !== "(") {
return false;
// If we're just wrapping an object, we'll have a new line right after
if (tokenQueue[currentTokenIndex + 1].type.label == "{") {
return false;
// We're going to iterate through the following tokens until :
// - we find the closing parent
// - or we reached the maximum character we think should be in parenthesis
const longParentContentLength = 60;
// Keep track of other parens so we know when we get the closing one for `token`
let parenCount = 0;
let parenContentLength = 0;
for (let i = currentTokenIndex + 1, len = tokenQueue.length; i < len; i++) {
const currToken = tokenQueue[i];
const ttl = currToken.type.label;
if (ttl == "(") {
} else if (ttl == ")") {
if (parenCount == 0) {
// Matching closing paren, if we got here, we didn't reach the length limit,
// as we return when parenContentLength is greater than the limit.
return false;
// Aside block comments, all tokens start and end location are on the same line, so
// we can use `start` and `end` to deduce the token length.
const tokenLength = currToken.comment
? currToken.text.length
: currToken.end - currToken.start;
parenContentLength += tokenLength;
// If we didn't find the matching closing paren yet and the characters from the
// tokens we evaluated so far are longer than the limit, so consider the token
// a long paren.
if (parenContentLength > longParentContentLength) {
return true;
// if we get to here, we didn't found a closing paren, which shouldn't happen
// (scripts with syntax error are not displayed in the debugger), but just to
// be safe, return false.
return false;
// If any of these tokens are followed by a token on a new line, we know that
// ASI cannot happen.
// Binary operators
// Unary operators
// Function calls and grouped expressions
// If any of these tokens are on a line after the token before it, we know
// that ASI cannot happen.
// Binary operators
// Function calls
* Determine if a token can look like an identifier. More precisely,
* this determines if the token may end or start with a character from
* [A-Za-z0-9_].
* @param Object token
* The token we are looking at.
* @returns Boolean
* True if identifier-like.
function isIdentifierLike(token) {
const ttl = token.type.label;
return (
ttl == "name" || ttl == "num" || ttl == "privateId" || !!token.type.keyword
* Determines if Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) occurs between these
* tokens.
* @param Object token
* The current token.
* @param Object previousToken
* The previous token we added to the pretty printed results.
* @returns Boolean
* True if we believe ASI occurs.
function isASI(token, previousToken) {
if (!previousToken) {
return false;
if (token.loc.start.line === previousToken.loc.start.line) {
return false;
if (
previousToken.type.keyword == "return" ||
previousToken.type.keyword == "yield" ||
(previousToken.type.label == "name" && previousToken.value == "yield")
) {
return true;
if (
previousToken.type.label || previousToken.type.keyword
) {
return false;
if (PREVENT_ASI_BEFORE_TOKENS.has(token.type.label || token.type.keyword)) {
return false;
return true;
* Determine if we should add a newline after the given token.
* @param Object token
* The token we are looking at.
* @param Array stack
* The stack of open parens/curlies/brackets/etc.
* @returns Boolean
* True if we should add a newline.
function isLineDelimiter(token, stack) {
const ttl = token.type.label;
const top =;
return (
(ttl == ";" && top != "(") ||
// Don't add a new line for empty object literals
(ttl == "{" && top == "{\n") ||
// Don't add a new line for empty array literals
(ttl == "[" && top == "[\n") ||
((ttl == "," || ttl == "||" || ttl == "&&") && top != "(") ||
(ttl == ":" && (top == "case" || top == "default")) ||
(ttl == "(" && top == "(\n")
* Determines if we need to add a space after the token we are about to add.
* @param Object token
* The token we are about to add to the pretty printed code.
* @param Object [previousToken]
* Optional previous token added to the pretty printed code.
function needsSpaceAfter(token, previousToken) {
if (previousToken && needsSpaceBetweenTokens(token, previousToken)) {
return true;
if (token.type.isAssign) {
return true;
if (token.type.binop != null && previousToken) {
return true;
if (token.type.label == "?") {
return true;
if (token.type.label == "=>") {
return true;
return false;
function needsSpaceBeforePreviousToken(previousToken) {
if (previousToken.type.isLoop) {
return true;
if (previousToken.type.isAssign) {
return true;
if (previousToken.type.binop != null) {
return true;
if (previousToken.value == "of") {
return true;
const previousTokenTypeLabel = previousToken.type.label;
if (previousTokenTypeLabel == "?") {
return true;
if (previousTokenTypeLabel == ":") {
return true;
if (previousTokenTypeLabel == ",") {
return true;
if (previousTokenTypeLabel == ";") {
return true;
if (previousTokenTypeLabel == "${") {
return true;
if (previousTokenTypeLabel == "=>") {
return true;
return false;
function isBreakContinueOrReturnStatement(previousTokenKeyword) {
return (
previousTokenKeyword == "break" ||
previousTokenKeyword == "continue" ||
previousTokenKeyword == "return"
function needsSpaceBeforePreviousTokenKeywordAfterNotDot(previousTokenKeyword) {
return (
previousTokenKeyword != "debugger" &&
previousTokenKeyword != "null" &&
previousTokenKeyword != "true" &&
previousTokenKeyword != "false" &&
previousTokenKeyword != "this" &&
previousTokenKeyword != "default"
function needsSpaceBeforeClosingParen(tokenTypeLabel) {
return (
tokenTypeLabel != ")" &&
tokenTypeLabel != "]" &&
tokenTypeLabel != ";" &&
tokenTypeLabel != "," &&
tokenTypeLabel != "."
* Determines if we need to add a space between the previous token we added and
* the token we are about to add.
* @param Object token
* The token we are about to add to the pretty printed code.
* @param Object previousToken
* The previous token added to the pretty printed code.
function needsSpaceBetweenTokens(token, previousToken) {
if (needsSpaceBeforePreviousToken(previousToken)) {
return true;
const ltt = previousToken.type.label;
if (ltt == "num" && token.type.label == ".") {
return true;
const ltk = previousToken.type.keyword;
const ttl = token.type.label;
if (ltk != null && ttl != ".") {
if (isBreakContinueOrReturnStatement(ltk)) {
return ttl != ";";
if (needsSpaceBeforePreviousTokenKeywordAfterNotDot(ltk)) {
return true;
if (ltt == ")" && needsSpaceBeforeClosingParen(ttl)) {
return true;
if (isIdentifierLike(token) && isIdentifierLike(previousToken)) {
// We must emit a space to avoid merging the tokens.
return true;
if (token.type.label == "{" && previousToken.type.label == "name") {
return true;
return false;
function needsSpaceBeforeClosingCurlyBracket(tokenTypeKeyword) {
return (
tokenTypeKeyword == "else" ||
tokenTypeKeyword == "catch" ||
tokenTypeKeyword == "finally"
function needsLineBreakBeforeClosingCurlyBracket(tokenTypeLabel) {
return (
tokenTypeLabel != "(" &&
tokenTypeLabel != ";" &&
tokenTypeLabel != "," &&
tokenTypeLabel != ")" &&
tokenTypeLabel != "." &&
tokenTypeLabel != "template" &&
tokenTypeLabel != "`"
const escapeCharacters = {
// Backslash
"\\": "\\\\",
// Newlines
"\n": "\\n",
// Carriage return
"\r": "\\r",
// Tab
"\t": "\\t",
// Vertical tab
"\v": "\\v",
// Form feed
"\f": "\\f",
// Null character
"\0": "\\x00",
// Line separator
"\u2028": "\\u2028",
// Paragraph separator
"\u2029": "\\u2029",
// Single quotes
"'": "\\'",
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
const regExpString = "(" + Object.values(escapeCharacters).join("|") + ")";
const escapeCharactersRegExp = new RegExp(regExpString, "g");
function sanitizerReplaceFunc(_, c) {
return escapeCharacters[c];
* Make sure that we output the escaped character combination inside string
* literals instead of various problematic characters.
function sanitize(str) {
return str.replace(escapeCharactersRegExp, sanitizerReplaceFunc);
* Returns true if the given token type belongs on the stack.
function belongsOnStack(token) {
const ttl = token.type.label;
const ttk = token.type.keyword;
return (
ttl == "{" ||
ttl == "(" ||
ttl == "[" ||
ttl == "?" ||
ttl == "${" ||
ttk == "do" ||
ttk == "switch" ||
ttk == "case" ||
ttk == "default"