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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at <>. */
// This module converts Firefox specific types to the generic types
import {
} from "../../selectors/index";
import { features } from "../../utils/prefs";
import {
} from "../../utils/source";
import { createLocation } from "../../utils/location";
import { getDisplayURL } from "../../utils/sources-tree/getURL";
let store;
* This function is to be called first before any other
* and allow having access to any instances of classes that are
* useful for this module
* @param {Object} dependencies
* @param {Object}
* The redux store object of the debugger frontend.
export function setupCreate(dependencies) {
store =;
export async function createFrame(thread, frame, index = 0) {
// Because of throttling, the source related to the top frame may be available a bit late.
const sourceActor = await waitForSourceActorToBeRegisteredInStore(
const location = createLocation({
source: sourceActor.sourceObject,
line: frame.where.line,
column: frame.where.column,
return {
id: frame.actorID,
displayName: frame.displayName,
generatedLocation: location,
this: frame.this,
asyncCause: frame.asyncCause,
state: frame.state,
type: frame.type,
* Create an original frame object. Similar to the frame objects generated by createFrame.
* But with additional information related to SourceMap processing.
* For example, location and generatedLocation will be different.
* @param {Function} getState
* @param {Object} frame
* The frame for the generated location, i.e. WASM binary code.
* @param {String} id
* The new ID to use for the new frame object.
* @param {Object} originalFrame
* An object crafted by the SourceMap Worker with additional information
* about the original source code. i.e. the Rust, C++, whatever original source code.
* See for definition of this object.
export function createWasmOriginalFrame(
) {
return {
thread: generatedFrame.thread,
displayName: originalFrame.displayName,
location: originalFrameLocation,
generatedLocation: generatedFrame.generatedLocation,
this: generatedFrame.this,
index: generatedFrame.index,
asyncCause: generatedFrame.asyncCause,
state: generatedFrame.state,
type: generatedFrame.type,
// All additional fields only available for WASM original frames
isOriginal: true,
originalDisplayName: originalFrame.displayName,
originalVariables: originalFrame.variables,
* This method wait for the given source actor to be registered in Redux store.
* @param {String} sourceActorId
* Actor ID of the source to be waiting for.
async function waitForSourceActorToBeRegisteredInStore(sourceActorId) {
if (!hasSourceActor(store.getState(), sourceActorId)) {
await new Promise(resolve => {
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(check);
let currentSize = null;
function check() {
const previousSize = currentSize;
currentSize = store.getState().sourceActors.mutableSourceActors.size;
// For perf reason, avoid any extra computation if sources did not change
if (previousSize == currentSize) {
if (hasSourceActor(store.getState(), sourceActorId)) {
return getSourceActor(store.getState(), sourceActorId);
* This method wait for the given source to be registered in Redux store.
* @param {String} sourceId
* The id of the source to be waiting for.
export async function waitForSourceToBeRegisteredInStore(sourceId) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (hasSource(store.getState(), sourceId)) {
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(check);
let currentSize = null;
function check() {
const previousSize = currentSize;
currentSize = getSourceCount(store.getState());
// For perf reason, avoid any extra computation if sources did not change
if (previousSize == currentSize) {
if (hasSource(store.getState(), sourceId)) {
// Compute the reducer's source ID for a given source front/resource.
// We have four kind of "sources":
// * "sources" in sources.js reducer, which map to 1 or many:
// * "source actors" in source-actors.js reducer, which map 1 for 1 with:
// * "SOURCE" resources coming from ResourceCommand API
// * SourceFront, which are retrieved via `ThreadFront.source(sourceResource)`
// Note that SOURCE resources are actually the "form" of the SourceActor,
// with the addition of `resourceType` and `targetFront` attributes.
// Unfortunately, the debugger frontend interacts with these 4 type of objects.
// The last three actually try to represent the exact same thing.
// Here this method received a SOURCE resource (the 3rd bullet point)
export function makeSourceId(sourceResource) {
// Allows Jest to use custom, simplier IDs
if ("mockedJestID" in sourceResource) {
return sourceResource.mockedJestID;
// By default, within a given target, all sources will be grouped by URL.
// You will be having a unique Source object in sources.js reducer,
// while you might have many Source Actor objects in source-actors.js reducer.
// There is two distinct usecases here:
// * HTML pages, which will have one source object which represents the whole HTML page
// and it will relate to many source actors. One for each inline <script> tag.
// Each script tag's source actor will actually return the whole content of the html page
// and not only this one script tag content.
// * Scripts with the same URL injected many times.
// For example, two <script src=""> with the same location
// Or by using eval("...// # SourceURL=")
// All the scripts will be grouped under a unique Source object, while having dedicated
// Source Actor objects.
// An important point this time is that each actor may have a different source text content.
// For now, the debugger arbitrarily picks the first source actor's text content and never
// updates it. (See bug 1751063)
if (sourceResource.url) {
return `source-url-${sourceResource.url}`;
// Otherwise, we are processing a source without URL.
// This is typically evals, console evaluations, setTimeout/setInterval strings,
// DOM event handler strings (i.e. `<div onclick="foo">`), ...
// The main way to interact with them is to use a debugger statement from them,
// or have other panels ask the debugger to open them (like DOM event handlers from the inspector).
// We can register transient breakpoints against them (i.e. they will only apply to the current source actor instance)
return `source-actor-${}`;
* Create the source object for a generated source that is stored in sources.js reducer.
* These generated sources relate to JS code which run in the
* debugged runtime (as oppose to original sources
* which are only available in debugger's environment).
* @param {SOURCE} sourceResource
* SOURCE resource coming from the ResourceCommand API.
* This represents the `SourceActor` from the server codebase.
export function createGeneratedSource(sourceResource) {
return createSourceObject({
id: makeSourceId(sourceResource),
url: sourceResource.url,
extensionName: sourceResource.extensionName,
isWasm: !!features.wasm && sourceResource.introductionType === "wasm",
(sourceResource.url && isUrlExtension(sourceResource.url)) || false,
isHTML: !!sourceResource.isInlineSource,
* Create the source object that is stored in sources.js reducer.
* This is an internal helper to this module to ensure all sources have the same shape.
* Do not use it outside of this module!
function createSourceObject({
extensionName = null,
isWasm = false,
isExtension = false,
isPrettyPrinted = false,
isOriginal = false,
isHTML = false,
}) {
const displayURL = getDisplayURL(url, extensionName);
return {
// The ID, computed by:
// * `makeSourceId` for generated,
// * `generatedToOriginalId` for both source map and pretty printed original,
// Absolute URL for the source. This may be a fake URL for pretty printed sources
// A (slightly tweaked) URL object to represent the source URL.
// The URL object is augmented of a "group" attribute and some other standard attributes
// are modified from their typical value. See getDisplayURL implementation.
// Short label for this source.
// * For inlined/eval sources without a URL, the name will refer to the internal source ID,
// * For pretty printed source, we take care to ignore the internal ":formatted" suffix used in the URL,
// * For index files, i.e. sources loaded without a filename, they will be named "(index)".
// * Special characters are decoded from the URL string.
// (most of this is done by getDisplayURL)
shortName: url
? getRawSourceURL(displayURL.filename)
: getFormattedSourceId(id),
// Same as short name, but with the query parameters.
longName: url
? getRawSourceURL(displayURL.filename +
: getFormattedSourceId(id),
// Only set for generated sources that are WebExtension sources.
// This is especially useful to display the extension name for content scripts
// that executes against the page we are debugging.
// Will be true if the source URL starts with moz-extension://,
// which most likely means the source is a content script.
// (Note that when debugging an add-on all generated sources will most likely have this flag set to true)
// True if WASM is enabled *and* the generated source is a WASM source
// True if this source is an HTML and relates to many sources actors,
// one for each of its inline <script>
// True, if this is an original pretty printed source
// True for source map original files, as well as pretty printed sources
* Create the source object for a source mapped original source that is stored in sources.js reducer.
* These original sources referred to by source maps.
* This isn't code that runs in the runtime, so it isn't associated with anything
* on the server side. It is associated with a generated source for the related bundle file
* which itself relates to an actual code that runs in the runtime.
* @param {String} id
* The ID of the source, computed by source map codebase.
* @param {String} url
* The URL of the original source file.
export function createSourceMapOriginalSource(id, url) {
return createSourceObject({
isOriginal: true,
* Create the source object for a pretty printed original source that is stored in sources.js reducer.
* These original pretty printed sources aren't code that run in the runtime,
* so it isn't associated with anything on the server side.
* It is associated with a generated source for the non-pretty-printed file
* which itself relates to an actual code that runs in the runtime.
* @param {String} id
* The ID of the source, computed by pretty print.
* @param {String} url
* The URL of the pretty-printed source file.
* This URL doesn't work. It is the URL of the non-pretty-printed file with ":formated" suffix.
export function createPrettyPrintOriginalSource(id, url) {
return createSourceObject({
isOriginal: true,
isPrettyPrinted: true,
* Create the "source actor" object that is stored in source-actor.js reducer.
* This will represent server's source actor in the reducer universe.
* @param {SOURCE} sourceResource
* SOURCE resource coming from the ResourceCommand API.
* This represents the `SourceActor` from the server codebase.
* @param {Object} sourceObject
* Source object stored in redux, i.e. created via createSourceObject.
export function createSourceActor(sourceResource, sourceObject) {
const actorId =;
return {
id: actorId,
actor: actorId,
// As sourceResource is only SourceActor's form and not the SourceFront,
// we have to go through the target to retrieve the related ThreadActor's ID.
thread: sourceResource.targetFront.getCachedFront("thread").actorID,
// `source` is the reducer source ID
source: makeSourceId(sourceResource),
sourceMapBaseURL: sourceResource.sourceMapBaseURL,
sourceMapURL: sourceResource.sourceMapURL,
url: sourceResource.url,
introductionType: sourceResource.introductionType,
sourceStartLine: sourceResource.sourceStartLine,
sourceStartColumn: sourceResource.sourceStartColumn,
sourceLength: sourceResource.sourceLength,
* Create a pause info object passed to paused action from
* the THREAD_STATE "paused" resource.
export async function createPause(threadActorID, pausedThreadState) {
const frame = await createFrame(threadActorID, pausedThreadState.frame);
return {
thread: threadActorID,
why: pausedThreadState.why,
export function createThread(targetFront) {
const name = targetFront.isTopLevel
? L10N.getStr("mainThread")
return {
actor: targetFront.targetForm.threadActor,
url: targetFront.url,
isTopLevel: targetFront.isTopLevel,
targetType: targetFront.targetType,
serviceWorkerStatus: targetFront.debuggerServiceWorkerStatus,
isWebExtension: targetFront.isWebExtension,
processID: targetFront.processID,
* Defines the shape of a breakpoint
export function createBreakpoint({
disabled = false,
options = {},
}) {
return {
// The unique identifier (string) for the breakpoint, for details on its format and creation See `makeBreakpointId`
// The thread actor id (string) which the source this breakpoint is created in belongs to
// This (boolean) specifies if the breakpoint is disabled or not
// This (object) stores extra information about the breakpoint, which defines the type of the breakpoint (i.e conditional breakpoints, log points)
// {
// condition: <Boolean>,
// logValue: <String>,
// hidden: <Boolean>
// }
// The location (object) information for the original source, for details on its format and structure See `createLocation`
// The location (object) information for the generated source, for details on its format and structure See `createLocation`
// The text (string) on the line which the brekpoint is set in the generated source
// The text (string) on the line which the breakpoint is set in the original source