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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
/* import-globals-from head.js */
* Reset all telemetry events.
function setupTelemetryTest() {
// Let's reset the counts.
// Ensure no events have been logged
const snapshot = Services.telemetry.snapshotEvents(ALL_CHANNELS, true);
ok(!snapshot.parent, "No events have been logged for the main process");
/* exported setupTelemetryTest */
* Check that the logged telemetry events exactly match the array of expected events.
* Will compare the number of events, the event methods, and the event extras including
* the about:debugging session id.
function checkTelemetryEvents(expectedEvents, expectedSessionId) {
const evts = readAboutDebuggingEvents();
is(evts.length, expectedEvents.length, "Expected number of events");
function _eventHasExpectedExtras(e, expectedEvent) {
const expectedExtras = Object.keys(expectedEvent.extras);
return expectedExtras.every(extra => {
return e.extras[extra] === expectedEvent.extras[extra];
for (const expectedEvent of expectedEvents) {
const sameMethodEvents = evts.filter(
e => e.method === expectedEvent.method
"Found event for method: " + expectedEvent.method
const sameExtrasEvents = sameMethodEvents.filter(e =>
_eventHasExpectedExtras(e, expectedEvent)
"Found exactly one event matching the expected extras"
if (sameExtrasEvents.length === 0) {
"Select page event has the expected session"
return evts;
/* exported checkTelemetryEvents */
* Retrieve the session id from an "open" event.
* Note that calling this will "clear" all the events.
function getOpenEventSessionId() {
const openEvents = readAboutDebuggingEvents().filter(
e => e.method === "open_adbg"
ok(!!openEvents[0], "Found an about:debugging open event");
return openEvents[0].extras.session_id;
/* exported getOpenEventSessionId */
* Read all the pending events that have "aboutdebugging" as their object property.
* WARNING: Calling this method also flushes/clears the events.
function readAboutDebuggingEvents() {
// Retrieve and clear telemetry events.
const snapshot = Services.telemetry.snapshotEvents(ALL_CHANNELS, true);
// about:debugging events are logged in the parent process
const parentEvents = snapshot.parent || [];
return parentEvents
.filter(e => e.object === "aboutdebugging");
/* exported getLoggedEvents */
* The telemetry event data structure is simply an array. This helper remaps the array to
* an object with more user friendly properties.
function _toEventObject(rawEvent) {
return {
// Category is typically devtools.main for us.
category: rawEvent[1],
// Method is the event's name (eg open, select_page etc...)
method: rawEvent[2],
// Object will usually be aboutdebugging for our tests
object: rawEvent[3],
// Value is usually empty for devtools events
value: rawEvent[4],
// Extras contain all the details of the event, including the session_id.
extras: rawEvent[5],