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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
/* eslint-env browser */
/* eslint no-unused-vars: [2, {"vars": "local"}] */
// Load the shared-head file first.
/* import-globals-from helper-mocks.js */
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(CHROME_URL_ROOT + "helper-mocks.js", this);
// Make sure the ADB addon is removed and ADB is stopped when the test ends.
registerCleanupFunction(async function () {
// Reset the selected tool in case we opened about:devtools-toolbox to
// avoid side effects between tests.
try {
const {
await adbAddon.uninstall();
} catch (e) {
// Will throw if the addon is already uninstalled, ignore exceptions here.
const {
await adbProcess.kill();
const {
await remoteClientManager.removeAllClients();
async function openAboutDebugging({
enableLocalTabs = true,
} = {}) {
if (!enableWorkerUpdates) {
// This preference changes value depending on the build type, tests need to use a
// consistent value regarless of the build used.
await pushPref(
info("opening about:debugging");
const tab = await addTab("about:debugging");
const browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
const document = browser.contentDocument;
const window = browser.contentWindow;
info("Wait until Connect page is displayed");
await waitUntil(() => document.querySelector(".qa-connect-page"));
return { tab, document, window };
async function openAboutDevtoolsToolbox(
targetText = "about:debugging",
shouldWaitToolboxReady = true
) {
info("Open about:devtools-toolbox page");
info("Wait for the target to appear: " + targetText);
await waitUntil(() => findDebugTargetByText(targetText, doc));
const target = findDebugTargetByText(targetText, doc);
ok(target, `${targetText} target appeared`);
const {
const isWebExtension = target.dataset.qaTargetType == DEBUG_TARGETS.EXTENSION;
const inspectButton = target.querySelector(".qa-debug-target-inspect-button");
ok(inspectButton, `Inspect button for ${targetText} appeared`);;
const onToolboxReady = gDevTools.once("toolbox-ready");
await Promise.all([
shouldWaitToolboxReady ? onToolboxReady : Promise.resolve(),
// WebExtension open a toolbox in a dedicated window
if (isWebExtension) {
const toolbox = await onToolboxReady;
// For some reason the test helpers prevents the toolbox from being automatically focused on opening,
// whereas it is IRL.
const focusedWin = Services.focus.focusedWindow;
if (focusedWin?.top != {
info("Wait for the toolbox window to be focused");
await new Promise(r => {
// focus event only fired on the chrome event handler and in capture phase"focus", r, {
once: true,
capture: true,
info("The toolbox is focused");
return {
devtoolsBrowser: null,
devtoolsDocument: toolbox.doc,
devtoolsTab: null,
await waitUntil(() => tab.nextElementSibling);
info("Wait for about:devtools-toolbox tab will be selected");
const devtoolsTab = tab.nextElementSibling;
await waitUntil(() => gBrowser.selectedTab === devtoolsTab);
const devtoolsBrowser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
await waitUntil(() =>
if (!shouldWaitToolboxReady) {
// Wait for show error page.
await waitUntil(() =>
return {
devtoolsDocument: devtoolsBrowser.contentDocument,
devtoolsWindow: devtoolsBrowser.contentWindow,
async function closeAboutDevtoolsToolbox(
) {
// Wait for all requests to settle on the opened about:devtools toolbox.
const devtoolsBrowser = devtoolsTab.linkedBrowser;
const devtoolsWindow = devtoolsBrowser.contentWindow;
const toolbox = getToolbox(devtoolsWindow);
await toolbox.commands.client.waitForRequestsToSettle();
info("Close about:devtools-toolbox page");
const onToolboxDestroyed = gDevTools.once("toolbox-destroyed");
info("Wait for removeTab");
await removeTab(devtoolsTab);
info("Wait for toolbox destroyed");
await onToolboxDestroyed;
// Changing the tab will also trigger a request to list tabs, so wait until the selected
// tab has changed to wait for requests to settle.
info("Wait until aboutdebugging is selected");
await waitUntil(() => gBrowser.selectedTab !== devtoolsTab);
// Wait for removing about:devtools-toolbox tab info from about:debugging.
info("Wait until about:devtools-toolbox is removed from debug targets");
await waitUntil(
() => !findDebugTargetByText("Toolbox - ", aboutDebuggingDocument)
await waitForAboutDebuggingRequests(;
async function closeWebExtAboutDevtoolsToolbox(devtoolsWindow, win) {
// Wait for all requests to settle on the opened about:devtools toolbox.
const toolbox = getToolbox(devtoolsWindow);
await toolbox.commands.client.waitForRequestsToSettle();
info("Close the toolbox and wait for its destruction");
await toolbox.destroy();
await waitForAboutDebuggingRequests(;
async function reloadAboutDebugging(tab) {
info("reload about:debugging");
await reloadBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser);
const browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
const document = browser.contentDocument;
const window = browser.contentWindow;
info("wait for the initial about:debugging requests to settle");
await waitForAboutDebuggingRequests(;
return document;
// Wait for all about:debugging target request actions to succeed.
// They will typically be triggered after watching a new runtime or loading
// about:debugging.
function waitForRequestsSuccess(store) {
return Promise.all([
waitForDispatch(store, "REQUEST_EXTENSIONS_SUCCESS"),
waitForDispatch(store, "REQUEST_TABS_SUCCESS"),
waitForDispatch(store, "REQUEST_WORKERS_SUCCESS"),
* Wait for all aboutdebugging REQUEST_*_SUCCESS actions to settle, meaning here
* that no new request has been dispatched after the provided delay.
async function waitForAboutDebuggingRequests(store, delay = 500) {
let hasSettled = false;
// After each iteration of this while loop, we check is the timerPromise had the time
// to resolve or if we captured a REQUEST_*_SUCCESS action before.
while (!hasSettled) {
let timer;
// This timer will be executed only if no REQUEST_*_SUCCESS action is dispatched
// during the delay. We consider that when no request are received for some time, it
// means there are no ongoing requests anymore.
const timerPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
hasSettled = true;
}, delay);
// Wait either for a REQUEST_*_SUCCESS to be dispatched, or for the timer to resolve.
await Promise.race([
waitForDispatch(store, "REQUEST_EXTENSIONS_SUCCESS"),
waitForDispatch(store, "REQUEST_TABS_SUCCESS"),
waitForDispatch(store, "REQUEST_WORKERS_SUCCESS"),
// Clear the timer to avoid setting hasSettled to true accidently unless timerPromise
// was the first to resolve.
* Navigate to "This Firefox"
async function selectThisFirefoxPage(doc, store) {
info("Select This Firefox page");
const onRequestSuccess = waitForRequestsSuccess(store);
doc.location.hash = "#/runtime/this-firefox";
info("Wait for requests to be complete");
await onRequestSuccess;
info("Wait for runtime page to be rendered");
await waitUntil(() => doc.querySelector(".qa-runtime-page"));
// Navigating to this-firefox will trigger a title change for the
// about:debugging tab. This title change _might_ trigger a tablist update.
// If it does, we should make sure to wait for pending tab requests.
await waitForAboutDebuggingRequests(store);
* Navigate to the Connect page. Resolves when the Connect page is rendered.
async function selectConnectPage(doc) {
const sidebarItems = doc.querySelectorAll(".qa-sidebar-item");
const connectSidebarItem = [...sidebarItems].find(element => {
return element.textContent === "Setup";
ok(connectSidebarItem, "Sidebar contains a Connect item");
const connectLink = connectSidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-sidebar-link");
ok(connectLink, "Sidebar contains a Connect link");
info("Click on the Connect link in the sidebar");;
info("Wait until Connect page is displayed");
await waitUntil(() => doc.querySelector(".qa-connect-page"));
function getDebugTargetPane(title, document) {
// removes the suffix "(<NUMBER>)" in debug target pane's title, if needed
const sanitizeTitle = x => {
return x.replace(/\s+\(\d+\)$/, "");
const targetTitle = sanitizeTitle(title);
for (const titleEl of document.querySelectorAll(
)) {
if (sanitizeTitle(titleEl.textContent) !== targetTitle) {
return titleEl.closest(".qa-debug-target-pane");
return null;
function findDebugTargetByText(text, document) {
const targets = [...document.querySelectorAll(".qa-debug-target-item")];
return targets.find(target => target.textContent.includes(text));
function findSidebarItemByText(text, document) {
const sidebarItems = document.querySelectorAll(".qa-sidebar-item");
return [...sidebarItems].find(element => {
return element.textContent.includes(text);
function findSidebarItemLinkByText(text, document) {
const links = document.querySelectorAll(".qa-sidebar-link");
return [...links].find(element => {
return element.textContent.includes(text);
async function connectToRuntime(deviceName, document) {
info(`Wait until the sidebar item for ${deviceName} appears`);
await waitUntil(() => findSidebarItemByText(deviceName, document));
const sidebarItem = findSidebarItemByText(deviceName, document);
const connectButton = sidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-connect-button");
`Connect button is displayed for the runtime ${deviceName}`
info("Click on the connect button and wait until it disappears");;
await waitUntil(() => !sidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-connect-button"));
async function selectRuntime(deviceName, name, document) {
const sidebarItem = findSidebarItemByText(deviceName, document);
const store =;
const onSelectPageSuccess = waitForDispatch(store, "SELECT_PAGE_SUCCESS");
await waitUntil(() => {
const runtimeInfo = document.querySelector(".qa-runtime-name");
return runtimeInfo && runtimeInfo.textContent.includes(name);
info("Wait for SELECT_PAGE_SUCCESS to be dispatched");
await onSelectPageSuccess;
function getToolbox(win) {
return gDevTools.getToolboxes().find(toolbox => === win);
* Open the performance profiler dialog. Assumes the client is a mocked remote runtime
* client.
async function openProfilerDialog(client, doc) {
const onProfilerLoaded = new Promise(r => {
client.loadPerformanceProfiler = r;
info("Click on the Profile Runtime button");
const profileButton = doc.querySelector(".qa-profile-runtime-button");;
"Wait for the loadPerformanceProfiler callback to be executed on client-wrapper"
return onProfilerLoaded;
* The "This Firefox" string depends on the brandShortName, which will be different
* depending on the channel where tests are running.
function getThisFirefoxString(aboutDebuggingWindow) {
const loader = aboutDebuggingWindow.getBrowserLoaderForWindow();
const { l10n } = loader.require(
return l10n.getString("about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name");
function waitUntilUsbDeviceIsUnplugged(deviceName, aboutDebuggingDocument) {
info("Wait until the USB sidebar item appears as unplugged");
return waitUntil(() => {
const sidebarItem = findSidebarItemByText(
return !!sidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-runtime-item-unplugged");
* Changing the selected tab in the current browser will trigger a tablist
* update.
* If the currently selected page is "this-firefox", we should wait for the
* the corresponding REQUEST_TABS_SUCCESS that will be triggered by the change.
* @param {Browser} browser
* The browser instance to update.
* @param {XULTab} tab
* The tab to select.
* @param {Object} store
* The about:debugging redux store.
async function updateSelectedTab(browser, tab, store) {
info("Update the selected tab");
const { runtimes, ui } = store.getState();
const isOnThisFirefox =
runtimes.selectedRuntimeId === "this-firefox" &&
ui.selectedPage === "runtime";
// A tabs request will only be issued if we are on this-firefox.
const onTabsSuccess = isOnThisFirefox
? waitForDispatch(store, "REQUEST_TABS_SUCCESS")
: null;
// Update the selected tab.
browser.selectedTab = tab;
if (onTabsSuccess) {
info("Wait for the tablist update after updating the selected tab");
await onTabsSuccess;
* Synthesizes key input inside the DebugTargetInfo's URL component.
* @param {DevToolsToolbox} toolbox
* The DevToolsToolbox debugging the target.
* @param {HTMLElement} inputEl
* The <input> element to submit the URL with.
* @param {String} url
* The URL to navigate to.
async function synthesizeUrlKeyInput(toolbox, inputEl, url) {
const { devtoolsDocument, devtoolsWindow } = toolbox;
info("Wait for URL input to be focused.");
const onInputFocused = waitUntil(
() => devtoolsDocument.activeElement === inputEl
await onInputFocused;
info("Synthesize entering URL into text field");
const onInputChange = waitUntil(() => inputEl.value === url);
for (const key of url.split("")) {
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, {}, devtoolsWindow);
await onInputChange;
info("Submit URL to navigate to");
* Click on a given add-on widget button so that its browser actor is fired.
* Typically a popup would open, or a listener would be called in the background page.
* @param {String} addonId
* The ID of the add-on to click on.
function clickOnAddonWidget(addonId) {
// Devtools are in another window and may have the focus.
// Ensure focusing the browser window when clicking on the widget.
const focusedWin = Services.focus.focusedWindow;
if (focusedWin != window) {
// Find the browserAction button that will show the webextension popup.
const widgetId = addonId.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/g, "_");
const browserActionId = widgetId + "-browser-action";
const browserActionEl = window.document.getElementById(browserActionId);
ok(browserActionEl, "Got the browserAction button from the browser UI");
info("Show the web extension popup");;
// Create basic addon data as the DevToolsClient would return it.
function createAddonData({
isSystem = false,
hidden = false,
temporary = false,
}) {
return {
actor: `actorid-${id}`,
iconURL: `moz-extension://${id}/icon-url.png`,
manifestURL: `moz-extension://${id}/manifest-url.json`,
temporarilyInstalled: temporary,
debuggable: true,