Name Description Size
blank_iframe.html 111
browser.toml 2295
browser_BrowserWindowTracker.js 7698
browser_EveryWindow.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 4693
browser_HomePage_add_button.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4721
browser_PageActions.js 45633
browser_PageActions_contextMenus.js 8170
browser_PageActions_newWindow.js 11764
browser_PermissionUI.js These tests test the ability for the PermissionUI module to open permission prompts to the user. It also tests to ensure that add-ons can introduce their own permission prompts. 19621
browser_PermissionUI_prompts.js These tests test the ability for the PermissionUI module to open permission prompts to the user. It also tests to ensure that add-ons can introduce their own permission prompts. 8975
browser_preloading_tab_moving.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4380
browser_ProcessHangNotifications.js globals ProcessHangMonitor 14501
browser_SitePermissions.js 6418
browser_SitePermissions_combinations.js 4248
browser_SitePermissions_expiry.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 1354
browser_SitePermissions_tab_urls.js 3722
browser_TabUnloader.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 10276
browser_taskbar_preview.js 3439
browser_Telemetry_numberOfSiteOrigins.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 1324
browser_Telemetry_numberOfSiteOriginsPerDocument.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4171
browser_UnsubmittedCrashHandler.js This suite tests the "unsubmitted crash report" notification that is seen when we detect pending crash reports on startup. 27403
browser_urlBar_zoom.js 3595
browser_UsageTelemetry.js Get a snapshot of the scalars and check them against the provided values. 21292
browser_UsageTelemetry_content_aboutRestartRequired.js 849
browser_UsageTelemetry_domains.js Waits for the web progress listener associated with this tab to fire an onLocationChange for a non-error page. @param {xul:browser} browser A xul:browser. @return {Promise} @resolves When navigating to a non-error page. 6680
browser_UsageTelemetry_interaction.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 32812
browser_UsageTelemetry_private_and_restore.js 4867
browser_UsageTelemetry_toolbars.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 15538
browser_UsageTelemetry_uniqueOriginsVisitedInPast24Hours.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 2950
browserSidebarRevamp.toml 182
contain_iframe.html 136
file_webrtc.html 188
head.js An utility function to write some text in the search input box in a content page. @param {Object} browser The browser that contains the content. @param {String} text The string to write in the search field. @param {String} fieldName The name of the field to write to. 10057