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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
webpage-languages-window2 =
.title = Webpage Language Settings
.style = min-width: 40em
languages-close-key =
.key = w
languages-description = Web pages are sometimes offered in more than one language. Choose languages for displaying these web pages, in order of preference
languages-customize-spoof-english =
.label = Request English versions of web pages for enhanced privacy
languages-customize-moveup =
.label = Move Up
.accesskey = U
languages-customize-movedown =
.label = Move Down
.accesskey = D
languages-customize-remove =
.label = Remove
.accesskey = R
languages-customize-select-language =
.placeholder = Select a language to add…
languages-customize-add =
.label = Add
.accesskey = A
# The pattern used to generate strings presented to the user in the
# locale selection list.
# Example:
# Icelandic [is]
# Spanish (Chile) [es-CL]
# Variables:
# $locale (String) - A name of the locale (for example: "Icelandic", "Spanish (Chile)")
# $code (String) - Locale code of the locale (for example: "is", "es-CL")
languages-code-format =
.label = { $locale } [{ $code }]
languages-active-code-format =
.value = { languages-code-format.label }
browser-languages-window2 =
.title = { -brand-short-name } Language Settings
.style = min-width: 40em
browser-languages-description = { -brand-short-name } will display the first language as your default and will display alternate languages if necessary in the order they appear.
browser-languages-search = Search for more languages…
browser-languages-searching =
.label = Searching for languages…
browser-languages-downloading =
.label = Downloading…
browser-languages-select-language =
.label = Select a language to add…
.placeholder = Select a language to add…
browser-languages-installed-label = Installed languages
browser-languages-available-label = Available languages
browser-languages-error = { -brand-short-name } can’t update your languages right now. Check that you are connected to the internet or try again.